Fear Effect - Trainers City - Cheats & Soluces -

Name of the file: Fear Effect - Author: ANO

Select "Credits" at the options screen then press L1, Triangle, Up, Down, Circle(2), Triangle, Square, Right, Square.

All weapons:
Select "Credits" at the options screen then press L1, Triangle, Up, Down, Circle(2), Triangle, Square, Up, Circle.

Full ammunition:
Select "Credits" at the options screen then press L1, Triangle, Up, Down, Circle(2), Triangle, Square, Left, Triangle.

Extra ammunition:
Select "Credits" at the options screen then press L1, Triangle, Up, Down, Circle(2), Left(2), L1, L2.

One hit kill with firearms:
Select "Credits" at the options screen then press L1, Triangle, Up, Down, Circle(2), Triangle, Square, Down, R1.

One hit kill with smack-jack, knife, or brass knuckle:
Select "Credits" at the options screen then press L1, Triangle, Up, Down, Circle(2), Triangle, Square, Down, L1.

Expert mode:
Select "Credits" at the options screen then press Down(3), Triangle, Down(3), Square, Left, Right for more challenging opponents.

Rapid fire:
Select "Credits" at the options screen then press L1, Triangle, Up, Down, Circle(2), Up(3), Down.

Instant puzzle solution:
Select "Credits" at the options screen then press L1, Triangle, Up, Down, Circle(2), Down(3), Up.

Hint: Avoid damage:
Hold R2 and any direction on the D-pad and no enemies will be able to hit you.

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