MegaMan Legends - Trainers City - Cheats & Soluces -

Name of the file: MegaMan Legends - Author: ANO

Rolling invincibility:
Hold L1 or R1 and jump to roll to either side. Megaman will be momentarily invincible during this time.

Unlimited money:
Play the beast hunter game at the studio and get 4000 gold for completing grade A . Repeat this as needed to earn as much money as possible.

Locate the garbage can and pop can on the ground near the Jetlad Bakery on the Shopping Street. Kick the can into the bakery and speak to the woman inside to receive $1,000. This may be repeated to collect an unlimited amount of money.

Go to trapped boxes and shoot at them five to eight times. They will explode and result in lots of zenny. You may repeat this as many times as needed.

This trick can be done at any time after you get the Flutter, but can only be done once. Enter Roll's room. then talk to the monkey. He will say "Tell me..." and other similar things. Select "Tell me" then select "I keep losing fights..." The monkey will say "Save money etc.". and give you 100 zenny. Then, he will ask if you want more. Answer "No thanks" and he will give you 1,000 Zenny. He will ask "Do you want more". Answer "Yes" to get even more Zenny, but if you answer "No" you can keep doing this until you get all the Zenny needed.

Hard and easy difficulty modes:
Complete the game to unlock an additional option (in green) on the main menu that allows the game to be played at a more difficult level. Defeat the game under the new difficulty level to unlock another option (in yellow) that allows the game to be played at an easier difficulty level, with dash boots and full left arm weapon capability.

In easy mode, you will get the Buster Max buster part which maxes out every Buster capability. Also, Zenny found by killing Reaverbots are worth more. You also have the jet skates at the beginning of the game. The treasure chests which contain the items to make the jet skates are already open.

Control camera:
At various times during the briefing sequences, "Camera Change" and "Camera Free" will be displayed. Press Square or Triangle to change the zoom. Press Circle to change views. Press X to stop the scene.

Better scores on Beast Hunter and Balloon Fantasy:
Use the Auto Battery and plenty of Rapid parts then hold Square + R2. For Beast Hunter, use R1, R2, L1, and L2 and have good aim.

Defeating Bosses:
For any Boss, a good strategy is to equip a special weapon that you can run with while shooting, such as the Machine Buster. If possible, take a Hyper Cartridge. Run around them using the sideways run, turning to adjust your path every once in a while. Along with jumping, you should be able to avoid most of the attacks. Shoot the special weapon to wear them down, and use your Buster to finish them off. Note: If you have the Laser, it is much more useful than any other weapon. Note: If you are fighting Juno, wait until it is in the second form to use the special weapon.

Extra life:
Some opponents have small "lego men" pirates appear they are killed. To get free energy cubes, shoot the "lego man" a couple of times with the buster. Then, kick him after he's been taken care of. A life cube should appear. You can kick him about three times and it will stop.

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