Need For Speed - Trainers City - Cheats & Soluces -

Name of the file: Need For Speed - Author: ANO

Lost Vegas and rally track
Enter "TSYBNS" as a password. Then, Lost Vegas will appear as an option on the track selection menu. Press L1 + R1 while this track is highlighted in two player mode to change it to Lost Rally.

Oasis and rally tracks
Enter "TSYBNS" as a password. Then, hold L1 + R1 when a track is highlighted in the track selection menu. Rusty Springs will change to Oasis. The other tracks will remain the same except for a layer of dirt on the road.

Lunar Springs track
Enter "SPKSHC" as a password in one player tournament mode. Press Square to exit tournament mode, then enter one or two player mode. Highlight the Rusty Springs track and hold Triangle + L1 + R1 to change it to Lunar Springs.

Warrior car
Enter "TSYBNS" as a password. Then at the car selection menu, hold L1 + R1. The Warrior PTO E/2 car will now be an option. Note: This car is not available in competition mode.

All tracks and Warrior car
Enter "MQKCZL" as a password in one player tournament mode.

Arcade mode
Enter "TSYBNS" as a password. Then at the lap selection/segment view menu, hold L1 + R1. "Arcade Mode" will now be an option.

Adjust car weight
Enter "TSYBNS" as a password. Then at the car selection screen, select "Car Showcase", "Mechanical" and, "Next Slide". Press L1 to add extra weight to the front of the displayed car. Press R1 to add weight to the rear of the displayed car. The number of red triangles at each end of the car corresponds to the adjusted weight.

Machine gun
Hold L1 + Circle + Square + Up/Left immediately after selecting the opponent's car. Do not release the buttons until loading is complete. Then, use the horn to fire an invisible machine gun at any vehicles, including police cars, causing them to crash. This code can be enabled in one or two player mode.

Full screen mode
When lights at the start of the race begin the countdown, hold Down. If you entered the code correctly, the gauges will disappear from the screen. Hold Down again to restore the view.

No mercy mode
Select a two player game and press L1 + R1 on the menu with the "Head To Head" selection. In this mode, there is no oncoming traffic.

Quick resume after crash
Press L1 + R1 repeatedly.

Track Password


Game Shark Codes

Always Have Machine Gun 8010D1C4 0040
Increase Frame Advancement Rate 800DC02C 14E7
Some Background Scenery is Missing 8015461C 0001
Psycho Scenery 1 80148F80 0014
Psycho Scenery 2 8011AB6A FFFF
Menu Music is Off 800F83F8 0001
Menu Music Volume Modifier [Note] 800F83F8 ??01
Racing Music and Sound Effects are Off 800F83FA 0000
Racing Music and Sound Effects Modifier 800F83FA 00??
P1 Controller Configuration 1 8010D1A0 0000
P1 Controller Configuration 2 8010D1A0 0100
P1 Controller Configuration 3 8010D1A0 0200
P1 Controller Configuration 4 8010D1A0 0300
P1 Speed Always ?? 8011AB56 00??
P2 Controller Configuration 1 8010D1A0 0000
P2 Controller Configuration 2 8010D1A0 0100
P2 Controller Configuration 3 8010D1A0 0200
P2 Controller Configuration 4 8010D1A0 0300
P2 Speed Always ?? 80120636 00??

Note: Sound codes go from '00' to '7F'.

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