NFL Blitz - Trainers City - Cheats & Soluces -

Name of the file: NFL Blitz - Author: ANO

Cheat mode:
Press Turbo, Jump, and Pass to change the icons below the helmets on the versus screen. The numbers in the following list indicate the number of times each button is pressed. After the icons have been changed, press the D-pad in the indicated direction to enable the code. The name of the code and a sound will confirm correct code entry. Example, to enter 1-2-3 Left, press Turbo, Jump(2), Pass(3), Left.

Effect Code
Super field goals 1-2-3 Left
Allow stepping OB 2-1-1 Left
Power-up blockers 3-1-2 Left
Fast passes 2-5-0 Left
Super passing1 4-2-3 Right
Turn off stadium 5-0-0 Left
Late hits 0-1-0 Up
Huge head 0-4-0 Up
No first downs 2-1-0 Up
No interceptions 3-4-4 Up
No punting 1-5-1 Up
Infinite turbo 5-1-4 Up
Super blitzing 0-4-5 Up
Power-up teammates 2-3-3 Up
Power-up defense 4-2-1 Up
Fog on 0-3-0 Down
Thick fog on 0-4-1 Down
Show field goal % 0-0-1 Down
No random fumbles 4-2-3 Down
Hide receiver name 1-0-2 Right
Big football 0-5-0 Right
Team tiny players 3-1-0 Right
Team big players 1-4-1 Right
Team big heads 2-0-3 Right
Big head 2-0-0 Right
No play selection1 1-1-5 Left
Show more field1 0-2-1 Right
No CPU assistance1 0-1-2 Down
Power-up speed1 4-0-4 Left
Tournament mode2 1-1-1 Down
Smart CPU opponent3 3-1-4 Down
No head 3-2-1 Left
Weather: clear 2-1-2 Left
Weather: snow 5-2-5 Down
Weather: rain 5-5-5 Right
Power-up offense 3-1-2 Up
Invisible receiver highlight 3-3-3 Left
Headless team 1-2-3 Right
Night game 2-2-2 Right
Fast turbo running 0-3-2 Left
Invisible 4-3-3 Up
Hyper blitz1 5-5-5 Up

1. Two player agreement required.
2. Only in two-player game.
3. Only in one-player game.

On-side kick:
Hold Turbo + Jump + Pass + Up after scoring.
Extra blocker:
Hold Turbo + Jump + Pass while hiking the ball.

Hide plays:
Press Up(2) at the play selection screen to remove the pointer.

Random team:
Press Analog-stick Left + Z at the team selection screen.

Easy 90 rating at the end of the season:
Run the ball most of the time and get good runs. Pass every once in a while, but try to limit your play selection to runs.

Onside kick:
Get a touchdown, then do any of the conversions that are available. Immediately after that, hold X + Square + R1 + Up. If you are lucky, when you tackle the opponent they may fumble the ball

Hidden players:
Select the "Enter Name For Record Keeping" option and enter one of the following player names and PIN numbers. The phrase "Lights out, baby" will be spoken to confirm correct code entry.

Name PIN number
ALLEN 7911
AZPOD 4777
BERT 8735
BRIAN 2221
BYRON 1969
DAVID 3456
FRANC 1221
FRANZ 8421
JOVE 6644
SKULL 1111
BRAIN 1111
JUAN 6521
THUG 1111

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