Robot Wars - Trainers City - Cheats & Soluces -

Name of the file: Robot Wars - Author: ANO

All Robots, Arenas, Trophies, Lots of Credits
Login as 'JPEARCE'.

To unlock Firestorm, Razor and Behemoth
To unlock Firestorm - Win The Hamburg Heavyweight (Germany)
To unlock Razor - Win The Nerves Of Steel (New York)
To unlock Behemoth - Russian Rampage (Siberia)

To Unlock Mortis
To unlock the 40,000 credit valued robot, the best in the game, win the Liberty Lightweight Cup, in the North America Arena with a Lightweight Robot, purchased from the existing robot list.

To Unlock Panic Attack
To unlock Panic Attack - Win Scrapyard Challenge (Sao Paulo)

Unlock the following Robots:
Chaos 2: Win the Robot Wars World Championship Tournament.
Hypnodisc: Win the Flip Frenzy Tournament with Chaos 2.

Unlockable robot
By winning the robot wars championship you will unlock a robot called THOR.

Switch robots:
Select "War Zone" at the main menu and choose any robot. After winning a match, the game will display your upcoming opponent. Press Select + A to play as your opponent against the robot that you last defeated

Kilamanjaro level:
Win the Robot Wars Championship (which also unlocks Chaos 2) to unlock the bonus Kilamanjaro level. Note: The Siberia level must already be unlocked.

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