NBA 2K10 - Wii - Trainers City - Cheats & Soluces -

Name of the file: NBA 2K10 - Wii - Author: ANO

Cheat mode
Select "Options" at the main menu, then "Codes". Select the "Enter Code" option, then enter one of the following passwords to activate the corresponding cheat function.

2K Sports team
Enter 2ksports as a password.

NBA 2K Development team
Enter nba2k as a password.

Visual Concepts team
Enter vcteam as a password.

ABA ball
Enter payrespect as a password.

Mavericks, Rockets, Grizzlies, Hawks secondary road jerseys
Enter eydonscar as a code.

Blazers "Rip City" jersey
Enter ycprtii as a code.

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