Dragon Ball : Revenge of King Piccolo - Wii - Trainers City - Cheats & Soluces -

Name of the file: Dragon Ball : Revenge of King Piccolo - Wii - Author: ANO

Unlockable: Characters
The following characters can be unlocked by performing the actions below.
* Akkuman - Collect all treasure in stage 6
* Arale - Collect all the treasure, then get S rank on all stages
* Blue - Collect all treasure in stage 3
* Drum - Collect all the treasure, then get S rank on 10 stages
* Great Demon King Piccolo (old) - Collect all the treasure, then get S rank on 15 stages
* Great Demon King Piccolo (young) - Collect all the treasure, then get S rank on 20 stages
* Mummy Boy - Collect all treasure in stage 6
* Murasaki - Collect all treasure in stage 2
* Son Gohan - Collect all treasure in stage 6
* Tambourine - Beat the game
* Tao Baibai - Collect all treasure in stage 4

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