Atsumare! Pinata - Xbox 360 - Trainers City - Cheats & Soluces -

Name of the file: Atsumare! Pinata - Xbox 360 - Author: ANO

Cheat Codes

Bonus accessories
Enter chewnicorn as a name for a new garden. Five bonus accessories will be available at the Pet shop.

Enter Bullseye as a name for a new garden to will unlock new items that your Pinatas can wear.

Enter goobaa as a name for a new garden to will unlock new items that your Pinatas can wear.

Enter Kittyfloss as a name for YMCA gear.


Complete the following achievements to unlock Xbox Live Gamerscore points.
Challenger (20 points): Successfully completed 5 Factory requests.
Master Challenger (20 points): Successfully completed 20 Factory requests.
Romancer (20 points): Become Master Romancer for 5 species.
Master Romancer (20 points): Become Master Romancer for 20 species.
Collector (20 points): Made 5 species resident.
Master Collector (20 points): Made 50 species resident.
Longevity (20 points): Played the game for 10 hours (real time).
Garden Value (20 points): Garden worth 25,000 chocolate coins.
Garden Value Master (20 points): Garden worth 100,000 chocolate coins.
Piņata Value (20 points): One Piņata worth 5,000 chocolate coins.
Piņata Value Master (20 points): One Piņata worth 10,000 chocolate coins.
Green Fingers (20 points): Grown 5 plants to maturity.
Master Green Fingers (20 points): Grown 25 plants to maturity.
Wealthy (20 points): Player has 25,000 chocolate coins.
Label Designer (20 points): Made a Custom Label.
Piņata Name Caller (20 points): Named a Piņata.
Helper Name Caller (20 points): Named a Helper.
Talent (20 points): Reach Level 10.
Master Talent (20 points): Reach Level 50.
Wealth Master (20 points): Have 100,000 chocolate coins.

Additionally there are 30 secret achievements.

Land Owner (20 points): Garden size increased once.
Sour Tower (20 points): Tower of Sour has two pieces.
Sprinkling (20 points): Employ a Sprinkling.
Super Shovel (20 points): All the Shovel Head upgrades.
Taffly Fertilizer (20 points): Make fertilizer with the Taffly.
Master Land Owner (20 points): Garden size at maximum.
Watchling (20 points): Employ a Watchling.
Diggerling (20 points): Employ a Diggerling.
Shovel Strength (20 points): All Shovel Handle upgrades.
Weedling (20 points): Employ a Weedling.
Gatherling (20 points): Employ a Gatherling.
Variants (20 points): Make five variant Piņatas.
Harvester (20 points): Collect produce from a Buzzlegum, Moozipan or Goobaa.
Master Sour Tower (20 points): Tower of Sour has six pieces.
Generosity (20 points): Turn the Beggar into a Trader.
Watering Can Do (20 points): All Watering Can upgrades.
Cluckles Hatches Egg (20 points): Hatch an egg using the Cluckles.
Evolver (20 points): Evolve two species.
Horticulturist (20 points): Full bonus growth for 5 plants.
Crowla Delay (20 points): Distract Dastardos with the Crowla.
Variants Master (20 points): Make 20 variant Piņatas.
Pigxie Prize (20 points): Cross Romancing a Swanana and a Rashberry.
Macaracoon Gift (20 points): Get brought a Romance Sweet by a Macaracoon.
Longevity Master (20 points): Play for 50 hours real time.
Sherbat Dance (20 points): Distract Dastardos with the Sherbat.
Master Evolver (20 points): Evolve eight species.
Cocoadile Tears (20 points): Attain full bonus growth for a plant using the Cocoadile tears.
Master Horticulturist (20 points): Full bonus growth for 25 plants.
Mallowolf Howl (20 points): Use the Mallowolf to scare off Ruffians.
Chewnicorn Healing (20 points): Heal a Piata with the Chewnicorn's power.

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