Resistance : Fall of Man - PS3

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Resistance : Fall of Man - PS3
Name of the file: Resistance : Fall of Man - PS3 - Author: ANO - [PS3]

Bonus weapons
Successfully complete the game on the Medium difficulty setting to unlock the Reaper and Splitter. The Reaper is found near the beginning of the first level when you start a new game. The Splitter fires a salvo of large rockets. The secondary fire splits each rocket into a wall of mini-rockets. It is similar to the R.Y.N.O. from the original Ratchet And Clank.

Skill Points list

Reading Is Fun!: Collect 10 Intelligence Reports.
Chicks Dig Eyestrain: Collect 20 Intelligence Reports.
Too Many Secrets: Collect all Intelligence Reports.
In For a Penny...: Kill 3 Hybrids with a single grenade.
Fetch: Kill a Howler with a grenade.
Acupuncture Is Cheaper: Kill 3 enemies at once with the Hedgehog.
Why Are These Candles Screaming?: Unknown
Lovely Parting Gifts: Unknown
Tag, You're It: Kill 5 enemies with the Bullseye in 30 seconds.
Gasping for Air: Kill 2 Hybrids in a level only after severing all of their hoses.
Nowhere to Hide: Kill 5 enemies in a level by shooting them through a wall with the Auger.
Twirly-Whirly: Unknown
Turrets: Kill 6 enemies with the Chimeran Sentry gun.
Mechanical Thumbs: Unknown

Supersonic Meat Cubes: Kill 3 Leapers with a Frag grenade.
Homing Beacons: Kill 4 Hybrids with the Bullseye.
Chimera P

View: 6203 times
Updated: 2006.11.30

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