Name of the file: Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Vegas 2 - PS3 - Author: ANO - [PS3] |
M468 assault rifle Hold R1 and press Up, Triangle, Down, X, Left, Square, Right, Circle, Left(2), Right, Square at the title screen. This is a 6.8mm assault rifle. It is a high powered weapon and fires 750 rounds per minute. This weapon has an effective combat range of 600m, is ideal for defeating armored targets, and is best suited for long range encounters. TAR21 assault rifle Hold R1 and press Down(2), Up(2), Square, Circle, Square, Circle, Triangle, Up(2), Triangle at the title screen. This is a 5.56mm assault rifle. It is compact and accurate and fires 850 rounds per minute. This weapon is ideal for Close Quarter Combat and is an excellent choice for a close range assault weapon. One hit kills Note: This code only works in Terrorist Hunt mode. Press Start to pause game play, then hold R1 and press L3, R3, L3, R3, X, Circle, L3, R3, L3, R3, Square, Triangle. Super ragdoll effects Note: This code only works in Terrorist Hunt mode. Press Start to pause game play, then hold R1 and press X(2), Circle(2), Square(2), Triangle(2), X, Circle, Square, Triangle. Third person view Note: This code only works in Terrorist Hunt mode. Press Start to pause game play, then hold R1 and press Square, Circle, Square, Circle, L3(2), Triangle, X, Triangle, X, R3(2). Laser bullets Host an online game. Press Start during game play, then hold R1 and press L3(2), X, R3(2), Circle, L3(2), Square, R3(2), Triangle. Bullets from Alpha team/Rainbow will be blue lasers, while those from Bravo Team/terrorists will be red lasers. Big head mode Note: This code only works in Terrorist Hunt mode. Press Start to pause game play, then hold R1 and press Circle, Square, X, Triangle, L3, Triangle, X, Square, Circle, R3. Comcast Optimized multi-player map Select the "Extras" option at the main menu. Select the "Comcast Gift" option, then enter Comcast Faster as a case-sensitive password on the virtual keyboard to unlock the "Comcast Optimized" multi-player map. Unlockables Prequel bonus Have a saved game file from Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Vegas with an "Elite rank". When starting a new game in Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Vegas 2 you will be given 2,500 experience points, the ballistic face mask, and flight helmet. Marksman bonuses Reach the indicated level to unlock the corresponding bonus. Level 1: 250 experience points Level 2: SV 98 Sniper Rifle Level 3: 500 experience points Level 4: TAR21 Assault rifle Level 5: 750 experience points Level 6: M468 Assault Rifle Level 7: 1,000 experience points Level 8: 92FS Pistol Level 9: 1,500 experience points Level 10: M40A1 Sniper Rifle Level 11: 2,000 experience points Level 12: AUG A3 Assault Rifle Level 13: 2,500 experience points Level 14: PSG1 Sniper Rifle Level 15: 3,000 experience points Level 16: M8 Assault Rifle Level 17: 4,000 experience points Level 18: L85A2 Assault Rifle Level 19: 5,000 experience points Level 20: L96 Arctic Warfare Sniper Rifle CQB bonuses Reach the indicated level to unlock the corresponding bonus. Level 1: 250 experience points Level 2: SPAS 12 Shotgun Level 3: 500 experience points Level 4: UMP 45 SMG Level 5: 750 experience points Level 6: XM29 L5S Shotgun Level 7: 1,000 experience points Level 8: Glock 18 Pistol Level 9: 1,500 experience points Level 10: P90 Level 11: 2,000 experience points Level 12: MP7A1 SMG Level 13: 2,500 experience points Level 14: Skorpion VZ83 SMG Level 15: 3,000 experience points Level 16: Type 95 SMG Level 17: 4,000 experience points Level 18: AUG PARA Assault Rifle Level 19: 5,000 experience points Level 20: 500 Tactical Shotgun Assault bonuses Reach the indicated level to unlock the corresponding bonus. Level 1: 250 experience points Level 2: 21E LMG Level 3: 500 experience points Level 4: Desert Eagle Pistol Level 5: 750 experience points Level 6: G3KA4 Assault Rifle Level 7: 1,000 experience points Level 8: MG36 LMG Level 9: 1,500 experience points Level 10: Raging Bull Pistol Level 11: 2,000 experience points Level 12: AKS 74U Assault Rifle Level 13: 2,500 experience points Level 14: M249 SAW Level 15: 3,000 experience points Level 16: FNC Assault Rifle Level 17: 4,000 experience points Level 18: AK 47 Assault Rifle Level 19: 5,000 experience points Level 20: Shield |
View: 5769 times |
Updated: 2008.06.30 |
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