Leisure Suit Larry : Box Office Bust - PS3

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Leisure Suit Larry : Box Office Bust - PS3
Name of the file: Leisure Suit Larry : Box Office Bust - PS3 - Author: ANO - [PS3]


Complete the following tasks to unlock PlayStation3 trophy rewards.

Cupid Sniper (Bronze): Complete the Larry Get Your Gun mission.
Dead Beat (Bronze): Complete the Army of the Dead mission.
Shuffle the Deck (Bronze): Complete the Shuffleboard mission.
Best Newcomer (Bronze): Collect a total of 10 Larry Awards.
Gymnastic Larry (Bronze): Perform 3 consecutive wall jumps.
Well Hung (Bronze): Perform 3 consecutive ledge jumps.
Fashionista Award (Bronze): Accumulate a wardrobe of 6 outfits.
Broadcasting on Top of the world (Bronze): Reach the highest point in Laffer Studio.
Three Bulls (Bronze): 3 consecutive Bulls-eyes in the Shuffleboard mini-game.
Car Surfin' (Bronze): Stand 50 seconds on the roof of a moving car.
Carjacker (Bronze): ‘Hijack’ 50 vehicles.
Demolition Boy (Bronze): Destroy three vehicles within 60 seconds of each other.
Le Manns (Bronze): Drive in vehicles for a total of 3 hours while playing the game.
Rookie Award (Bronze): Complete the game's first Mission.
A Fistful of Larrys (Silver): Complete the game’s Wild West Dreamscape.
Chamone (Silver): Complete the game’s Horror Dreamscape.
The Ship of Dreams (Silver): Complete the game’s Bytanic Dreamscape.
Larry Scores (Silver): Achieve a total score of 2800 on Shuffleboard.
Networking Socialite (Silver): Meet every principle character in the game.
Best Supporting Actor (Silver): Collect a total of 50 Larry Awards.
Hot Foot Award (Silver): Travel 100 miles on foot.
Road Tripping (Silver): Drive 400 miles.
Pedal to the Metal (Silver): Complete all Races.
Suits you Sir (Silver): Use all unlockable costumes during the same mission.
The End (Gold): Complete all the game’s the main story missions.
Best Actor (Gold): Collect a total of 100 Larry Awards.
Old Silver Tongue Award (Gold): Complete 4 Director Games successfully.
Mr Lover-man (Gold): Complete all seduction games.
Speed (Gold): Complete the game in under 8 hours.
Movie Mogul (Platinum): To unlock this trophy you must unlock every other trophy in the game.

View: 5653 times
Updated: 2009.05.17

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