Disgaea 3 : Absence of Justice - PS3

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Disgaea 3 : Absence of Justice - PS3
Name of the file: Disgaea 3 : Absence of Justice - PS3 - Author: ANO - [PS3]

Secret character classes
Reach the following goals to unlock the corresponding character class.
Berserker: Level 40 Heavy Knight and level 40 Monster Tamer.
Cheerleader (Idol): Level 25 Geo Master and level 25 Healer.
Female Archer: Level 15 Female Fighter and level 15 Female Healer.
Female Ninja: Level 30 Female Monk and level 30 Female Magician.
Female Samurai: Level 35 Female Fighter and level 35 Female Archer.
Geo Master: Level 20 Fist Fighter and level 20 Healer.
Gunner Female: Level 15 Female Thief and level 15 Mage.
Gunner Male: Level 15 Thief and level 15 Male Mage.
Heavy Knight: Level 15 Male Fighter and level 15 Fist Fighter.
Magic Knight: Level 25 Fighter and level 25 Mage.
Majin: Complete the tutorial again on a cleared saved game file.
Male Archer: Level 15 Male Fighter and level 15 Male Healer.
Male Ninja: Level 30 Male Monk and level 30 Male Magician.
Male Samurai: Level 35 Male Fighter and level 35 Male Archer.
Masked Hero: Level 45 Thief and level 45 Gunner.
Monster Tamer: Level 15 Female Fighter and level 15 Fist Fighter.
Ninja Female: Level 30 Female Fist Fighter and level 30 Mage.
Ninja Male: Level 30 Male Fist Fighter and level 30 Mage.
Shaman: Level 25 Geo Master and level 25 Mage.
Star Mage Female: Level 50 female Mage.
Star Mage Male: Level 50 male Mage.

Guest characters
Successfully complete the game then complete the indicated map to unlock the corresponding character.
Asagi: Extra map 4
Axel: Extra map 6
Laharl, Etna, and Flonne: Extra map 7
Marona: Extra map 5
Master Big Star: Extra map 1
Prism Red: Extra map 3
Salvatore: Extra map 2

Alternate endings
Complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding ending.
Almaz : Win stage 8-4 with Almaz alone then the following battle.
Human World : Kill at least 99 allies and complete two alternate stages by stage 7-6.
Laharl : Go to the homeroom, propose "Watch a New Ending", and complete the stage.
Mao's Ambition : Complete stage 1-9 on the second or higher cycle before stage 4-4.
Normal : Do not qualify for any other ending.
Raspberyl 1: Lose against Raspberyl on stage 1-5.
Raspberyl 2: Lose against Raspberyl on stage 2-1.
Super Hero : Defeat the final boss with Mao at level 500 or higher.

Complete the following tasks to unlock PlayStation3 trophy rewards.

10 Block Combo (Bronze): Get a Geo Chain of more then ten color changes.
10 Piece Combo Meal (Bronze): Defeat an enemy with 10 combos or more.
100,000,000 Damage Pyramid (Bronze): Do over 100,000,000 damage.
4.0 GPA (Platinum): Get all other trophies.
ABC's of Hitting (Bronze): Get hit by ABC Gum. Keep talking to the Prinny statue at the HQ.
Attack of the Counter 9 (Bronze): Do 9 counters in a row.
Axel's Rose (Bronze): Find Axel in the Item World.
Capture Enemy (Bronze): Capture an enemy during battle.
Carnagenist (Gold): Beat floors 1 to 100 in a Land of Carnage Item World without exiting.
Cinco de Panelo (Bronze): Get a Geo Chain of more then five color changes.
Combo No. 255 (Bronze): Achieve 255 turn stationary bonus.
Consult Your Physician (Bronze): Play for over 10 hours without stopping.
Defeat [Asian Pirates] (Bronze): Find and defeat Asian Pirates in Item World 51+.
Defeat [Baal Pirates] (Silver): Find and defeat Baal Pirates in LoC Item World 91+.
Defeat [Boney Pirates] (Bronze): Find and defeat Boney Pirates in Item World 81+.
Defeat [Cheerates] (Bronze): Find and defeat Cheerates (Pirates) in Item World 41+.
Defeat [Cowboy Pirates] (Bronze): Find and defeat Cowboy Pirates in Item World 41+.
Defeat [Diez Gents Pirates] (Silver): Find and defeat Diez Gents Pirates in LoC Item World 91+.
Defeat [Donna x2 Pirates] (Bronze): Find and defeat Donna x2 Pirates in Item World 31+.
Defeat [Element Pirates] (Bronze): Find and defeat Element Pirates in Item World 81+.
Defeat [Eryngi Pirates] (Bronze): Find and defeat Eryngi Pirates in Item World 31+.
Defeat [Garden Pirates] (Bronze): Find and defeat Garden Pirates in Item World 71+.
Defeat [Ghost Pirates] (Bronze): Find and defeat Ghost Pirates in Item World 61+
Defeat [Horizon Pirates] (Bronze): Find and defeat Horizon Pirates in Item World 61+.
Defeat [Kit Cat Pirates] (Bronze): Find and defeat Kit Cat Pirates in Item World 81+.
Defeat [Lucky Pirates] (Bronze): Find and defeat Lucky Pirates in Item World 41+.
Defeat [Pirate Cleaners] (Bronze): Find and defeat Pirate Cleaners (Pirates) in Item World 51+.
Defeat [Pirate Club] (Bronze): Find and defeat Pirate Club (Pirates) in Item World 71+.
Defeat [Prinny Pirates] (Silver): Find and defeat Prinny Pirates in Item World 91+.
Defeat [Red Pirates] (Bronze): Find and defeat Red Pirates in Item World 91+.
Defeat [Shinsenhumi] (Bronze): Find and defeat Shinsengumi (Pirates) in Item World 91+.
Defeat [Sports Pirates] (Bronze): Find and defeat Sports Pirates in Item World 51+.
Defeat [UFO Pirates (?)] (Bronze): Find and defeat UFO Pirates (?) in Item World 71+.
Defeat [UFO?] (Bronze): Find and defeat UFO? (Pirates) in Item World 21+.
Defeat [Wise Innocents] (Bronze): Find and defeat Wise Innocents (Pirates) in Item World 21+.
Defeat [Z Pirates] (Bronze): Find and defeat Z Pirates in Item World 61+
Item Warrior (Bronze): Beat floors 1 to 100 in an Item World without exiting.
Jumptastic! (Bronze): Jump inside Evil Academy 100 times.
Magichangician (Bronze): Magichange 5 times in a battle.
Obey the Cat God (Bronze): Find Corsica's Tower (Mystery Room) and talk to Corsica.
Persuade by Force (Bronze): Force the Student Council to approve your Home Room request.
Receive 4, Move 20 (Bronze): Cover a distance of 20 panels with 4 consecutive receives.
Receive 9, Move 60 (Bronze): Cover a distance of 60 panels with 9 consecutive receives.
Reverse Bandit (Bronze): Collect all chests while Reverse Pirating.
Reverse Robber (Silver): Collect all innocents while Reverse Pirating.
Reverse Viking (Gold): Collect all innocents, treasures, and level spheres while Reverse Pirating.
The Ten Billion Damage Man (Gold): Do over 10,000,000,000 damage.
The Ten Towers (Bronze): Defeat an enemy with a 10 story tower.
Treasure Raider (Bronze): Find the Treasure Room (Mystery Room) and get all chests.
Trophy Shop Trophy (Silver): Get a Trophy from the Trophy Shop in 91+ Item World.
Who Wants to be a Milliondamagaire (Bronze): Do over 1,000,000 damage.

View: 5035 times
Updated: 2009.11.16

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