Damnation - PS3

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Damnation - PS3
Name of the file: Damnation - PS3 - Author: ANO - [PS3]

Bonus weapon
Enter BlowOffSomeSteam as a code at the "Unlockables" menu. The weapon is a gun with a blade attached to the bottom of the barrel that kills in one hit.

All weapons
Enter LockNLoadAll as a code at the "Unlockables" menu.

Custom characters
Enter PeoplePerson as a code at the "Unlockables" menu.

Custom loadout
Enter LockNLoad as a code at the "Unlockables" menu.

Insane difficulty
Enter Revenant as a code at the "Unlockables" menu.

Big head mode
Enter LincolnsTopHat as a code at the "Unlockables" menu.

Emblem locations
There are a total of twenty emblems.
* On the ground floor of the buildings in the back of where you fight the first set of enemies.
* In the mines, on the second floor of the house after you climb up the chain holding a large crate or the series of wooden molding.
* Once outside, in the single story building near the billboard that is shot down before the second driving sequence.
* At the back of the domed structures before taking the zip line to the roof near the conveyor belt.
Mesa Dorado
* After dismounting the bike at the end of the first driving sequence, inside the building to the left before climbing onto the plateau with the artillery.
* After the second driving sequence, on the ground floor of the tall building to the left when overlooking the next area from the top of the canal wall.
* Once in the interior, on the ground floor of the building after the ladder beside the waterwheel and before the rope bridge.
* To the right of where you start the turret fight with Selena.
* Once outside again, on the second floor of the building on the right, inside the cavern after the gondola.
Convoy Chase
* Halfway through the driving sequence, after dropping the totem segment onto the bridge, located behind the totem pole to the left after driving up the newly made ramp.
* Once outside, near the back side of the area with the square pools and four lantern holding statues (after the spiral staircase and before the gondola).
* During the fight with Dayden, on the second floor of the building in the middle of this area.
Terra Verte
* To the left of the statue before entering the city gates.
* On the way to the top of the governor's mansion, inside the floor where the metal stairs begin. Go to the left of the building near the windows.
* In the glass building opposite the Waterworks building.
* Once inside the Waterworks building, on the ground level opposite the entrance to this building.
PSI Complex
* At the end of the driving sequence, to the right of the elevator.
* After walking up the conveyor belt, in the second floor of the building to the left after the ladder.
* Once inside the base of Prescott's tower, behind the elevator.
* After exiting the elevator into the fight with Prescott's, inside the smaller building to the right.

Hidden multi-player map weapons
Boiler Room: An Arrow rifle can be found bottom middle on the boiler.
Broken Home: A Revenant gun is located on the middle bridge.
Cathedral: A Revenant gun and grenades are at the bottom middle of the map.
Cave In: Check around the platforms in the middle of the map to find an Arrow rifle.
PSI Topside: There are sniper rifles hidden around the map.
Shaft: Battle to the bottom of the map to obtain a Arrow rifle.
Shaman: Look around the center totem, there may be something hidden in the tall grass.
Town Hall: The bridge below the roof gap has a Revenant gun.

Complete the following tasks to unlock PlayStation3 trophy rewards. Enabling cheat codes does not prevent trophies from becoming unlocked.
Arrowtree - Casual (Bronze): Complete Arrowtree on Casual.
Arrowtree - Hardcore (Silver): Complete Arrowtree on Hardcore.
Arrowtree - Insane (Gold): Complete Arrowtree on Insane.
Boomtown - Casual (Bronze): Complete Boomtown on Casual.
Boomtown - Hardcore (Silver): Complete Boomtown on Hardcore.
Boomtown - Insane (Gold): Complete Boomtown on Insane.
Double Time (Bronze): Complete any chapter after Arrowtree in Co-op on any difficulty
Dumb Luck (Bronze): Kill 5 enemies at once with explosive damage.
Emblematic (Gold): Collected 20 Emblems.
Finders Keepers (Silver): Collect 10 Emblems.
Found It! (Bronze): Collect 1 Emblem.
Free Style Walker (Bronze): Chain together any 3 physical abilities in 5 seconds or less.
Master Of All (Platinum): Unlock all Damnation Trophies to unlock this Platinum Trophy.
Mesa Dorado - Casual (Bronze): Complete Mesa Dorado on Casual.
Mesa Dorado - Hardcore (Silver): Complete Mesa Dorado on Hardcore.
Mesa Dorado - Insane (Gold): Complete Mesa Dorado on Insane.
Peacemaker (Gold): Complete the Game on Hardcore.
Pedestrian Crossing (Bronze): Kill 20 enemies with a vehicle.
People Skills (Silver): Complete the game in Co-op on any difficulty.
Pyro (Bronze): Kill 20 enemies with explosive damage.
Revenant (Gold): Complete the Game on Insane.
Skeet Shooter (Bronze): Shoot 25 Trip Mines out of the air.
Sniper (Bronze): Get 20 Headshots.
Terra Verte - Casual (Bronze): Complete Terra Verte on Casual.
Terra Verte - Hardcore (Silver): Complete Terra Verte on Hardcore.
Terra Verte - Insane (Gold): Complete Terra Verte on Insane.
Trooper (Silver): Complete the Game on Casual.
Wall Jumper (Bronze): Successfully wall-jump 100 times.
Where'd They Come From? (Bronze): Kill 20 enemies without alerting them.

View: 5466 times
Updated: 2009.12.15

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