Cabela's Outdoor Adventures - PS3

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Cabela's Outdoor Adventures - PS3
Name of the file: Cabela's Outdoor Adventures - PS3 - Author: ANO - [PS3]

Easy "100% Integrity" achievement or trophy
Hunt every animal using the best gun for that type. Try to hit it in the lung or heart. If unsuccessful on your first attempt, restart the hunt.

Easy "Gun Collectors" achievement or trophy
Hunt caribou. They are easiest to catch on foot if your first shot does not drop them. No bows are required. Use the hand gun and all three shotguns.

Complete the following tasks to unlock PlayStation3 trophy rewards.
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Greenhorn (Bronze): Complete first hunt from the game.
Fisherman (Bronze): Complete first fishing challenge from the game.
Call Novice (Bronze): Make 1 good call.
Tracking Novice (Bronze): Examine 1 animal mark.
Casting Novice (Bronze): Make 1 good cast.
Merciful Hunter (Bronze): Hunt 5 Big Game Animals using one shot per animal .
Rifle Mastery (Bronze): Hunt 10 animals using the rifle.
Moose Trophy Hunter (Bronze): Hunt 1 Moose in Trophy Chase mode.
Call Expert (Bronze): Make 5 good calls.
Efficient Hunter (Bronze): Hunt 10 Big Game Animals using one shot per animal .
Tracking Expert (Bronze): Examine 5 animal marks.
Casting Expert (Bronze): Make 5 good casts.
Handgun Mastery (Bronze): Hunt 5 animals using the handgun.
Whitetail Trophy Hunter (Bronze): Hunt 1 Whitetail Deer in Trophy Chase mode.
Columbian Blacktail Trophy Hunter (Bronze): Hunt 1 Columbian Blacktail Deer in Trophy Chase mode.
Coues Trophy Hunter (Bronze): Hunt 1 Coues Deer in Trophy Chase mode.
Sitka Blacktail Trophy Hunter (Bronze): Hunt 1 Sitka Blacktail Deer in Trophy Chase mode.
Rocky Mountain Mule Deer Trophy Hunter (Bronze): Hunt 1 Rocky Mountain Mule Deer in Trophy Chase mode.
Elk Trophy Hunter (Bronze): Hunt 1 Elk in Trophy Chase mode.
Mountain Goat Trophy Hunter (Bronze): Hunt 1 Mountain Goat in Trophy Chase mode.
Caribou Trophy Hunter (Bronze): Hunt 1 Caribou in Trophy Chase mode.
Pronghorn Antelope Trophy Hunter (Bronze): Hunt 1 Pronghorn Antelope in Trophy Chase mode.
Desert Bighorn Sheep Trophy Hunter (Bronze): Hunt 1 Desert Bighorn Sheep in Trophy Chase mode.
Marksman (Bronze): Hunt 20 Big Game Animals using one shot per animal .
Call Master (Bronze): Make 20 good calls.
Tracking Master (Bronze): Examine 10 animal marks.
Notorious Hunter (Bronze): Complete all optional hunts within at least one region.
Casting Master (Bronze): Make 20 good casts.
Integrity (Bronze): Hunt 10 trophies with 100% trophy integrity.
Opportunistic Hunter (Bronze): Explore and complete all the opportunity hunts.
Bow Mastery (Bronze): Hunt 5 animals using the bow.
Guns Collector (Bronze): Hunt animals using all guns from the game.
Old School Hunter (Bronze): Hunt 10 Big Game Animals using iron sights.
Quick Hunter (Bronze): Hunt 10 animals from the hip.
Shotgun Mastery (Silver): Hunt 20 birds using the shotgun.
Pheasant Hunter (Silver): Complete all Pheasant hunts.
Turkey Hunter (Silver): Complete all Turkey hunts.
Kansas Hunter (Gold): Complete Kansas region.
Idaho Hunter (Gold): Complete Idaho region.
British Columbia Hunter (Gold): Complete British Columbia region.
Alaska Hunter (Gold): Complete Alaska region.
Trophy Seeker (Gold): Gather 200 Trophy points.
Platinum (Platinum): Awarded when all other trophies have been unlocked.

View: 5481 times
Updated: 2010.03.17

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