World Soccer Winning Eleven 2010 - PS3

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World Soccer Winning Eleven 2010 - PS3
Name of the file: World Soccer Winning Eleven 2010 - PS3 - Author: ANO - [PS3]

Complete the following tasks to unlock PlayStation3 trophy rewards.
First Glory (Bronze): Awarded for your first win.
Winning Streak (Bronze): Awarded for winning 10 consecutive matches.
Come From Behind (Bronze): A title awarded when you come from behind and win.
Last-minute Win (Bronze): A title awarded when you score the winning goal in extra time.
World Tour (Bronze): Awarded for playing at all the stadiums.
Gentleman (Bronze): Awarded for an average foul rate of less than 1 per match in your 10 most recent matches.
Possession Play (Bronze): Awarded for achieving a possession rate of 60% or higher in your 10 most recent matches.
League Title (Bronze): A title awarded for winning one of the top leagues in (Master League)
European Elite 16 (Bronze): A title awarded for making the Knockout Stage of the UEFA Champions League in (Master League).
Pro Debut (Bronze): A title awarded when you make your Become a Legend pro debut.
International Cup Debut (Bronze): A title awarded when you play in the Become a Legend International Cup.
Winning Streak(Online) (Bronze): Awarded when you have 5 successful Ranking Match wins in the Online.
Hat-trick Hero (Silver): Awarded for scoring 5 hat-tricks.
Ace Striker (Silver): Awarded for playing 20 matches, scoring in recent 5, averaging 2 goals per match.
FK Specialist (Silver): A title awarded when you score 5 direct free-kicks.
Conquered Europe (Silver): A title awarded when you win the Master League UEFA Champions League.
No. 1 Club (Silver): Awarded for topping the Club Ranking in Master League.
European Footballer of the Year (Silver): Awarded if a member of your team wins the European Footballer of the Year in Master League.
10 years of Service (Silver): A title to honour 10 years of service in Master League.
International Cup MVP (Silver): A title awarded when you receive the Become a Legend International Cup Player of the Tournament.
Wanderer (Silver): A title awarded when you play have played for 10 clubs in total in 4 countries in Become a Legend.
High Win Ratio(Online) (Silver): Awarded when you achieve a win ratio above 75% in Last 20 results of Online.
Made the Knockout Stage (Silver): A title awarded for making the Knockout Stage of the UEFA Champions League.
Lone Ranger (Gold): A title awarded when you score from 35m or more.
World Champions (Gold): Awarded for winning the Konami Cup in Master League.
Perfect Season (Gold): Awarded for an undefeated season in Master League winning League, Cup and UEFA Champions League.
The Super Hero (Gold): Won both World Footballer of the Year and European Footballer of the Year titles in Become a Legend.
European Champions (Gold): A title awarded when you win the UEFA Champions League.
Ultimate Player (Platinum): Ultimate Trophy Collector.

Two Luques
Luque joined Malaga from Ajax, but he is already in Malaga as a midfielder and also in Ajax as a striker.

Complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding team.
Classic Argentina: Win the International Cup as Argentina.
Classic Brazil: Win the International Cup as Brazil.
Classic England: Win the International Cup as England.
Classic France: Win the International Cup as France.
Classic Germany: Win the International Cup as Germany.
Classic Italy: Win the International Cup as Italy.
Classic Netherlands: Win the International Cup as The Netherlands.

Renewing contracts
Renew contracts in January. Go to "My Team" and scroll through the players. You will see the players whose contracts need renewing.

Free agents
In February players who do not want to renew contracts are free. Go to advanced search and enter 1 to 1 for the number of years left on contract. The players on the search result are free agents.

Youth team
Set your Youth Team level to 5. The next year in Master League you will have at least two stars in your youth team. For example, as Barcelona the youth team spotted Klasnic 16 and Amanatidis 18. Other teams also have stars. Go to advanced search. Put in 15 to 19 for the age. For example, Carson in Sampdoria, H.Larsson in Racing Club. Teach them lots of Ability Cards and Positions to make them better than they are and also loan them out.

Keeping your team happy
You will have at least nine players who will want to play every game. Once you know who they are, when they complain about not being used after your first game, use them 90% of the time. Use the other players in cups and loan some of them, but check your team after every game. When selling players, sell them. Do not release them, because the team cracks up. If players need a break for just one game more than more game off, they will complain. Also, the next year the problems with the club will be clean and their love for the club will be even bigger.

Club transfers
Make the following changes.
J.Simpson from Arsenal to unused team.
R.Dunne from Man City to A.Villa.
J.Collins from West Ham to A.Villa.
Gallagher from Blackburn Rovers to unused team.
Shevchenko from Chelsea to Dynamo Kiev.
Pizarro from Chelsea to unused team.
Sinclair from Chelsea to Wigan.
Bilyaletdinov from Lokomotiv Moscow to Everton.
Bouazza from Fulham to unused Team.
B.H.Riise from Norway to Fulham.
Benjani from Man City to unused team.
Caicedo from Portsmouth to Sporting Lisbon.
K.Schmeichel from Man City to unused team.
Elano from Man City to Shaktar Donesk.
Nugent from Portsmouth to Burnley.
Campbell from Portsmouth to unused team.
Distin from Portsmouth to Everton.
Dindane from RC Lens to Portsmouth.
Yebda from SL BENFICA to Portsmouth.
McShane from Sunderland to Hull City.
M.Brown from Wigan to Portsmouth.
J.O'Hara from Tottenham to Portsmouth.
C.Edwards from Sunderland to unused team.
Leadbitter from Sunderland to unused team.
Tainio from Sunderland to Birmingham City.
K.P.Boateng from Tottenham to Portsmouth.
G.Franco from Mexico to West Ham.
Gomis from AS Saint Etteine to Lyon.
M.Bia from Marseille to unused team.
Luque from Ajax to Malaga.
Arnautovic from FC Twente to Inter Milan.
Gudjohnsen from FC Barcelona to AS Monaco.
V.Sanchez from FC Barcelona to Xerez.
Henrique From FC Barcelona to Racing Club.
M.Caceres from FC Barcelona to Juventus.
Finnan from Espanyol to Portsmouth.
Robben From R Madrid to unused team.
Nedgredo from R Madrid to Sevilla.
Manucho from Angola to Real Valladolid.
Altidore From Villarreal to Hull City.
Hutchinson from Celtic to unused team.
Ferry from Celtic to unused team.
Sheridan from Celtic to unused team.
O'Dea from Celtic to unused team.
M.Brown from Celtic to unused team.
A.Gow from Rangers to unused team.
B.Ferguson from Rangers to Birmingham City.
Chygrynskiy from Shaktar Donesk to FC Barcelona.
Sneijder from R Madrid to Inter Milan.
Neill from Australia to Everton.
Diamanti from Livorno to West Ham.
Harewood from A.Villa to unused team.
Folan from Hull City to unused team.
M.Turner from Hull City to Sunderland.
Kranjcar from Portsmouth to Tottenham.
Lee ChungYoung fom South Korea to Bolton W.


Position / Fake name / Real name

League in Master League
AMF Froequertoli Francescoli
AMF hanue hagi
AMF Mil Landelef M.Laudrup
AMF Mowkerai Mostovoi
AMF Stjanovic Stojkovic
AMF Verdonan Valderama
CF Boramikki Boksic
CF Halah Sumul Hakan Sukur
CF Huno Sametz Hugo Sanchez
CF Landroam B.Laudrup
CF Mirakenic Mijatovic
CF Patenca Pauleta
CF Shurak Suker
CF Skorimilov Stoichkov
CF Solasal Zamorano
DMF Efervoltz S.Effenburg
DMF Gulanggiala Guardiola
DMF Islero Hierro
DMF Law Kit Roy Keane
GK Calmen Campos
GK Chimral Chilavert
GK Shirawtel Schmeichel
SMF Meyelena Movilla
SMF Rootz Eliquelo Luis Enrique
SMF Fillco Figo
SMF Kayukin Karpin

FA Cup in Master League
AMF Nirasaki Nakata
AMF Otoka R.Okocha
CF Dahoo Daei

Champions league in Master League
CB Hulko Huth
CB Sirtayner Steven Taylor
CF Carls Royce Carlos Ruiz
CF Filler Fowler
CF Valtel Vassell
CF Vileni Vieri
CMF Back Butt
CMF Balcon Bowyer
SB Joel Equater Jose Enrique
SMF Orondor Odonkor
SMF Zergair Zenden
SS Selimi Galcira Sergio Garcia
SS Smearl Alan Smith
SS Waiyrin Wiltord

Europa league in Master League
CF Kemalson Keirrison
CF Romeyda Ronaldo
SS G.Fullmantez G.Fernandez
SS Ojquera Ortega
SS Revant Rivaldo

World cup with England
AMF Galbone Gascoigne
AMF Horner Hoddle
AMF Marcore Merson
AMF Plyguts Platt
CB Adion Adams
CB Kilcan Keown
CB Sumerslade Sansom
CF Andy Scolme Andy Cole
CF Ferdy Les Ferdinand
CF Il Rance Ian Wright
CF Shirare Shearer
CMF Ambletone Anderson
CMF Imghe Ince
CMF Reylack Redknapp
CMF Ward Toduncan Edwards
GK Malquin Martyn
GK Siyanen Seaman
SB Le Doe Lee Dixon
SB Saintpealer Stuart Pearce
SMF Malmoran Mcmanaman
SS Shilecon Sheringham
WF Burdner Barnes
WF Warol Waddle

World Cup with France
AMF Djiutaleff Djorkaeff
AMF Mimout Micoud
AMF Zirom Zidane
CB Bruin Blanc
CB Dairsell Dasilly
CB Leghasci Leboeuf
CB Telin Thuram
CF Calcoma Cantona
CF Derrai Dugarry
CF Guyrontin Guivarc' H
CF Putam Papin
CMF Guertoi Guerin
DMF Pooroe Petit
DMF Bodolysin Boghossian
DMF Deroem Deschamps
DMF Katanyfu Karembu
GK Bathez Barthez
GK Lingne Lama
SB Argu Amoros
SB Lirazal Lizarazu
SMF Gigen Ginola
WB Calmela Candela

World Cup with Germany
AMF Dartley Deisler
AMF Hoeitor Hassler
AMF Maletz Matthaus
AMF Meyno Moller
CB Burckland Buchwald
CB Hemton Helmer
CB Kolmann Kohler
CB Nodokory Nowotny
CB Zoner Zammer
CF Bilkos Bierhoff
CF Clantzgan Klinsmann
CF Vauner Voller
DMF Jernisch Jen Jeremies
DMF Reunsara Reuter
GK Itzmoler Illger
GK Koethla Kokpe
SB Heinlebe Heinrich
SB Ziede Ziege
SMF Sloeger Schneider
WB Bnarck Brehme
WF Lisagawski Littbarski

World Cup with The Netherlands
AMF Gulaas Gullit
AMF Ron Da Buuni R.De Boer
CB Bkalund Blind
CB Fil Da Buuni F. De Boer
CB Romaal Kultan Ronald Koeman
CF Creibaad P.Kluivert
CF Hotteubenik Hasselbaink
CF Van Ooidork Van Hooijink
CF Von Bolsen Van Basten
CMF Darit Davids
CMF Hofu Cocu
CMF Jorme Jonk
CMF Raukoores Rijkaard
CMF Weltar Winter
GK De Home De Goey
GK Von Heikemen Van Breuklen
SS Bemkap Bergkamp
WF Orhaimnalz Overmars

World Cup with Italy
GK Palunca Pagliuca
CB Baroini Baresi
CB Corsacoupe Costacurta
SB Tareski Tassotti
CB Majuzheni Maldini
DMF Dinmo Bratto Dino Baggio
DMF Almelini Albertini
SMF Besnola Berti
WF Doramore Donadoni
SS Lon Barron Roberto Baggio
CF Verroni Vialli
CB Di Bratsso Di Biagio
CB Benboli Bergomi
CB Fenorra Ferrari
SB Benirro Benetti
WB De Libro Di Livio
SS Maroghi Mazzola
SS Sorua Zola
CF Monsera Montero
CF Malgate Massaro
CF Caccili Casiraghi

World Cup with Brazil
AMF Djeraigho Djalminha
AMF Leymauro Leonardo
AMF Rusan Rai
AMF Zilcao Zinho
CB Jenio Cemar Julio Cesar
CF Camre Careca
CF Muller
CF Rozerio Romario
DMF Dorte Dunga
DMF Malo Sila Mauro Silva
DMF Salmaio Sampaio
GK Lemon Leao
GK Taralm Taffarel
SB Cashoo Cafu
SB Jirjonho Jorginho
SS Benar Bebeto
SS Elimelto Edmundo
WF Liova Rivelino

World Cup with Argentina
AMF Bujutava Burruchaga
AMF Herjote Enrique
CB Chiero Chamot
CB Potequino Pochettino
CB Runzal Ruggeri
CB Semini Sesini
CB Vighatz Vivas
CF Baquistata Batistuta
CF Bazqueni Valdano
CF Bolibo Balbo
CF Dioraz Diaz
DMF Alanendo Almeyda
DMF Barenqua Batista
DMF Rogueiro Redondo
DMF Siljome Simeone
GK Buros Burgos
GK Cayzrore Cavallero
SB Curalle Cuciuffo
SMF Guly Lomer Gustavo Lopez
SS Malgani Maradona
WF Camirra Canniggia

European Cup in Cup mode
GK Buzo Butt
SB Lane Lell
SMF Ze Romento Ze Roberto
SB Dean Dede
GK Hulegrase Hildebrand
GK Noland Neuer
SB Pargoe Pander
SS Aguola Asamoah
SB Castrol Castol
CB Bcaru Breno
CMF Botanaski Borowski
SS Famlan Farfan
SB Boglon Bordon
SB Rafnal Rafinha
CF Kmolo Kuranyi
AMF Tojiklabe Toni Kroos

Real team names
For the Premier League teams, think alphabetically from A to W (for example, Arsenal to Wolves). For the Primera Division, go to the team players in the clubs. Look for five players that you know, and that will be the corresponding team. For example, W. Pandiani for Osasuna, or J.Pennant for Real Zaragona.

Unlocking all players
Go to "Track Record" and tap R1 until you reach the screen with how to unlock the locked players. Win all those league titles and cups to unlock the players.

Club badges
Go to then click on "Premiership". Click the links to every club individually. On the homepage of each club, right click the badge and save the picture to a USB drive. Access the USB drive on your PlayStation3 and copy every badge. Start the game, go to "Edit Teams", then "Edit Badge". Note: Manchester United and Liverpool are the licensed teams. For the Spanish League, do the same but click on "Primera Division". The teams that are licensed are Athletic Bilbao, Athletico Madrid, Barcelona, Deportivo, Espanyol, Mallorca, Racing Santander, Real Madrid, Real Valladolid, Sevilla, Valencia and Villarreal.

View: 4849 times
Updated: 2010.05.26

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