Soldner-X : Himmelssturmer - PS3

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Soldner-X : Himmelssturmer - PS3
Name of the file: Soldner-X : Himmelssturmer - PS3 - Author: ANO - [PS3]

Impossible difficulty
Successfully complete the fifth world under the Hard difficulty setting.

Nightmare difficulty
Successfully complete the fifth world under the Impossible difficulty setting.

Complete the following tasks to unlock PlayStation3 trophy rewards.
Kettenfahrzeug destroyed (Bronze): Complete the first world.
Windgeist defeated (Bronze): Complete the fourth world.
Top Scorer (Bronze): Reach a score of 2,000,000.
Combo Mania (Bronze): Complete an accumulated total of 3,000 chains.
Master the Menace (Bronze): Complete the second world on Rank "S".
Destroyer (Bronze): Kill an accumulated total of 50,000 enemies.
Hidden Passage (Bronze): Collect at least four keys in each world.
Fierce Fighter (Bronze): Play for five minutes without losing any health.
Ultimate Key Collector (Silver): Collect all 20 secret keys.
Galaxy Superstar (Gold): Reach ultimate rank 15: Galaxy Superstar.

Additionally there are three secret trophies.
Mankind saved (Bronze): Complete the fifth world.
Impossible unlocked (Bronze): Complete the fifth world on "hard".
Nightmare unlocked (Bronze): Complete the fifth world on "impossible".

View: 5112 times
Updated: 2010.06.07

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