Bioshock - PS3

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Bioshock - PS3
Name of the file: Bioshock - PS3 - Author: ANO - [PS3]

BioShock 2: Sea Of Dreams trailer
Successfully complete the game to unlock the trailer for the game's sequel at the "Extra" menu.

Alternate endings
There are three possible endings, depending on how the Little Sisters were treated.
* If more than one Little Sister was harvested, the "bad" ending will play.
* If no more than one Little Sister was harvested, but the rest were rescued, the "good" ending will play.
* Rescue all the Little Sisters in the game except for one that is harvested to see the third ending.

Easy "Fully Researched Little Sister" achievement or trophy
After you get the camera and the Hypnotize Big Daddy tonic, find a Big Daddy and follow him until he walks up to one of the wall vents. If you have not already saved or harvested the Little Sister, he will hit the wall and one will crawl out. Take as many pictures as you can until you cannot get any more research. Use Hypnotize Big Daddy. The Little Sister will crawl back into the vent. After Hypnotize wears off, the Big Daddy will hit the wall again, bringing out another Little Sister. Repeat the process.

Easy "Little Sister Savior" achievement or trophy
Do not harvest a single Little Sister throughout the game. Tenebaum will reward you with gifts (including Adam) every time you rescue three Little Sisters. This proves more effective, as you get the same amount of Adam as you would if you harvested them but you also get the achievement or trophy.

Easy "Tonic Collector" achievement or trophy
When buying Plasmids, Tonics, and Upgrades from the Gatherer's Garden, always buy the Tonics first. Then, make sure you search every area for other Tonics. When you reach Point Prometheus there will be three Tonics to find. The rest of the Tonics are available in the Gatherer's Garden. This will ensure you get the achievements. Note: To check how many Tonics you have, go to a Gene Bank and count each "track".

Easy "Brass Balls" and "Seriously Good At This" achievements or trophies
Reach the end of the game under the Easy or Normal difficulty. Get Atlas down to his last jar of Adam. Pause game play, go to the "Options" menu and change the difficulty to "Hard". Defeat Atlas to unlock the achievements or trophies. Note: You cannot die while unlocking the "Brass Balls" achievement or trophy.

Half-Life reference
In the beginning when you first acquire the wrench, Atlas will first suggest the crowbar. This is the same starting weapon as the main character in Half-Life.

Pac Man reference
In the Arcadia level, you will find a place that appears to be a bar. Search around a bit and you will see a block of cheese, followed by holes. The cheese is cut like Pac-Man himself. There are holes next to it, none of which can be gun shots. If you shoot the floor with any weapon you have, the marks will not match.

Complete the following tasks to unlock PlayStation3 trophy rewards.
Maxed One Track (Bronze): The player has purchased every slot in one of the Plasmid or Tonic tracks.
Maxed All Tracks (Bronze): Purchased every slot in all four Plasmid and Tonic tracks.
Bought One Slot (Bronze): The player has purchased one slot in any Plasmid or Tonic track.
Upgraded a Weapon (Bronze): The player has acquired at least one weapon upgrade.
One Fully Upgraded Weapon (Bronze): The player has fully upgraded one weapon.
Two Fully Upgraded Weapons (Bronze): The player has fully upgraded two weapons.
Three Fully Upgraded Weapons (Bronze): The player has fully upgraded three weapons.
Four Fully Upgraded Weapons (Bronze): Fully upgrade four weapons.
Five Fully Upgraded Weapons (Bronze): Fully upgrade five weapons.
Weapon Specialist (Bronze): Acquire all upgrades for all weapons.
Fully Researched Thug Splicer (Bronze): The player has fully researched the Thuggish Splicer.
Fully Researched Gun Splicer (Bronze): The player has fully researched the Leadhead Splicer.
Fully Researched Spider Splicer (Bronze): The player has fully researched the Spider Splicer.
Fully Researched Houdini Splicer (Bronze): Fully research the Houdini Splicer.
Fully Researched Nitro Slicer (Bronze): Fully research the Nitro Splicer.
Fully Researched Rosie (Bronze): Fully research the Rosie.
Fully Researched Bouncer (Bronze): Fully research the Bouncer.
Fully Researched Little Sister (Bronze): Fully research the Little Sister.
Prolific Photographer (Bronze): Take at least one photo in every research group.
Research PhD (Bronze): Max out all possible research.
Quality Research Photo (Bronze): The player has taken a Research Photo of the highest grade.
Researched a Splicer (Bronze): The player has taken at least one Research Photo of a Splicer.
One Successful Hack (Bronze): The player has performed at least one successful hack.
Hacked a Security Bot (Bronze): The player has successfully hacked a security bot.
Hacked a Security Camera (Bronze): The player has successfully hacked a security camera.
Hacked a Turret (Bronze): The player has successfully hacked a turret.
Hacked a Vending Machine (Bronze): The player has successfully hacked a vending machine.
Hacked a Safe (Bronze): The player has successfully hacked a safe.
Skilled Hacker (Bronze): The player has successfully completed 50 hacks.
Basic Inventor (Bronze): The player has successfully invented at least one item.
Avid Inventor (Bronze): Successfully invent at least 100 items.
Ammo Inventor (Bronze): The player has successfully invented all possible ammo types.
Tonic Collector (Bronze): Collect or Invent 58 Tonics in the Physical, Engineering and Combat tracks.
Seriously Good at This (Bronze): The player has completed the game on the Hard difficulty setting.
Dealt with every Little Sister (Bronze): The player has either Harvested or Rescued every possible Little Sister.
Lucky Winner (Bronze): Hit the jackpot at a slot machine.
Toaster in the Tub (Bronze): The player has shocked an enemy in the water.
Historian (Silver): Find every audio diary.
Brass Balls (Gold): Complete the game on Hard difficulty without using a Vita-Chamber.
A Man Chooses (Gold): Complete the game on Survivor difficulty.
I Chose the Impossible (Gold): Complete the game on Survivor difficulty without using a Vita-chamber.
Platinum Trophy (Platinum): Collected all other Bioshock trophies.

Additionally there are twelve secret trophies.
Completed Welcome (Bronze): The player has successfully completed the Welcome To Rapture Level.
Defeated Dr. Steinman (Bronze): The player has defeated the crazed Dr. Steinman.
Defeated Peach Wilkins (Bronze): The player has defeated Peach Wilkins.
Restored the Forest (Bronze): The player has restored the forests of Arcadia.
Completed Cohen's Masterpiece (Bronze): The player has completed Sander Cohen's great masterpiece.
Defeated Andrew Ryan (Bronze): The player has defeated Andrew Ryan.
Broke Fontain's Mind Control (Bronze): The player has broken Fontaine's mind control.
Became a Big Daddy (Bronze): The player has become a Big Daddy.
Defeated Atlas (Bronze): The player has defeated Atlas.
Irony (Bronze): The player has taken a picture of Sander Cohen's corpse.
Found Cohen's Room (Bronze): The player has entered Sander Cohen's personal quarters.
Little Sister Savior (Bronze): The player has completed the game without harvesting any Little Sisters.

View: 5473 times
Updated: 2010.08.02

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