Medal of Honor - PS3

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Medal of Honor - PS3
Name of the file: Medal of Honor - PS3 - Author: ANO - [PS3]

Complete the following tasks to unlock PlayStation3 trophy rewards.
Multiplayer: First Rotation (Bronze): Play online for 15 minutes.
Multiplayer: Tour of Duty (Bronze): Play online for 2 hours.
Multiplayer: Heavy Fire Support (Bronze): Fire 1000 bullets in a round (awarded at end of round).
Multiplayer: Boot Camp (Bronze): Play once as each class (min 2 min).
Multiplayer: Mission Training (Bronze): Play Combat Mission.
Multiplayer: Assault Training (Bronze): Play Team Assault.
Multiplayer: Secure Training (Bronze): Play Sector Control.
Multiplayer: Raid Training (Bronze): Play Objective Raid.
Multiplayer: Enlisted (Bronze): Reach level 2 in any class.
Multiplayer: Veteran (Bronze): Reach level 4 in any class.
Multiplayer: Triple Canopy (Bronze): Reach level 8 in one class.
Multiplayer: Mission Specialist (Bronze): Play two hours of Combat Mission.
Multiplayer: Assault Specialist (Bronze): Play two hours of Team Assault.
Multiplayer: Secure Specialist (Bronze): Play two hours of Sector Control.
Multiplayer: Raid Specialist (Bronze): Play two hours of Objective Raid.
Multiplayer: Forward Spotter (Bronze): Deploy a missile strike support action (award at end of round).
First Incision (Bronze): Singleplayer: Complete First In.
Welcome to the TOC (Bronze): Singleplayer: Complete Breaking Bagram.
Develop the Situation (Bronze): Singleplayer: Complete Running with Wolves....
Unexpected Guests (Bronze): Singleplayer: Complete Dorothy's a Bitch.
Full Battle Rattle (Bronze): Singleplayer: Complete Belly of the Beast.
Bad Guy Jamboree (Bronze): Singleplayer: Complete Gunfighters.
Friends From Afar (Bronze): Singleplayer: Complete Friends From Afar.
Cliffhanger... (Bronze): Singleplayer: Complete Compromised.
S.E.R.E. (Bronze): Singleplayer: Complete Neptune's Net.
Eight Heroes Aboard (Bronze): Singleplayer: Complete Rescue the Rescuers.
The Sledgehammer (Bronze): Singleplayer: in Breaking Bagram, destroy 2 vehicles with Single 2000 lb Laser Guided Bomb.
Dropping Deuce (Bronze): Singlelpayer Jump 7.5 meters on the ATV.
Feeding the Pig (Bronze): Singleplayer: In Compromised, get 15 kills with M60.
The Battle is Won... (Bronze): Singlepalyer: Finish the game on Easy, Normal or Hard.
The Scalpel (Bronze): Singleplayer: Achieve 20 total knife kills.
Pistol Pete Showdown (Bronze): Singleplayer: Get a total of 30 pistol kills.
Right in the Grape... (Bronze): Singleplayer: Get 7 headshots in a row with any weapon except the long range sniper rifle.
Crowd Control (Bronze): Singleplayer: Kill 5 enemies at once with a single hand grenade.
Rangers Lead the way (Bronze): Singleplayer: Finish all of Dante's missions.
Never Quit (Bronze): Singleplayer: Finish all of Rabbit's missions.
Have a Good One (Bronze): Singleplayer: Finish all of Deuce's missions.
Multiplayer: Fire Controller (Silver): Use each offensive support action once (awarded at end of round).
Multiplayer: Quartermaster (Silver): Get 1000 support points.
Multiplayer: Tier 1 (Silver): Reach top level in one class.
Smooth Operator (Silver): Singleplayer: In First In, Kill the Hostage Taker With a Head Shot.
Fear the Reaper (Silver): Singleplayer: In Dorothy's a Bitch, destroy the entire AQ Camp with AC-130.
Manic Suppression (Silver): Singleplayer: In Belly of the Beast, defeat DShK in under two minutes.
It Takes A Village...Out (Silver): Singleplayer: Destroy 30 buildings in Gunfighters Village.
Like a Surgeon (Silver): Singleplayer: While long range sniping, hit one of every body part.
The Quiet Professional (Silver): Singleplayer: In Neptune's Net, eliminate 13 enemies without alerting anyone.
Timber! (Silver): Singleplayer: In Rescue the Rescuers, eliminate 13 enemies without alerting anyone.
...But the War Rages On (Silver): Singleplayer: Finish the game on Hard.
Multiplayer: High Achiever (Gold): Be top 3 on the scoreboard ten times.
Conspicuous Gallantry (Gold): Singleplayer: Finish every level in the game on Tier 1 mode under par time.
Medal Of Honor Tier 1 (Platinum): Obtain all campaign and online trophies.

Tier One mode (Time Attack)
Successfully complete Campaign mode.

View: 6195 times
Updated: 2010.10.19

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