Uncharted 2 : Among Thieves - PS3

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Uncharted 2 : Among Thieves - PS3
Name of the file: Uncharted 2 : Among Thieves - PS3 - Author: ANO - [PS3]

Prequel bonuses
Enter the store, and press Square to detect a saved game file from Uncharted: Drake's Fortune. You will get $20,000 for having a saved game file, and an additional $80,000 for having a completed saved game file. The money can be used in the single player and multiplayer stores.

Bonus skins
Successfully complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding skin for purchase:
Cameraman Jeff: Reach Level 30 ($100,000).
Doughnut Drake: Reach Level 60 ($2,000,000).
Genghis Khan Villain: Successfully complete the game on the Crushing difficulty ($1.5 million).
Harry Flynn: Reach Level 20 ($50,000).
Heist Drake: Reach Level 10 ($20,000).
Heist Flynn: Reach Level 20 ($50,000).
Karl Schafer: Reach Level 50 ($1,000,000).
Lieutenant Draza: Reach Level 50 ($1,000,000).
Marco Polo Hero: Unlock the Platinum trophy ($0).
Skelzor: Reach Level 60 ($2,000,000).
Winter Chloe: Reach Level 20 ($50,000).
Winter Drake: Reach Level 40 ($250,000).
Winter Elena: Reach Level 30 ($100,000).
Winter Flynn: Reach Level 30 ($100,000).
Zoran Lazarevic: Reach Level 40 ($250,000).
Zorskel: Reach Level 10 ($20,000).

Multiplayer boosters
Reach the indicated level to unlock the corresponding booster for purchase in

Multiplayer mode:
Bandoleer (Booster Slot 2): Level 4 ($2,000)
Break Up (Booster Slot 1): Level 10 ($11,250)
Come Get Some (Booster Slot 2): Level 58 ($2,000,000)
Deposit (Booster Slot 2): Level 40 ($98,250)
Down the Irons (Booster Slot 1): Level 14 ($18,750)
Evasion (Booster Slot 1): Level 50 ($210,000)
Explosive Expert (Booster Slot 2): Level 20 ($32,250)
Fleet Foot (Booster Slot 2): Level 16 ($23,250)
From the Hip (Booster Slot 1): Level 6 ($5,000)
Glass Jaw (Booster Slot 1): Level 57 ($1,500,000)
Half Loaded (Booster Slot 2): Level 54 ($400,000)
Hell Blazer (Booster Slot 1): Level 18 ($27,750)
Invalid (Booster Slot 1): Level 52 ($350,000)
Juggler (Booster Slot 1): Level 38 ($94,500)
Keep Firing (Booster Slot 2): Level 12 ($14,250)
Launch Man (Booster Slot 2): Level 28 ($58,500)
Monkey Man (Booster Slot 2): Level 32 ($72,000)
Point and Shoot (Booster Slot 1): Level 2 ($2,000)
Rapid Hands (Booster Slot 1): Level 42 ($111,000)
Revenge (Booster Slot 2): Level 48 ($134,250)
Rocket Man (Booster Slot 2): Level 44 ($120,000)
Scavenger (Booster Slot 2): Level 8 ($8,250)
Scoped In (Booster Slot 2): Level 36 ($87,000)
Situational Awareness (Booster Slot 1): Level 46 ($129,000)
Sure Foot (Booster Slot 2): Level 26 ($52,500)
Sure Shot (Booster Slot 1): Level 30 ($64,500)
Treasure Bearer (Booster Slot 2): Level 24 ($43,500)
Turtle (Booster Slot 1): Level 22 ($40,500)
Veiled (Booster Slot 1): Level 51 ($300,000)
Walk Softly (Booster Slot 1): Level 34 ($79,500)

Multiplayer taunts
Reach the indicated level to unlock the corresponding taunt for purchase in

Multiplayer mode:
Flex: Level 20 ($50,000)
Flurry: Level 30 ($100,000)
Kiss: Level 10 ($10,000)
Pump: Level 53 ($500,000)
Yes: Level 40 ($250,000)

Crushing mode
Successfully complete the game on the Hard difficulty to unlock the Crushing difficulty.

Easy money
Successfully complete a task that rewards you with a lot of money. Save the game if it is not at an auto-save area. Exit out to the main menu. Then, load the game to get the reward again. Repeat this as many times as desired.
In Chapter 6, find the pool on a hotel roof. Jump in the pool and swim around to have Chloe and Nate play a game of Marco Polo and get $10,000.

Using Tweaks on a difficulty you have not completed
Start a game on a difficulty you have not completed, and play until you get a real gun. Go to the in-game options, set the difficulty to the one you have the Tweaks unlocked on, and enable your Tweaks. Then, save the game, and quit. At to main menu, select "Options", and change the difficulty back to the one you originally chose. Continue the game to play on that difficulty with all your Tweaks enabled.

Flynn's reaction
In Chapter 24 when Flynn forces you to find a way to turn the bridge, press Square to turn and swing at him. He will dodge your attack, knock you down, and give you a message. If you do it again, he will shoot and kill you.

Hidden Sully pictures
When you are prompted to view your journal by pressing Select, keep flipping back to find an entry with four pictures of Sully, which Nate has apparently drawn over and labeled according to his expression.

Running normally while injured
When Nate is injured, he can still run at normal speed while carrying a propane tank.

Defeating Guardians
To easily kill the Guardians you fight later in the game, once you kill one, take the gold crossbow it drops, and use it on the others to kill them much quicker than your normal guns.

Defeating Lazarevic
To defeat Lazarevic, you must lure him near the volatile blue sap throughout the level. When he is within range, shoot the sap to cause it to explode.

Uncharted: Drakes Fortune references
When you are prompted to view your journal by pressing Select, look for the picture labeled "Angry Eddy". Eddy was one of Drake's enemies from Uncharted: Drakes Fortune. Additionally, one of the unlockable guns in Single Player mode is a gun used by Angry Eddy.

Successfully complete one of the following tasks to get a trophy:
First Treasure (Bronze): Find one treasure.
Apprentice Fortune Hunter (Bronze): Find ten treasures.
Novice Fortune Hunter (Bronze): Find 20 Treasures.
Cadet Fortune Hunter (Bronze): Find 30 treasures.
Intermediate Fortune Hunter (Bronze): Find 40 treasures.
Practiced Fortune Hunter (Bronze): Find 50 treasures.
Proficient Fortune Hunter (Bronze): Find 60 treasures.
Professional Fortune Hunter (Bronze): Find 70 treasures.
Expert Fortune Hunter (Bronze): Find 80 treasures.
Crack Fortune Hunter (Bronze): Find 90 treasures.
Relic Finder (Bronze): Find the Strange Relic.
20 Headshots (Bronze): Defeat 20 enemies with headshots.
100 Headshots (Bronze): Defeat 100 enemies with headshots.
Headshot Expert (Bronze): Defeat five enemies in a row with headshots.
Run-and-Gunner (Bronze): Defeat 20 enemies by shooting from the hip (without aiming with L1).
Hangman (Bronze): Defeat 20 enemies with gunfire by aiming while hanging.
50 Kills: 92FS - 9mm (Bronze): Defeat 50 enemies with the 92FS - 9mm.
50 Kills: Micro - 9mm (Bronze): Defeat 50 enemies with the Micro - 9mm.
30 Kills: Wes - 44 (Bronze): Defeat 30 enemies with the Wes - 44.
30 Kills: Desert - 5 (Bronze): Defeat 30 enemies with the Desert - 5.
20 Kills: Pistole (Bronze): Defeat 20 enemies with the Pistole.
70 Kills: FAL (Bronze): Defeat 70 enemies with the FAL.
70 Kills: M4 (Bronze): Defeat 70 enemies with the M4.
50 Kills: Dragon Sniper (Bronze): Defeat 50 enemies with the Dragon Sniper.
30 Kills: Moss - 12 (Bronze): Defeat 30 enemies with the Moss - 12.
70 Kills: SAS - 12 (Bronze): Defeat 70 enemies with the SAS - 12.
50 Kills: M32 - Hammer (Bronze): Defeat 50 enemies with the M32.
30 Kills: RPG - 7 (Bronze): Defeat 30 enemies with the RPG - 7.
200 Kills: GAU - 19 (Bronze): Defeat 200 enemies with the GAU - 19.
30 Kills: Mk-NDI (Bronze): Defeat 30 enemies with the Mk-NDI.
Triple Dyno-Might (Bronze): Defeat three enemies with one explosion.
Grenade Hangman (Bronze): Defeat ten enemies with grenades by aiming while hanging.
Bare-knuckle Brawler (Bronze): Defeat 20 enemies with hand-to-hand combat.
Steel Fist Master (Bronze): Defeat 20 enemies with a single punch, after softening them up with gunfire.
Thrillseeker (Bronze): Complete one Competitive Multiplayer game.
Buddy System (Bronze): Complete one Cooperative Multiplayer game.
Master Fortune Hunter (Silver): Find all 100 treasures.
Survivor (Silver): Defeat 75 enemies in a row without dying.
250 Headshots (Silver): Defeat 250 enemies with headshots.
Bare-knuckle Slugger (Silver): Defeat 50 enemies with hand-to-hand combat.
Bare-knuckle Expert (Silver): Defeat ten enemies in a row with hand-to-hand combat.
Master Ninja (Silver): Defeat 50 enemies with stealth attacks.
Steel Fist Expert (Silver): Defeat ten enemies in a row with a single punch, after softening them up with gunfire.
Charted - Easy (Silver): Finish the game in Easy Mode.
Charted - Normal (Gold): Finish the game in Normal Mode.
Charted - Hard (Gold): Finish the game in Hard Mode.
Charted - Crushing (Gold): Finish the game in Crushing Mode.
Platinum (Platinum): Unlock all trophies.
The following trophies require the "Drake's Fortune Map Pack" bonus downloadable content:
Sneaky... (Bronze): Get 50 Stealth Kills in Deathmatch of Elimination games.
Brass Knuckles (Bronze): Get 100 Melee Kills in Deathmatch or Elimination games.
Tastes Like Chicken (Bronze): Get 20 BBQ Medals in Deathmatch or Elimination games.
Rapid Fire! (Bronze): Get 7 Tripled Medals in Deathmatch or Elimination games.
I Told You I Was Hardcore (Bronze): Complete All 3 Co-op Objective Maps on Hard Difficulty.
Made It (Bronze): Finish Wave 10 in 1 Survival Game.
Gold Digger (Bronze): Finish Wave 10 in 1 Gold Rush Game.
Wipe Them Out... (Bronze): Win 50 Deathmatch Games.
Plays Well With Others (Bronze): Win 50 Objective Games.
Still Alive (Bronze): Win 50 Elimination Games.
Plundered! (Bronze): Get 200 Captured Medals.
Cold Blooded (Silver): Get 2,500 Kills in Deathmatch or Elimination games.
The following trophies require the "Siege Expansion Pack" bonus downloadable content:
You Can't Break Me (Bronze): Complete all 3 co-op objective maps on Crushing.
Under Siege (Bronze): Finish Wave 10 in 1 Siege game.
Speedy (Bronze): Get 10 First! Medals.
I'll Cover You (Bronze): Get 50 Defender Medals.
Fallen Angel (Bronze): Get 50 Afterlife Medals.
Not So Fast (Bronze): Get 20 Shut'em Down Medals.
Jack of All Trades (Bronze): Get 15 Triple Threat Medals.
You Run, I'll Shoot (Bronze): Get 10 Protectorate Medals.
Back At Ya (Bronze): Get 50 Retaliation Medals .
Kneel Before Z... (Bronze): Get 5 Put-em Down Medals.
Rock a Rhyme (Silver): Get 100 Tricky Medals.

View: 5939 times
Updated: 2010.11.25

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