Name of the file: World Soccer Winning Eleven 2011 - PS3 - Author: ANO - [PS3] |
Easy PES points Buy playing a full season in your Master League. You will get almost 300 PES points. Playing "Become A Legend" also gets you PES points as well. Club transfers Make the following changes. Armand Traore to Juventus from Arsenal. Silvestre to Werder Bremen from Arsenal. Eduardo to Shaktar Donetsk from Arsenal. Campbell to Newcastle United from Arsenal. Gallas to Tottenham Hotspur from Arsenal. Harewood to Blackpool from Aston Villa. Quedrue to ? from Birmingham City. Di Santo to Wigan Athletic From Blackburn Rovers. R.Carvalho to Real Madrid from Chelsea. Deco to Flamengo from Chelsea. Mancienne to Wolverhampton Wanderers from Chelsea. Sinclair to ? from Chelsea. Konchesky to Liverpool from Fulham. Shorey to West Bromwich Albion from Fulham. Mascherano to FC Barcelona from Liverpool. Aquilani to Juventus from Liverpool. Nemeth to Panathinakos from Liverpool. Riera to Olympiacos from Liverpool. Bellamy to ? from Manchester City. Weiss to Rangers from Manchester City. J.Garrido to Lazio from Manchester City. Welbeck to Sunderland from Manchester United. M.Diouf to Blackburn Rovers from Manchester United. Forster to Celtic from Newcastle United. L.Lawrence to ? from Stoke City. D.Kitson to ? from Stoke City. Beattie to Rangers from Stoke City. Cana to Galatasaray from Sunderland. Moore to ? from Blackpool. Scotland to ? from Wigan Athletic. Kapo to ? from Wigan Athletic. Keogh to ? from Wolverhampton Wanderers. Piquionne to West Ham from Lyon. Niang to Fenerbahce from Marseille. Ben Afra to Newcastle United from Marseille. Gudjohnsen to Stoke City from AS Monaco. Remy to Marseille from OGC Nice. Gyan Asamoah to Sunderland from Stade Rennais. Gignac to marseille from Toulouse. Krhin to Bologna from Inter Milan. Balotelli to Manchester City from Inter Milan. Storari to AC Milan from Juventus. Giovinco to Parma from Juventus. Borrielo to AS Roma from AC Milan. Huntelaar to ? from AC Milan. Rinaudo to Juventus from Napoli. Quagliarella to Juventus from Napoli. Poulsen to Liverpool from Juventus. Trezeguet to Hercules from Juventus. Diego to ? from Juventus. C.Lucarelli to Napoli from Parma. Stankevicius to Valencia from Sampdoria. Dembele to Fulham from AZ Alkmaar. Salcido to Fulham from PSV Eindhoven. Stam to Wigan Athletic from FC Twente. Ibrahimovic to AC Milan from FC Barcelona. Caceres to Sevilla from FC Barcelona. Hleb to Birmingham City from FC Barcelona. Marquez to ? from FC Barcelona. Henry to ? from FC Barcelona. Van Der Vaart to Tottenham Hotspur from Real Madrid. Drenthe to Hercules from Real Madrid. Guti to Besiktas from Real Madrid. Adriano to FC Barcelona from Sevilla. Godin to Sevilla from Villarreal. Mesut Ozil to Real Madrid from Werder Bremen. Derbyshire to Birmingham City from Olympiacos. C.Benitez to ? from Birhimgham City. Keirrison to FC Barcelona from Benfica. Ramires to Chelsea from Benfica. M.Veloso to Genoa from Sporting Lisbon. Aquafresca to Calcio from Genoa. Boruc to Fiorentina from Celtic. McGeady to Spartak Moscow from Celtic. Fortune to West Bromwich Albion from Celtic. Majstrovic to Celtic from AEK Athens. Pennant to Stoke City from Real Zaragoza. Squillaci to Arsenal from Sevilla. Robinho to AC Milan from Brazil N.Team. Khedira to Real Madrid from Germany N.Team. Sculli to Inter Milan from Genoa. Camoranesi to ? from Juventus. Raul to ? from Real Madrid. Izaguirre to Celtic from Honduras N.Team (Iztore to Izaguirre). Juarez to Celtic from Mexico (Juerzo to Juarez). Kayal to Celtic from Israel N.Team (Kial to Kayal). Real player names The in-game player names to real names are as follows. Note: To get the teams, go to "Extra Content" and buy them for 300 PES points. To get the classic players, go to "Extra Content", then "Players" and buy all 40 player packs. There are four players in each pack and each pack costs 40 PES points. Classic Argentina GK: Pulzato to Pumpido CB: Runzal to Ruggeri SW: Semini to Sesini CB: Chiero to Chamot DMF: Siljome to Simeone DMF: Rogueiro to Redondo SMF: Guly Lomer to Gustavo Lopez WF: Camirra to Canniggia SS: Malgani to Maradona CF: Bolibo to Balbo CF: Baquistata to Batistuta GK: Ferem to Fillol SW: Palteza to Passarella CB: Vighatz to Vivas SB: Curalle to Cuciuffo DMF: Barenqua to Batista DMF: Calassi to Giusti CMF: Anlleroz to Ardiles AMF: Bujutava to Burruchaga Cf: Bazqueni to Valdano CF: Dioraz to Diaz CF: Querant to Kempes Classic Brazil GK: Taralm to Taffarel SB: Jirjonho to Jorginho AMF: Leymauro to Leonardo DMF: Malo Sila to Mauro Silva DMF: Dorte to Dunga AMF: Rasan to Rai AMF: Zilcao to Zinho SS: Benar to Bebeto CF: Rozerio to Romario GK: Lemon to Leao SB: Cashoo to Cafu DMF: Salmaio to Sampaio AMF: Zilre to Zico SS: Elimelto to Edmundo SS: Palm to Pele WF: Ganarrin to Garrincha CF: Camre to Careca CF: Miracir to Muller Classic England GK: Siyanen to Seaman CB: Adion to Adams CB: Kilcan to Keown SB: Saintpealer to Stuart Pearce CMF: Imghe to Ince AMF: Plyguts to Platt SMF: Malmoran to Mcmanaman AMF: Galbone to Gascoigne CF: Il rance to Ian Wright CF: Shirare to Shearer GK: Shelearn to Shilton SB: Molna to Moore SB: Le Doe to Lee Dixon SB: Salton to Sansom CMF: Roden to Robson AMF: Horner to Hoddle AMF: Chiringbone to B.Charlton SS: Shilecon to Sheringham WF: Burdner to Barnes WF: Warol to Waddle CF: Linden to Lineker Classic France GK: Bathez to Barthez CB: Dairsell to Dasilly SW: Bruin to Blanc SB: Telin to Thuram SB: Lirazal to Lizarazu DMF: Deroem to Deschamps DMF: Katanyfu to Karembu DMF: Pooroe to Petit AMF: Zirom to Zidane AMF: Djiutaleff to Djorkaeff CF: Derrai to Dugarry GK: Lingne to Lama CB: Leghasci to Leboeuf CB: Bolque to Bossis SB: Argu to Amoros WB: Calmela to Candela AMF: Proquinei to Platini CF: Guyrontin to Guivarc'h CF: Putam to Papin CF: Calcoma to Cantona Classic Germany CB: Kolmann to Kohler AMF: Maletz to Matthaus CB: Burckland to Buchwald SW: Zoner to Zammer DMF: Jernisch to Jen Jeremies DMF: Reunsara to Reuter SB: Ziede to Ziege AMF: Dartley to Deisler AMF: Meyno to Moller CF: Bilkos to Bierhoff GK: Koethla to Kopke GK: Itzmoler to Illger SW: Behrengauna to Beckenbauer CB: Hemton to Helmer WB: Bnarck to Brehme SMF: Sloeger to Schneider AMF: Hoeitor to Hassler SS: Rewtelize to Rummenigge WF: Lisagawski to Littbarski CF: Clantzgan to Klinsmann CF: Vauner to Voller CF: Mjarnie to Muller Classic Italy GK: Zoru to Zoff SW: Baroini to Baresi CB: Corsacoupe to Costacurta DMF: Dinmo Bratto to Dino Baggio DMF: Almelini to Albertini SMF: Besnola to Berti WF: Doramore to Donadoni SS: Lon Barron to Roberto Baggio CF: Verroni to Vialli GK: Zervbo to Zenga GK: Palunca to Pagliuca CB: Fenorra to Ferrari CB: Benboli to Bergomi WB: De Libro to Di Livio CMF: Taugani to Tardelli SS: Maroghi to Mazzola SS: Sorua to Zola CF: Loggu to Rossi CF: Vileni to Vieri CF: Caccili to Casiraghi CF: Ricchini to Riva Classic Netherlands GK: De Home to De Goey SW: Fil Da Buuni to F. De Boer CMF: Hofu to Cocu CMF: Weltar to Winter CMF: Darit to Davids SS: Bemkap to Bergkamp AMF: Ron Da Buuni to R. De Boer WF: Orhajmnalz to Overmars CF: Creibaad to P. Kluivert GK: Von Heikemen to Van Breuklen SW: Romaal Kultan to Ronald Koeman SW: Kjuna to Krol DMF: Waltoor to Wouters DMF: Jaltang to Jansen CMF: Jorme to Jonk CMF: Raukoores to Rijkaard AMF: Niilsentz to Neeskens AMF: Gulaas to Gullit SS: Cwarim to Cruyff CF: Von Bolsen to Van Basten CF: Van Ooidork to Van Hoodijink Classic Players Packs CB: Amoni to C.Ayala CF: Cruzero to Julio Cruz CMF: Enelkon to Emerson SS: Rawane to Raul AMF: Pinel to Pires Amf: Solqueras to Socrates Amf: Gillonai to Giresse SB: Vard to Vogts SS: Simane to Signori AMF: Loo Corna to Rui Costa GK: Yalem to Yashin SMF: Kayukin to Karpin CF: Larcan to Larsson SB: Carl Andeson to Carlos Alberto SMF: Orondor to Odonkor AMF: Fuhren to Falcao CF: Elkama to MBoma AMF: Bohen to Boban SMF: Gigen to Ginola SS: Noglau to Neuville CF: Huno Sametz to Hugo Sanchez SW: Corso to Costa AMF: Jarille to Juninho GK: Aloar to Adler CB: Hubelmeis to Hummels CF: Boramikki to Boksic AMF: Netret to Nedved DMF: Parl Salsa to Paulo Sousa AMF: Mowkerai to Mostovoi DMF: Islero to Hierro CF: Bussarana to Rafael Barber SS: Revant to Rivaldo GK: Dengua to Dida CF: Kemar to Koller CB: Weagert to Wheater SS: Reora to Recoba GK: Pjiromel to Preud'homme CMF: Tor Serina to Cerezo CF: Landroam to B.Laudrup CMF: Termou to Tigana GK: Maldor to Maier DMF: Law Kit to Roy Keane CF: Elcherino to Eusebio CF: Dely Run to Denis Law SMF: Meyelena to Movilla WF: Begrstaron to Beguiristain GK: Calmen to Campos SMF: Fillco to Figo AMF: Isonola to Insua SB: Castrol to Castol AMF: Verdonan to Valderama CF: Shurak to Suker SS: Le Tecela to Le Tissier AMF: Nejuler to Netzer DMF: Efervoltz to S.Effenberg WF: Corthan to Conti SS: Di Canpo to Di Canio AMF: Hanue to Hagi AMF: Stjanoric to Stojkovic DMF: Gulangiala to Guardiola GK: Calzair to Canizares SS: Burnolen to Brolin CF: Iwan Russel to Ian Rush AMF: Barool to Bakero AMF: Giobancy to Giovani AMF: Kruger to Ballack CF: Harmey to Helmes SS: Famlan to Farfan CF: Salsalo to Salas GK: Shirawtel to Schmeichel AMF: Nirasaki to Nakata CF: Mirakenic to Mijatovic CF: Hotteubenik to Hasselbaink WF: Benuki to Best CF: Durlmints to Dalglish CB: Minilovic to Mihajlovic SMF: Rootz Eliquelo to Luis Enrique SS: De Squeran to Di Stefano CF: Halah Sumul to Hakan Sukur AMF: Froequertoli to Francescoli CMF: Ze Romento to Ze Roberto SB: Dean to Dede CF: Kmolo to Kuranyi CF: V. Mistelroum to V.Nistelrooy AMF: Ljankeni to Ljungberg CF: Virota to Viduka SS: Skorimilov to Stoichkov CF: Rona Kira to Roger Milla SMF: Popochski to Poborsky AMF: Mil Landelef to M.Laudrup CMF: Ward to Duncan Edwards SB: Algauei to Angloma CF: Pursel to Puskas SS: Sarteric to Savicevic AMF: Otoka to R.Okocha CF: Solasal to Zamorano GK: Chimral to Chilavert CF: Patenca to Pauleta CF: Dalshir to Dahlin Real team names The in-game team names to real names are as follows. Premier League (in order) Arsenal FC Aston Villa FC Birmingham City FC Blackburn Rovers FC Blackpool FC Bolton Wanderers FC Chelsea FC Everton FC Fulham FC Liverpool FC Manchester City FC Manchester United FC Newcastle United FC Stoke City FC Sunderland aFC Tottenham Hotspur FC West Bromwich Albion FC West Ham United FC Wigan Athletic FC Wolverhampton Wanderers Note: Manchester United and Tottenham Hotspur are licensed. Spanish League Hecioguel to Hercules CF Zelvantez to Levante UD Mlg Blanco/Azul to Malaga CF Pamp Rojo to CA Osasuna Sev.Blanco to Sevilla FC SSFB.Azul/Blanco to Real Sociedad Serie A Xavrenaguel to Palermo Stadium capacities You can create stadiums, but only 25 of them The stadium capacity is between 1,000 to 100,000 Team Stadium Name Capacity Eredivisie ADO Den Haag Kyocera Stadion 15,000 AZ Alkmaar AZ Stadion 17,023 De Graafschap De Vijverberg 12,600 SBV Excelsior Stadion Woudestein 3,527 FC Groningen Euroborg 22,329 FC Twente De Grolsch Veste 24,000 FC Utrecht Stadion Galgenwaard 24,426 Feyenoord Feijenoord Stadion(aka De Kuip) 51,577 Heracles Almelo Polman Stadion 8,500 NAC Breda Rat Verlegh Stadion 19,000 NEC Nijmegen McDos Goffertstadion 12,470 PSV Eindhoven Philips Stadion 35,186 Roda JC Parkstad Limburg Stadion 19,979 SC Heerenveen Abe Lenstra Stadion 26,800 Vitesse GelreDome 25,000 VVV-Venlo De Koel 7,500 Willem II Koning Willem II Stadion 14,637 Ligue 1 Arles-Avignon Parc des Sports 17,700 AJ Auxerre Stade de I'Abbe - Deschamps 24,493 Bordeaux Stade Chaban Delmas 34,462 Stade Brestois 29 Stade Francis - Le Ble 10,228 SM Caen Stade Michel d'Ornano 21,500 RC Lens Stade Felix Bollaert 41,233 Lille OSC Stadium Lille-Metropole 18,185 FC Lorient Stade du Moustoir 18,890 Lyon Stade de Gerland 40,494 Marseille Stade Velodrome 60,031 Montpellier Stade de la Mosson 32,900 AS Nancy Lorraine Stade Marcel Picot 20,085 OGC Nice Stade Municipal du Ray 17,415 Paris Saint Germain Parc des Princes 48,713 Stade Rennais Route de Lorient 31,127 AS Saint-Etienne Stade Geoffroy-Guichard 35,472 FC Sochaux Stade Auguste Bonal 20,025 Toulouse Stadium Municipal 35,472 Valenciennes Stade Nungesser 16,500 Premier League Arsenal FC Emirates Stadium 60,355 Aston Villa FC Villa Park 42,788 Birmingham City FC St Andrew's 30,009 Blackburn Rovers FC Edwood Park 31,367 Blackpool FC Bloomfield Road 16,220 Bolton Wanderers FC Reebok Stadium 28,723 Chelsea FC Stamford Bridge 41,841 Everton FC Goodison Park 40,157 Fulham FC Craven Cottage 25,700 Liverpool FC Anfield 45,276 Manchester City FC City of Manchester Stadium 47,726 Newcastle United FC St. James' Park 52,387 Stoke City FC Britannia Stadium 28,383 Sunderland aFC Stadium Of Light 49,000 Tottenham Hotspur FC White Hart Lane 36,310 West Bromwich Albion FC The Hawthorns 26,500 West Ham United FC Boleyn Ground(Upton Park) 35,303 Wigan Athletic FC DW Stadium 25,138 Wolverhampton Wanderers Molineux Stadium 29,195 La Liga Almeria Estadio del Mediterraneo 22,000 Athletic Bilbao San Mames 39,750 Athletico Madrid Vicente Calderon 54,851 Deportivo La Coruna Riazor 34,600 Espanyol-Estadi Cornella El Prat 40,500 Getafe cf Coliseum Alfonso Perez 17,700 Hercules FC Estadio Jose Rico Perez 30,000 Levante UD Estadio Ciutat de Valencia 25,534 Malaga cf La Rosaleda 28,963 Mallorca Iberostar Estadio 23,142 CA Osasuna Estadio Reyno de Navarra 19,800 Racing Santander El Sardinero 22,271 Real Sociedad Estadio Anoeta 32,076 Sevilla FC Ramon Sanchez Pizjuan 45,500 Sporting Gijon El Monlinon 29,800 Valenica Mestalla 55,000 Villarreal CF El Madrigal 25,000 Real Zaragoza La Romareda 34,596 Serie A Bari Stadio San Nicola 58,270 Brescia Stadio Mario Rigamonti 16,308 Bologna Stadio Renato Dall'Ara 38,279 Cagliari Stadio Sant'Elia 23,486 Catania Stadio Angelo Massimino 23,420 Cesena Stadio Dino Manuzzi 23,860 Chievo Stadio Marc'Antonio Bentegodi 39,211 Fiorentina Stadio Artemio Franchi 47,282 Genoa and Sampdoria Stadio Luigi Ferraris 36,285 Juventus Stadio Olimpico di Torino 28,000 Lecce Stadio Via del Mare 36,285 Napoli Stadio San Paolo 60,240 Palermo Stadio Renzo Barbera 37,619 Parma Stadio Ennio Tardini 27,906 Udinese Stadio Friuli 41,652 Other Clubs FC Copenhagen Parken, Copenhagen 38,065 Anderlecht Constant Vanden Stock Stadium 26,361 Club Brugge Jan Breydel Stadium 29,042 Dinamo Zagreb Stadion Maksimir 37,168 Slavia Prague Synot Tip Arena 21,000 Sparta Prague Generali Arena 20,854 HJK Helsinki Sonera Stadium 10,770 Bayern Munich Allianz Arena 69,901 Werder Bremen Weserstadion 42,358 AEK Athens Olympic Stadium 71,030 Olympiakos Karaiskakis Stadium 33,334 Panathinakos OAKA 71,030 POAK FC Toumba Stadium 28,703 Rosenborg BK Lerkendal Stadion 21,850 SC Braga Estadio AXA 30,154 Dinamo Bucuresti Dinamo 15,300 CFR Cluj Dr. Constantin Radulescu 23,363 Rubin Kazan Tsentralnyi Stadion 30,133 Spartak Moscow Luzhniki Stadium 78,360 Zenit St. Petersburg Petrovsky Stadium 22,025 Celtic FC Celtic Park 60,837 Rangers FC Ibrox Stadium 51,082 Red Star Belgrade Stadio Crvena Zvezda 55,538 AIK Rasunda Stadium 36,608 FC Basel 1893 St. Jacob Park 42,500 Besiktas JK BJK Inonu Stadium 32,145 Fenerbahce Sukru Saracoglu Stadium 53,586 Galatasaray Turk Telekom Arena 52,695 Shaktar Donetsk Donbass Arena 51,504 Dynamo Kiev Lobanovsky Dynamo Stadium 16,900 Boca Juniors Estadio Alberto J. Armando 49,000 Trophies Complete the following tasks to unlock PlayStation3 trophy rewards. First Glory (Bronze): Awarded for your first win. Perfect 10 (Bronze): Awarded for winning 10 consecutive matches. Come Back Win (Bronze): Awarded for your first Come Back Win. Last Gasp Winner (Bronze): Awarded for scoring the Winner in Stoppage Time. World Traveller (Bronze): A Title awarded for playing at all featured Stadiums. (Excludes ones created in Edit Mode.) The Gentleman (Bronze): Awarded for committing less than 1 Foul per match on average in your last 10 Matches. League Winner (Bronze): Awarded for winning one of the top leagues in [Master League]. European Elite 16 (Bronze): Awarded for making the Knockout phase of the UEFA Champions League in [Master League] . The Debutant (Bronze): Awarded for your First Professional Appearance in Become a Legend. International Cup Debut (Bronze): Awarded for your First Appearance in the Become a Legend International Cup. Possession Play (Silver): Awarded for having a Possession Rate of 60% or higher in your last 10 Matches. Hat-trick Hero (Silver): Awarded for scoring 5 hat-tricks. Predatory Striker (Silver): Awarded for playing over 20 Matches, averaging 2 goals plus goals per Match in your last 5. Dead-ball Expert (Silver): Awarded for 5 Direct Free-Kicks. Kings of Europe (Silver): Awarded for winning the Master League UEFA Champions League. No. 1 Club (Silver): Awarded for topping the Team Ranking in Master League. World Footballer of the Year (Silver): Awarded if a member of your team wins World Footballer of the Year in Master League. 10 years of Service (Silver): An award to honour 10 years of service in Master League. International Cup MVP (Silver): Awarded for being named International Cup Player of the Tournament in Become a Legend. The Journeyman (Silver): A title awarded for playing at 10 different clubs across 6 countries in Become a Legend. Mr. Consistency (Online) (Silver): Awarded for winning 75% of your last 20 Ranking Matches Online. Made the Knockout phase (Silver): Awarded for making the Knockout phase of the UEFA Champions League. Long Ranger (Gold): Awarded for scoring from 35m out or more. The Invincibles (Gold): Awarded for an undefeated season in Master League winning League, Cup and UEFA Champions League. The Super Hero (Gold): A title awarded for being named World Footballer of the Year in BECOME A LEGEND. European Champions (Gold): Awarded when you win the UEFA Champions League. Kings of Latin America (Gold): A title awarded for winning the Copa Santander Libertadores. Ultimate Player (Platinum): Perfect Collection. |
View: 11526 times |
Updated: 2011.04.24 |
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