L.A. Noire - PS3

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L.A. Noire - PS3
Name of the file: L.A. Noire - PS3 - Author: ANO - [PS3]

Newspaper locations:
Find the following newspapers by searching the corresponding locations:

Upon Reflection - On the right wall of the alley at the first crime scene.
The Driver's Seat - On the dining table inside the Black's residence.
A Marriage Made In Heaven - On the bar inside Ray's Cafe.
The Fallen Idol - On the workbench in the storage area of Silver Screen props.
The Red Lipstick Murder - Near the front door of the Henry residence.
The White Shoe Slaying - In Stuart Ackerman's shack at the Hobo area.
The Black Caesar - On the desk in the Ramez Removal Warehouse.
The Set Up - On the training table in the stadium.
Manifest Destiny - Near the downed shooter at the alley of Haskell's Finest Men's.
A Walk in the Elysian Fields - Search near the right corner of the Morelli's house's lawn.
A Polite Invitation - On Leland's Monroe's desk when raiding his mansion.
A Different Kind of War - On the front counter.
A Different Kind of War - On Harlan Fontaine's desk at the crime scene.

Avoiding bad choices:
In many interviews you can get up, walk out of a building, and make the game auto save. Then, return to the interview and start it. If you make a few bad choices, return to the system's home screen or reset the game. You will return to the auto save before the interview.

Booze bottles hint:
Cigarette butts, booze bottles, and such things are a waste of time. Their purpose is to throw you off as you investigate a crime scene.

Chase scenes hint:
-Hold [Camera Focus] while chasing a target on foot or in a car to keep an eye on your target. This makes chase scenes easier.
-When you close in on a suspect on foot, press [Tackle] repeatedly to tackle the suspect.
-During a car chase, pull up alongside a driver to have your partner fire at him. If he shoots a tire, the car will slow down while emitting sparks from one wheel. A faster way to take out a driver, however, is to slam into a rear wheel to spin the car out of control. T-boning a suspect at an intersection is another effective way to take them out.
Red Dead Redemption easter egg:
In the Silk Stock Murder, after investigating the long blood trail leading onto the roof, examine the body and find all the clues. You will return to your car. Instead of leaving, turn around and check out the alley behind you to find a trash can with a cowboy hat in it, which Red Dead Redemption players will recognize as belonging to the legendary John Marston.


Bronze trophies
A Cop on Every Corner - Complete a single street crime case.
Not So Hasty - Stop a fleeing Suspect with a warning shot as an LAPD Detective.
Asphalt Jungle - Chase down and tackle a fleeing suspect on foot as an LAPD Detective.
Traffic Stop - Disable a Suspect vehicle with help from your partner.
The Straight Dope - Use evidence to prove a lie as an LAPD Detective or Investigator.
One For The File - Find and inspect a clue as an LAPD Detective or Investigator.
Golden Boy - Clear a case finding every clue as an LAPD Detective or Investigator.
The Plot Thickens - Find and solve an inspection puzzle.
Lead Foot - Keep the needle above 80mph for more than ten seconds while driving.
Miles On The Clock - Drive more than 194.7 miles.
Dead Men Are Heavier - Shoot and kill a total of 100 bad guys.
Roscoe And Friends - Kill at least one bad guy with every gun.
The Shadow - Tail a suspect without being spotted, in a single case.
Star Map - Discover all landmark buildings around the city.
The Moose - Tail Candy Edwards from the parking lot to her destination without using cover or going incognito, except when staring or picking up the tail.
Keep A Lid On - Complete a brawl without losing your hat as an LAPD Detective or Investigator.
Auto Enthusiast - Drive 5 different vehicles.
Auto Collector - Drive 40 different vehicles.
Police Academy - Complete all cases on the patrol desk.
Paved With Good Intentions - Complete all cases on the Traffic desk.
The Simple Art Of Murder - Complete all cases on the Homicide desk.
No Rest For The Wicked - Complete all cases on the Vice desk.
Stab-Rite - At Ray's Cafe, find the bloodstained knife on your first sweep of the crime scene.
Round Heels - At the Bamba Club, get Dick McColl to give up the license plate of Celine Henry's male companion.
The Fighting Sixth - At the Bus Shooting, talk Felix Alvarro into giving up the Marines involved in the Coolridge heist.
Huckster - At Elysian Fields, outwit Leland Monroe when discussing his developments or advertising campaign.
Racing For Pinks - Find and inspect all of the Marquee-printed pink slips.
Femme Imbécile - Correctly branch every question in the interview with Jean Archer.
Chop Shop - During the Industrial Street raid, kill a goon by shooting the hanging engine block.
Nowhere In A Hurry - Catch and arrest Cliff Harrison before he is stopped by uniformed backup.
A Good-Looking Corpse - Find and inspect all of the narcotics in Julia Randall's apartment.
Fakeloo - Tail Henry Arnett from Hollywood Station to the pawnbroker and travel agent without being spotted.
Chauffeur Service - Escort Heather Swanson to Arnett's apartment without damaging your vehicle.
Give My Regards - Shoot every letter down from the tower at the Broadway Hotel.

Silver trophies
Johnny On The Spot - Respond to 20 street crimes cases.
The Long Arm of the Law - Complete all street crime cases.
The Up and Up - Complete a story case with a five star rating.
The Brass - Achieve maximum rank
Wooden Overcoats - Bring down a total of 30 bad guys with head shots.
The Third Degree - Correctly branch every question in every interview in a single story case.
The Hunch - Use four intuition points in conversation with a single suspect, correctly branching each question.
Public Menace - Rack up $47,000 in penalties during a single story case.
Auto Fanatic - Drive every vehicle in the city.
Hollywoodland - Find and inspect all gold film canisters.

Gold trophies
The Naked City of the Angels - Reach 100% Game Complete.
Shamus To The Stars - Complete all story cases with a five star rating
Magpie - Find and inspect 95% of all clues.
The Printer's Devil - Complete 'A Slip of the Tongue'.
Eight Million Stories - Complete 'The Naked City'
Moth To A Flame - Complete all cases on the Arson desk.

Platinum trophy
Platinum Trophy - Earn all Bronze, Silver, and Gold trophies

View: 7475 times
Updated: 2011.07.02

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