Magic : The Gathering - Duels of The Planewalkers - PS3

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Magic : The Gathering - Duels of The Planewalkers - PS3
Name of the file: Magic : The Gathering - Duels of The Planewalkers - PS3 - Author: ANO - [PS3]

Unlockable cards:

Use the indicated decks to unlock the following cards by winning the corresponding number of matches:

Claws Of Vengeance cards

Angel's Feather - 2
Angel's Feather - 10
Brion Stoutarm - 9
Bull Cerodon - 6
Cho Manno, Revolutionary - 15
Dragon's Claw - 7
Godsire - 14
Knight of the Skyward Eye - 11
Pariah - 4
Sangrite Surge - 8
Sigil B Blessinlessing - 3
Sigil Blessing - 12
Woolly Thoctar - 1
Wrath of God - 13
Wurms Tooth - 5
Cries Of Rage cards

Borderland Behemoth - 7
Bramblewood Paragon - 10
Bramblewood Paragon - 3
Dragon's Claw - 12
Dragon's Claw - 14
Eyes of Wisent - 17
Eyes of Wisent - 16
Hurricane - 6
Mirri, Cat Warrior - 5
Obsidian Battle-Axe - 11
Obsidian Battle-Axe - 1
Shock - 2nd win
Shock - 9
Vengeful Firebrand - 8
Vengeful Firebrand - 4
Wurm's Tooth - 13
Wurm's Tooth - 15
Ears Of Elves cards

Coat of Arms - 12
Elvish Champion - 1
Elvish Champion - 6
Eyeblight's Ending - 13
Immaculate Magistrate - 3
Imperious Perfect - 9
Jagged-Scar Archers - 8
Lys Alana Scarblade - 11
Nath of the Gilt-Leaf - 14
Rhys the Exiled - 4
Talara's Battalion - 15
Wurm's Tooth - 7
Wurm's Tooth - 5
Wurm's Tooth - 10
Wurm's Tooth - 2
Eyes Of Shadow cards

Ascendant Evincar - 13
Corrupt - 15
Crowd of Cinders - 8
Deathmark - 9
Deathmark - 5
Demon's Horn - 1
Demon's Horn - 6
Demon's Horn - 4
Demon's Horn - 3
Dread - 16
Hollowborn Barghest - 17
Mind Shatter - 10
Mortivore - 11
Nekrataal - 14
Plague Wind - 2
Royal Assassin - 12
Soot Imp - 7
Hands Of Flame cards

Blaze - 7
Bloodmark Mentor - 9
Cinder Pyromancer - 3
Cryoclasm - 6
Cryoclasm - 10
Dragon's Claw - 5
Dragon's Claw - 2
Dragon's Claw - 8
Dragon's Claw - 12
Furnace of Rath - 16
Hostility - 17
Incinerate - 4
Kamahl, Pit Fighter - 13
Rage Reflection - 14
Seismic Assault - 11
Shivan Dragon - 1
Shivan Hellkite - 15
Mind Of Void Deck cards

Angel's Feather - 13
Angel's Feather - 11
Counterbore - 9
Deft Duelist - 5
Dispeller's Capsule - 2
Isleback Spawn - 10
Jayemdae Tome - 1
Kraken's Eye - 12
Kraken's Eye - 14
Traumatize - 8
Wall of Air - 6
Wall of Air - 3
Wall of Swords - 7
Wall of Swords - 4
Relics Of Doom cards

Demon's Horn - 15
Demon's Horn - 13
Eiherium Sculptor - 6
Etherium Sculptor - 8
Etherium Sculptor - 3
Kraken's Eye - 14
Kraken's Eye - 12
Leonin Scmitar - 4
Leonin Scmitar - 2nd win
Loxodon Warhammer - 11
Mater of Etherium - 5
Platinum Angel - 10
Razormane Manticore - 7
Sharding Sphinx - 9
Tidehollow Strix - 1
Scales Of Fury cards

Blighting - 3
Broodmate Dragon - 11
Crucible of Fire - 4
Demon's Horn - 5
Dragon Roost - 6
Dragon's Claw - 7
Fervor - 13
Flameblast Dragon - 1
Flameblast Dragon - 14
Hellkite Overlord - 15
Shivan Dragon - 9
Threaten - 8
Violent Ultimatum - 12
Wurm's Tooth - 10
Wurm's Tooth - 2
Teeth Of The Predator cards

Blanchwood Armor - 1
Blanchwood Armor - 11
Elvish Piper - 14
Howl of the Night Pack - 4
Karplusan Strider - 12
Karplusan Strider - 10
Karplusan Strider - 6
Loxodon Warhammer - 16
Molimo, Maro-Sorcerer - 3
Roughshod Mentor - 7
Troll Ascetic - 15
Troll Ascetic - 9
Verdant Force - 13
Vigor - 17
Wurm's Tooth - 8
Wurm's Tooth - 5
Wurm's Tooth - 2
Thoughts Of Wind cards

Counterbore - 4
Denizen of the Deep - 16
Flashfreeze - 10
Flashfreeze - 6
Flow of Ideas - 14
Kraken's Eye - 5
Kraken's Eye - 2
Kraken's Eye - 8
Kraken's Eye - 12
Mahamoti Djinn - 1
Mind Spring - 11
Mind Spring - 17
Put Away - 7
Thieving Magpie - 13
Thieving Magpie - 15
Thieving Magpie - 3
Thieving Magpie - 9
Wings Of Light cards

Angel's Feather - 2
Angel's Feather - 12
Angel's Feather - 5
Angel's Feather - 8
Angel's Feather - 13
Luminesce - 6
Mass Calcify - 15
Paladin en-Vec - 10
Purity - 17
Reya Dawnbringer - 16
Serra Angel - 1
Serra's Embrace - 3
Skyhunter Skirmisher - 7
Soul Warden - 11
Spirit of the Hearth - 14
Voice of All - 4
Wrath of God - 9

View: 4478 times
Updated: 2011.07.08

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