Name of the file: Resistance 3 - PS3 - Author: ANO - [PS3] |
Multiplayer Ribbons: Unlock the following ribbons in Competitive Multiplayer by performing the corresponding tasks: RIBBON - HOW TO UNLOCK ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Head Shot- Get a Headshot kill. Primarch- Get the highest score in the game. Savior- Kill a player attacking a teammate. Denied- Kill a player who is about to get a Berserk. Retribution- Kill a player who just killed you. Knocked Out- Melee kill 5 players in one life. Postmortem- Kill a player while dead. Tag You're It- Get 5 kill sin a row with the Bullseye in one life. Double Kill- Kill 2 players with less than 4 seconds between each kill. Marked- Get 5 kills in a row with the Marksman in one life. Serial Kill- Kill 4 players with less than 4 seconds between each kill. Point Blank- Get 5 kills in a row with the Rossmore in one life. Slaughter- Kill 5 players with less than 4 seconds between each kill. Eagle Eye- Get 5 kills in a row with the Deadeye in one life. Bloodbath- Kill 6 players with less than 4 seconds between each kill. Nothing Left- Get 5 kills in a row with the Wildfire in one life. Massacre- Kill 7 players with less than 4 seconds between each kill. Infected- Get 5 kills in a row with the Mutator in one life. Eradicate- Kill 8 players with less than 4 seconds between each kill. Chilled Out- Kill 5 frozen enemies in a row, Obliterate- Kill 9 players with less than 4 seconds between each kill. Charged Up- Get 5 kills in a row with the Atomizer. Exterminate- Kill 10 players with less than 4 seconds between each kill. Vandal- Detroy an enemy deployable (turret, ammo beacon, heal beacon, decoy). Dream Crusher- Kill a player on a 5 or less kill streak. Healer- Heal 200hp in one life. Bounty Hunter- Kill a player on a 6-10 kill streak. Supplier- Resupply 200 rounds of ammunition with the ammo beacon in one life. Underdog- Kill a player who has mutated or has combat armor. ComSat- Get 5 Radar assists/kills in one life. Maniac- Get 10 kills without dying. Fire and Forget- Your turret got a kill. Epidemic- Get 20 kills without dying Spotter- A teammate killed someone you spotted. Flawless- Get 30 kills without dying. Great Wall- Block 350 points of damage with your Bubble Shield. Trigger Happy- Get the first kill in a game. Shield Breaker- Destroy a Bubble Shield, Assault or Auger shield. Defender- Kill a player near any of your objectives. Infiltrator- Capture 3 locations in a row in a game of Chain Reaction. Nemesis- Kill the same player 3 times in a row. Turkey- Capture 3 flags in a row. Accomplice- Get the most assists in a game. Surge- Deal 500 damage to a node. Spectre- Get the most kills with the fewest deaths in a game. Blackout- Deal 500 damage to the reactor. Strategist- Earn the highest kill streak in a game. Multiplayer Medals: Earn the following Medals in Competitive Multiplayer by performing the corresponding tasks: MEDAL - HOW TO UNLOCK - CREDITS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Medic - Heal 1000 damage using the Heal Beacon - 15 Credits Flame- Retardant - Survive 500 fire damage - 15 Credits Quartermaster - Give 1000 ammo using the Ammo Beacon - 15 Credits Armory - Play a match with all weapons purchased and upgrades - 15 Credits Right- on Top of Us! - Get 50 assists using Radar Beacon - 15 Credits Engineer - Play a match with 3 upgraded loadout items - 15 Credits Security- System - Get 25 kills with a turret - 15 Credits Patriot - Complete 5 Capture The Flag games - 15 Credits Blowing- Bubbles - Block 5000 damage with the Bubble Shield - 15 Credits Power- House - Complete 5 Breach games - 15 Credits Extra- Eyes - Get 50 assists using Spotter - 15 Credits Time- Bomb - Complete 5 Chain Reaction games - 15 Credits Hologram - Kill 25 people who have shot your Doppleganger first - 15 Credits Wold- Tour - Complete a game in 6 different countries - 15 Credits Spy - Backstab - Kill 5 people with the upgraded Assassin ability equipped - 15 Credits Xenophile - 200 kills with the Bullseye, Auger or Deadeye - 15 Credits Decoy - Kill 5 people within 10 meters of your Decoy - 15 Credits Xenophobe - 200 kills with the M5A2 Carbine, Magnum, Rossmore, or Marksman - 15 Credits Tazer - Kill 5 people stunned by your Lightning Shield - 15 Credits Toxic - 200 kills with Mutator or Cryogun - 15 Credits Ninja- Shoes - Kill 25 people while using Assassin - 15 Credits Pyrotechnic - 200 kills with exploosive or fire based damaged - 15 Credits Predator - Kill 25 people that you've seen with Thermal Vision - 15 Credits Survivor - Reach Level 10 - 150 Credits Demoman - Cause 1000 explosive damage using Demolitions - 15 Credits All- Knowing - Get 500 assists using Spotter and Thermal in Remnant Mode - 50 Credits Thick- Skinned - Block 1000 damage with the Hazmat Suit - 15 Credits Precision- Sniper - Get 500 Sniper kills with Vital Signs activated in Remnant Mode - 50 Credits Going- Berzerk - Get 5 tier 3 berserks using Berserker - 15 Credits Bombardier - Get 500 Wildfire kills with Demolitions Equipped in Remnant Mode - 50 Credits Hipshooter - Get 50 hip-fire kills using Gunslinger - 15 Credits Able- Bodied - Spend 3600 seconds with a support or tactical ability activated with Tactician and Team Player in Remnant Mode - 50 Credits From- Hell's Heart - Kill 5 people with Leaper Corpse - 15 Credits Biohazard - Kill 500 enemies with the Mutator while Hazmat is equipped in Remnant Mode - 50 Credits Hunter - Kill 50 people you have tracked - 15 Credits Live- Wire - Activate Lightning Shield inside your Bubble Shield 500 time in Remnant Mode - 50 Credits Sublime- Tacticians - Use tactical abilities 50 times while using Tactician - 15 Credits Ambush - Get 500 turret kills while a Decoy is active in Remnant Mode - 50 Credits Rapid- Fire - Get 50 kills in iron sights using Air-cooled barrel - 15 Credits Agent - Get 500 kills with both Assassin and Scan Jammer active in Remnant Mode - 50 Credits Jammer - Get 50 kills against enemies with jammed radars - 15 Credits Double- Double - Get 500 kills with Doppleganger active and Strapped Equipped in Remnant Mode - 50 Credits Hyena - Collect 500 health or ammo from dead bodies with the Scavenger ability equipped - 15 Credits Arsenal - Activate Ammo beacon 500 times with Strapped equipped in Remnant Mode - 50 Credits Patient - Get 5 fully charged Patience killed - 15 Credits Scrounge - Pick up 500 ammo packs with Scavenger and Bandolier equipped in Remnant Mode - 50 Credits Strapping - Kill 50 people using Strapped - 15 Credits Gun- Tech - Get 500 kills with Gunslinger and Air-cooled Barrel equipped in Remnant Mode - 50 Credits Tis- but a Scratch - Stop 1000 damage while using Body Armor - 15 Credits Immortal - Absorb 2000 damage with Heal Beacon active and Body Armor equipped in Remnant Mode - 50 Credits Works- Well With Others - Get 50 support ribbons - Healer, Supplier, ComStat, Great Wall, Spotter using Team Player - 15 Credits Raptor - Use Dash 500 times with Tracker equipped in Remnant Mode - 50 Credits Marathon - Run a marathon - 42195 steps - 15 Credits Gravedigger - Get 500 grenade or Leaper kills after dying with Grenadier - Leaper Corpse equipped in Remnant Mode - 50 Credits Pyromaniac - Light 50 people on fire - 15 Credits Multiplayer Beta Unlockables: Reach the following levels in Multiplayer Beta to unlock the corresponding bonuses: LEVEL - BONUS Level 1- ??? Level 2- Infected Loadout Level 3- Specter Loadout Level 4- ??? Level 5- Warden Loadout Level 6- Hedgehog (Grenade) Level 7- ??? Level 8- Spotter (Support Ability) Level 9- ??? Level 10- Tracker (Personal Attribute) Level 11- ??? Level 12- Mutator (Weapon), Decoy (Tactical Ability) Level 13- Gunslinger (Personal Attribute) Level 14- Strapped (Combat Attribute) Level 15- Vital Signs (Personal Attribute) Level 16- ??? Level 17- ??? Level 18- ??? Level 19- ??? Level 20 - Body Armor (Personal Attribute) Bloody Hell cheat hint: To unlock the"Bloody Hell" cheat, play Global Resistance and deploy 10,000 troops in the game. When activated, enemies explode in clouds of blood and gore. Trophies: Bronze trophies Short Out - Defeat the Stalker in under 60 seconds. Zookeeper - Kill the Brawler in Haven without taking any damage. Gardener - Destroy 100 blast roots. Slaybells - Make Santa and his reindeer fly. Bouncer - Keep Chimeran forces from entering the Brewpub. Calm Under Pressure - Defeat the Brawler in the Post Office in under 2 minutes. Snipe Hunt - Collect all Deadeye rifles without dying while fighting the Widowmaker in St. Louis. Roops! - Knock a Hybrid off the cliffs in Mt. Pleasant, PA. Frickin' Laser Beams - Get to the first mineshaft without being hit by sniper fire in Mt. Pleasant, PA. Vehicular Manslaughter - Destroy 10 Warden vehicles while on the train. Hello Driver - Kill 5 drivers without destroying their vehicle. BARF! - Make 6 Wardens puke at the same time in the prison. One Eyed Jack - Find and kill 'Jack' in Graterford Prison. No Escape - Destroy all Warden vehicles in the Motorpool. In This Together - Defeat the Widowmaker in Times Square without killing a single Hybrid. Good Fences - Don't allow any counter-attackers into the Washington Square base. Up Your Arsenal - Get a kill with every weapon in your arsenal. Overload - Use the EMP to take down 10 Steelhead Auger shields. Cheap Shots - Kill 25 enemies firing the Auger through an object. Grenadier - Kill 3 or more Military Chimera with a single Grenade. Raining Limbs - Kill 25 Grims using only grenades. Corpse Wagon - Detonate fallen Leeches to kill 25 enemies. Bloodborne - Kill 3 enemies simultaneously using a single mutated body. Grasshopper Unit - Kill 5 Longlegs in mid-jump. Sandman - Kill 5 Grims in a row using only headshots. Body Count - Kill 1000 enemies. Juggler - Simultaneously burn, freeze and poison 4 separate enemies. Nothing But Net - Score a basket by lobbing a grenade through a basketball hoop. Medusa - Freeze 5 enemies at once and destroy them with a blast of the Cryogun's secondary fire. Bull in a China Shop - Freeze and melee kill 3 Ravagers. Weaponsmith - Upgrade 5 weapons in Campaign Mode. This is my Rifle - Fully upgrade one weapon in Campaign Mode. Backstabber - Kill 20 enemies with melee while they are idle. Toast - Use the upgraded Deadeye secondary fire to kill 2+ enemies, 5 times. Counter-Sniper - Use the Deadeye to kill 20 snipers. Electric Avenue - Use the EMP to take down 25 drones. Warp Speed - Use the Atomizer secondary fire to kill 30 enemies. Feeling Lucky, Punk - Detonate multiple Magnum rounds to kill 2+ enemies at once, 5 times. Fireworks - Use the Wildfire secondary fire to kill 6 enemies in one shot. Boomstick - Use the upgraded Rossmore secondary fire to set 6 enemies on fire at once. Tag, You're It - Kill 40 Bullseye tagged enemies. Opportunity Knocks - Kill 20 enemies with environmental objects. Expert Sniper - Get 50 headshot kills in Campaign Mode. Collector - Collect 10 journals. Bookworm - Collect 50% of the journals. Waste Not - Get 5 headshot kills with one Deadeye clip. Shoe Leather - Travel 30 km on foot. Land, Sea, and Air - Travel in 3 different vehicles on your journey. Buckshot - Kill 2+ enemies with one Rossmore blast. Access Denied - Absorb 1000 damage with Auger Shields. From the Hip - Kill 50 enemies with the Bullseye or Marksman while moving, without using zoom. Chamber Full of Death - Kill 5+ Hybrids at once by using the HE .44 Magnum secondary fire. Helping Hands - Revive a Co-op partner 20 times. Silver trophies Irresistible Force - Complete Campaign Mode on any difficulty. Master Mechanic - Fully upgrade all weapons in Campaign Mode. Archivalist - Collect all journals. Silent Partner - Damage the same enemy in Cooperative Mode for 100 kills. Gold trophies Brutal - Complete Campaign Mode on Superhuman. Platinum trophy Platinum Trophy - Earn all Gold, Silver, and Bronze trophies. |
View: 13855 times |
Updated: 2011.09.20 |
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