Phineas And Ferb : Across The 2nd Dimension - PS3

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Phineas And Ferb : Across The 2nd Dimension - PS3
Name of the file: Phineas And Ferb : Across The 2nd Dimension - PS3 - Author: ANO - [PS3]

Cheat mode
Select the "Extras" option, then select "Enter Code". Enter one of the following codes to activate the corresponding cheat function.

Agent P "Perry the Plattyborg" skin
Enter Circle, X, Circle, Triangle, Square, Triangle as a code.

Complete the following tasks to unlock PlayStation3 trophy rewards.
Lifetime Accomplishment Award (Platinum): Collect every trophy in the game.
Figure Madman (Gold): Collect Every Figure in the game.
Version 2.0 (Silver): Install half of the upgrade chips in the game.
Modtacular (Bronze): Collect all the mod chips in the game.
I'm A-Levelin' Mah Gadgets! (Bronze): Get each and every gadget up to maximum level.
Chiptastic (Silver): Collect every upgrade,effect,and mod chip in the game.
Weekend at the arcade (Bronze): Earn 2000 tickets in the course of the game.
Ticket Stockpiller (Silver): Have 500 tickets in your posession at once.
The full cast (Silver): Unlock every single playable character (Baljeet, Isabella, Pinky, Peter).
Let's Play Dress-Up (Gold): Unlock all 17 additional skins
First Gadget (Bronze): Collect all the parts and construct your first gadget.
Additionally there are twenty nine secret trophies.
Gelatin Freedom-Fighter (Bronze): Beat all the gelatin dimension levels.
Up, Up and Away... (Bronze): Complete all the balloon dimension levels.
That Old Timey Life (Bronze): Complete all the old timey dimension levels.
Gnome Toppler (Bronze): Complete all the gnome dimension levels.
Robot Rioter (Bronze): Complete all the robot factory levels.
Evil Vanquisher (Bronze): Beat all the levels in the game.
Gelatin Gold (Silver): Collect all of the gold tokens in the gelatin dimension.
Balloon Gold (Silver): Collect all of the gold tokens in the balloon dimension.
There's Gold in Them Thar Hills (Silver): Collect all of the gold tokens in the old timey dimension.
Fantasy Gold (Silver): Collect all of the gold tokens in the gnome dimension.
Robotic Gold (Silver): Collect all of the gold tokens in the robot factory.
Evil Doof's Gold (Silver): Collect all of the gold tokens assaulting Evil Doof's HQ.
Dimensional Gold Claim (Gold): Collect all of the gold tokens across all the dimensions.
Rush to the Sewers (Bronze): Get from the treehouse all the way into the sewers as quickly as possible.
Gelatin Revolution (Bronze): Defeat the Gelatin Monster in under 180 seconds.
Just Bouncy (Bronze): Climb up the gelatin mountain but never bounce more than once on the same bouncy pad.
Barging Through (Bronze): Ride the entire balloon barge without falling once.
Agh, Bees! (Bronze): Run through the bee path in under 38 seconds.
Old Timey Winds (Silver): Go across the windy canyon without falling down once.
Platform Walker (Bronze): Stay on the moving platforms for at least 60 seconds. (Don't touch solid ground.)
What the Boulder's Cooking (Silver): Defeat 3 enemies with boulders.
Charging Goozim (Bronze): Make the Goozim charge into all the gnome village wreckage.
Cruising through Crushers (Bronze): Get through all the crushers without getting hit.
Cruiser Destroyer (Bronze): Don't let any cruisers get away. (Shoot them all down.)
Quick and Timely Champion (Bronze): Don't miss any button prompts during the giant robot fight.
Padfoot (Bronze): Don't trip any turret shots by stepping on the laser sensors.
Commander Counselor (Bronze): Defeat 3 Dooftron Commanders in the level. (The giant buildings.)
Laser Tracer (Silver): Avoid 4 quad-laser attacks in a row.
Grand Slam (Silver): Use only the Baseball Launcher to defeat the Doof-Robot.

View: 6234 times
Updated: 2011.11.04

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