Call of Duty : Modern Warfare 3 - PS3

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Call of Duty : Modern Warfare 3 - PS3
Name of the file: Call of Duty : Modern Warfare 3 - PS3 - Author: ANO - [PS3]

Level bonuses

Reach the indicated level to unlock the corresponding bonus.
Level 5: Throwing Knife
Level 6: SCAR-L (Assault Rifle)
Level 8: SPAS-12 (Shotgun)
Level 10: P99 (Handgun)
Level 11: Blind Eye
Level 12: Dragunov (Sniper)
Level 13: Scrambler (Tactical)
Level 14: PKP Pecheneg (LMG)
Level 15: Hardline
Level 15: Revenge (Death Streak)
Level 16: MP9 (Machine Pistol)
Level 18: CM901 (Assault Rifle)
Level 19: Sitrep
Level 20: Specialist (Strike Package)
Level 21: EMP Grenade (Tactical)
Level 22: A550 (Sniper)
Level 22: Extreme Conditioning
Level 24: Javelin (Launcher)
Level 26: AA-12 (Shotgun)
Level 27: Assassin
Level 28: PP90M1 (SMG)
Level 29: Smoke Grenade (Tactical)
Level 30: MP412 (Handgun)
Level 30: Steady Aim
Level 32: Type 99 (Assault Rifle)
Level 32: Final Stand (Death Streak)
Level 36: Skorpion (M. Pistol)
Level 37: Bouncing Betty (Anti Personnel Mine)
Level 38: P90 (SMG)
Level 40: Stinger (Launcher; vehicle lock-on only)
Level 42: G36C (Assault Rifle)
Level 44: RSASS (Sniper)
Level 45: Trophy System (deflects enemy explosives/missiles)
Level 46: .44 Magnum (Handgun)
Level 47: Overkill
Level 48: Striker (Shotgun)
Level 50: ACR (Assault Rifle)
Level 51: Martyrdom (Death Streak)
Level 52: XM25 (Launcher)
Level 53: Claymore (Anti Personnel Mine)
Level 54: MK46 (LMG)
Level 55: Dead Silence
Level 56: PM9 (SMG)
Level 57: Dead Man's Hand (Death Streak)
Level 58: Five Seven (Handgun)
Level 60: MK14 (Assault Rifle)
Level 61: Tactical Insertion (marker to place your next re-spawn)
Level 62: Model 1887 (Shotgun)
Level 64: M320 GLM (Launcher)
Level 66: MSR (Sniper)
Level 68: AK-47 (Assault Rifle)
Level 69: C4 Explosives
Level 70: G18 (Machine Pistol)
Level 71: Hollow Points (Death Streak)
Level 72: M60E4 (LMG)
Level 74: MP7 (SMG)
Level 76: Desert Eagle (Handgun)
Level 77: Portable Radar (shows enemy moment within its radius)
Level 78: FAD (Assault Rifle)
Level 80: RPG-7 (Launcher)

The following perks are available.
Tier 1
Sleight of Hand: Fast Reloading.
Pro: Fast Weapons Change.
Recon: Explosive damage shows target on mini-map.
Pro: Bullet damage shows target on mini-map.
Blind Eye: Air Support and Sentries are undetectable.
Pro: Fast lock-on for rockets. Increased bullet damage to vehicles.
Extreme Conditioning: Increased sprint time.
Pro: Climbing speed increased.
Scavenger: Get ammo from dead enemies.
Pro: Get more ammo.
Tier 2
Quickdraw: Faster Aiming.
Pro: Faster recovery from using grenade/equipment.
Blast Shield: Increased explosive resistance.
Pro: Resistance to flashbangs and stuns.
Hardline: Killstreaks require one fewer kill.
Pro: Two assists count as kill towards killstreaks. Deathstreaks require one fewer death.
Assassin: Immunity to UAV, portable radar, thermal, and heartbeat.
Pro: Immunity to CUAV and EMP, no red crosshair or name over you.
Overkill: Carry two primary weapons.
Pro: Second primary can have two attachments.
Tier 3
Marksman: Identify targets at more distant range.
Pro: Hold your breath for longer when sniping.
Stalker: Increased movement speed while aiming down the sites.
Pro: Add delay to enemy claymores before exploding.
SitRep: Detect Enemy Explosive and Tac Insert.
Pro: Opposing team’s footsteps make more noise.
Steady Aim: Increased accuracy while firing from hip.
Pro: Weapon ready more quickly after sprint.
Dead Silence: Quieter movement, recon does not work as well against you.
Pro: Do not take any fall damage.

Complete the following tasks to unlock PlayStation3 trophy rewards.
All In (Platinum): Earn all available Trophies for Modern Warfare 3.
Back in the Fight (Bronze): Start the Single Player Campaign on any difficulty.
Too Big to Fail (Bronze): Destroy the Jamming Tower. Complete 'Black Tuesday' on any difficulty.
Wet Work (Bronze): Take back New York Harbor. Complete 'Hunter Killer' on any difficulty.
Carpe Diem (Bronze): Escape the mountain safe house. Complete 'Persona Non Grata' on any difficulty.
Frequent Flyer (Bronze): Defend the Russian President. Complete 'Turbulence' on any difficulty.
Up to No Good (Bronze): Infiltrate the village. Complete 'Back on the Grid' on any difficulty.
One Way Ticket (Bronze): Make it to Westminster. Complete 'Mind the Gap' on any difficulty.
Welcome to WW3 (Bronze): Save the US Vice President. Complete 'Goalpost' on any difficulty.
Sandstorm! (Bronze): Assault the shipping company. Complete 'Return to Sender' on any difficulty.
Back Seat Driver (Bronze): Track down Volk. Complete 'Bag and Drag' on any difficulty.
We'll Always Have Paris (Bronze): Escape Paris with Volk. Complete 'Iron Lady' on any difficulty.
Vive la Révolution! (Bronze): Reach the church. Complete 'Eye of the Storm' on any difficulty.
Requiem (Bronze): Escape the city. Complete 'Blood Brothers' on any difficulty.
Storm the Castle (Bronze): Discover Makarov's next move. Complete 'Stronghold' on any difficulty.
Bad First Date (Bronze): Find the girl. Complete 'Scorched Earth' on any difficulty.
Diamond in the Rough (Bronze): Rescue the Russian President. Complete 'Down the Rabbit Hole' on any difficulty.
The Big Apple (Silver): Complete 'Black Tuesday' and 'Hunter Killer' on Veteran difficulty.
Out of the Frying Pan... (Silver): Complete 'Persona Non Grata', 'Turbulence', and 'Back on the Grid' on Veteran difficulty.
Payback (Silver): Complete 'Mind the Gap', 'Goalpost', and 'Return to Sender' on Veteran difficulty.
City of Lights (Silver): Complete 'Bag and Drag' and 'Iron Lady' on Veteran difficulty.
The Darkest Hour (Silver): Complete 'Eye of the Storm', 'Blood Brothers', and 'Stronghold' on Veteran difficulty.
This is the End (Silver): Complete 'Scorched Earth', 'Down the Rabbit Hole', and 'Dust to Dust' on Veteran difficulty.
Who Dares Wins (Silver): Complete the campaign on any difficulty.
The Best of the Best (Gold): Complete the campaign on Hardened or Veteran difficulty.
Strike! (Bronze): Kill 5 enemies with a single grenade in Single Player or Special Ops.
Jack the Ripper (Bronze): Melee 5 enemies in a row in Single Player or Special Ops.
Informant (Bronze): Collect 22 Intel Items.
Scout Leader (Silver): Collect 46 Intel Items.
This Is My Boomstick (Bronze): Kill 30 enemies with the XM25 in 'Black Tuesday.'
What Goes Up... (Bronze): Destroy all the choppers with only the UGV's grenade launcher in 'Persona Non Grata.'
For Whom the Shell Tolls (Bronze): Destroy all targets during the mortar sequence with only 4 shells in 'Back on the Grid.'
Kill Box (Bronze): Kill 20 enemies with the Chopper Gunner in a single run in 'Return to Sender.'
Danger Close (Bronze): Take down a chopper with an AC-130 smoke grenade in 'Bag and Drag.'
Ménage à Trois (Bronze): Destroy 3 tanks with a single 105mm shot in 'Iron Lady.'
Nein (Bronze): Kill 9 enemies with A-10 strafing runs in 'Scorched Earth.'
50/50 (Bronze): Complete a Special Ops Mission Mode game with the same number of kills as your partner.
Birdie (Bronze): Kill 2 enemy helicopters without getting hit in a Special Ops Survival game.
Serrated Edge (Bronze): Finish a Juggernaut with a knife in Special Ops.
Arms Dealer (Bronze): Buy all items from the Survival Weapon Armory.
Danger Zone (Bronze): Buy all items from the Survival Air Support Armory.
Defense Spending (Bronze): Buy all items from the Survival Equipment Armory.
Get Rich or Die Trying (Silver): Have $50,000 current balance in a Special Ops Survival game.
I Live (Bronze): Survive 1 wave in a Special Ops Survival game.
Survivor (Silver): Reach Wave 10 in each mission of Special Ops Survival mode.
Unstoppable (Silver): Reach Wave 15 in each mission of Special Ops Survival mode.
No Assistance Required (Bronze): Complete a Special Ops Mission Mode game on Hardened or Veteran with no player getting downed.
Brag Rags (Bronze): Earn 1 star in Special Ops Mission Mode.
Tactician (Bronze): Earn 1 star in each mission of Special Ops Mission Mode.
Overachiever (Silver): Earn 48 stars in Special Ops Mission Mode.
Additionally there is one secret trophy
Flight Attendant (Bronze): Kill all 5 enemies during the zero-g sequence in 'Turbulence.'

View: 5696 times
Updated: 2011.11.18

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