Back To The Future : The Game - Episode 5 - PS3

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Back To The Future : The Game - Episode 5 - PS3
Name of the file: Back To The Future : The Game - Episode 5 - PS3 - Author: ANO - [PS3]

Complete the following tasks to unlock PlayStation3 trophy rewards.
A Prickly Pair (Bronze): Had a conversation with a cactus.
Crackpot Mended (Silver): Restored Edna's memory.
Emmett Finds His Muse (Silver): Emmett completes his spectacular failure the Expo.
False Impressions (Bronze): Impersonated three people over the phone.
Full Fair (Bronze): Get your money's worth at the Expo.
Get it on Tape (Bronze): Recorded everyone at the Expo.
Green Gobblin' (Bronze): Treated Desert Edna to an algae cake.
Moonwalker (Bronze): Busted a move, 80's style.
No Backups (Bronze): Complete the glass house maze without going back up the stairs.
Raising the Bar (Silver): Prevented the Great Hill Valley Fire.
The Future isn't Writtten (Gold): Returned home.
Two-Up (Bronze): Defuse the standoff while climbing to the second floor no more than two times.

View: 4827 times
Updated: 2011.12.20

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