Lost Planet : Extreme Condition - PS3

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Lost Planet : Extreme Condition - PS3
Name of the file: Lost Planet : Extreme Condition - PS3 - Author: ANO - [PS3]

Cheat Codes

Unlimited ammunition
Pause game play, then press R2, R1, Triangle, Square, Right, Down, Left, L1, L2, R2, R1, Triangle, Square, Right, Down, Left, L1, L2, R2, L2, L1, R1, Triangle, Left, Down, Square, R1 + L1. A sound will confirm correct code entry. The code will remain in effect only for the current level and will be disabled when the game is stopped or after the level is completed. This is only usable in Easy and Story mode.

Unlimited health
Pause game play, then press Down(3), Up, Triangle, Up, Triangle, Up, Triangle, Up(3), Down, Square, Down, Square, Down, Square, Left, Triangle, Right, Square, Left, Triangle, Right, Square, R1 + L1. A sound will confirm correct code entry. The code will remain in effect only for the current level and will be disabled when the game is stopped or after the level is completed. This is only usable in Easy and Story mode.

T-ENG 500 points added
Pause game play, then press Up(2), Down(2), Left, Right, Left, Right, Square, Triangle, R1 + L1. A sound will confirm correct code entry. The code will remain in effect only for the current level and will be disabled when the game is stopped or after the level is completed. This is only usable in Easy and

Story mode.
Control ending sequence
Hold L2 + L1 + R2 + R1 + Square + Triangle + Circle during the ending sequence before "Test Player" is reached to control Wayne's LP-9999 VS. You can fly to the destroyed Akrid.

Control intermission sequence view
Press Circle, X, Square, Triangle, Circle, X, Square, Triangle, Circle, X, Square, Triangle during an intermission sequence to control the view.

Control loading screen
Press [Fire] during any loading screen to make the words shoot out something like a cross between T-ENG and normal grenades.

Bonus characters
Complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding character.
Luka: Get the target marks in all eleven missions. Hold R1 to select Luka at the mission selection screen in single player mode. In multi-player mode he will appear with the other characters.
Joe: Complete Campaign mode. Hold Square to select Joe at the mission selection screen in single player mode. In multi-player mode he will appear with the other characters. Joe has the movement speed of 90% of Wayne, 1,500 health, and has the Viewtiful Joe VFX mode slow motion ability activated by pressing R1.
Frank: Reach level 90 in Online mode. Hold Triangle to select Frank at the mission selection screen in single player mode. In multi-player mode he will appear with the other characters. Frank has the movement speed of 80% of Wayne, 2,000 health, and is equipped with a flame thrower.
Mega Man: Participate in 100 matches in Online mode. Hold Square + Triangle to select Mega Man at the mission selection screen in single player mode. In multi-player mode he will appear with the other characters. Mega Man has normal movement speed, normal health, does not require Thermal Energy to survive, and has an Energy Gun that requires Thermal Energy to fire.

Extreme difficulty
Successfully complete the game.

Multi-player costumes
Reach the indicated level by playing online ranked matches to unlock the corresponding costume.
Basic costumes: Level 1
Third pattern for basic costumes: Level 10
Third pattern for Gale: Level 50
Third pattern for Hero: Level 80
Third pattern for NEVEC: Level 65
Third pattern for Stranger: Level 35
Fourth pattern for basic costumes: Level 20
Fourth pattern for Gale: Level 60
Fourth pattern for Hero: Level 85
Fourth pattern for NEVEC: Level 70
Fourth pattern for Stranger: Level 40

Multi-player characters
Reach the indicated level by playing online ranked matches to unlock the corresponding character.
Gale: Level 45
Hero: Level 75
NEVEC: Level 55
Stranger: Level 30

View: 10814 times
Updated: 2012.07.19

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