Name of the file: DmC : Devil May Cry - PS3 - Author: ANO - [PS3] |
Unlockables Unlockable Difficulties Complete the required mode to unlock new difficulty modes Dante Must Die! - Complete the game on Son of Sparda Heaven or Hell - Complete the game on Son of Sparda Hell and Hell - Complete the game on Heaven or Hell Son of Sparda - Complete the game on Human, Devil Hunter or Nephilim Unlock Rare Art Rare Art #1 - Devil Trigger 666 times Rare Art #2 - Play for 50 hours Rare Art #3 - Total Damage of 5,000,000 points Rare Art #4 - Complete any 60 missions with SSS rank Unlockable Costumes You can unlock costumes by beating the game on a specific difficulty Son of Sparda - Beat the game on Son of Sparda difficulty Standard - Beat the game on Nephilim or lower Super Dante Perk Upon beating Dante Must Die mode, the Super Dante perk will be unlocked. This perk will grant the player infinite devil trigger in exchange for a 50% penalty towards the mission score. Super Dante (Perk) - Beat Dante Must Die mode. Trophies There are 38 Bronze Trophies, 7 Silver Trophies, 3 Gold Trophies, and 1 Platinum Trophy. A man with guts and honor (Bronze) - Reach the end of the descent on Mission 6 having killed all of the enemies Absolutely crazy about it (Bronze) - Spend 50,000 Red Orbs And welcome to Hell! (Gold) - Complete all missions on the Hell and Hell difficulty And you are set free (Bronze) - Free half of the Lost Souls Bring it on! (Bronze) - Slay 1,000 Demons Cleaning up his Dad's mess (Bronze) - Defeat Mundus Come on Puppy. Let's go! (Bronze) - Defeat your pursuer Devils never cry (Gold) - Complete all missions on the Dante Must Die difficulty Dude, the show's over! (Bronze) - Find all of the Keys Every hero has a weakness (Bronze) - Complete Furnace of Souls without taking damage from the furnace Fill your dark soul with light (Silver) - Free all of the Lost Souls Flock off, feather-face! (Bronze) - Survive the encounter with the Tyrant For Tony Redgrave (Bronze) - Kill 50 enemies using nothing but firearms He's a demon too (Bronze) - Help Phineas retrieve his eye Impressive (Bronze) - Slay 100 Demons In the name of my father (Bronze) - Kill 100 enemies using nothing but Demon weapons It's got to stay in the family (Bronze) - Acquire Arbiter It's only the rain (Bronze) - Kill 10 enemies by pushing them into the Hurricane ride on Mission 1 It's showtime. Come on! (Bronze) - Earn 1,500 Style Bonuses It's time to finish this! (Bronze) - Help Vergil open the Vault Jackpot! (Gold) - Complete all missions on the Nephilim difficulty with a SSS rank Keeps getting better and better (Silver) - Gain a 100% completion rank on all missions (difficulty doesn't matter) Let's rock, baby! (Bronze) - Upgrade Dante's health to maximum Let's welcome chaos! (Bronze) - Open all of the Secret Doors Looks like it's your lucky day (Bronze) - Complete a level without taking any damage Looks like we have a winner (Silver) - Slay 5,000 Demons More than just a few sparks (Bronze) - Acquire Revenant No talking! (Bronze) - Acquire Aquila Now my coat's all charred (Bronze) - Navigate the Sky Bridge on Mission 16 without hitting the lasers One hell of a party! (Silver) - Complete all of the Secret Missions Only kind of gift worth giving (Bronze) - Acquire the Angel Boost ability Platinum Trophy (Platinum) - Collect all DmC Devil May Cry Trophies Power... Give me more power! (Silver) - Purchase all of Dante's combat upgrades Sensational! (Bronze) - Gain a SSS Style Rank during combat Stylish! (Bronze) - Complete a mission with a SSS rank The end? Don't bet on it (Silver) - Complete the final mission on Human, Devil Hunter or Nephilim difficulty Thing drives me crazy (Bronze) - Acquire Osiris This baby sure can pack a punch (Bronze) - Acquire Eryx This is my kind of rain (Bronze) - Spend 10,000 Red Orbs This is what I live for! (Bronze) - Complete all missions on the Heaven or Hell difficulty This party's just getting crazy! (Bronze) - Complete 10 Secret Missions Time to go to work guys! (Bronze) - Purchase your first upgrade Too easy! (Silver) - Complete all missions on the Son of Sparda difficulty Whatever, Lady (Bronze) - Defeat Mundus' spawn Where does the time go? (Bronze) - Complete a level with 2 minutes or less on the clock You are not a Human, are you? (Bronze) - Acquire the Devil Trigger ability You can't handle it (Bronze) - Upgrade Dante's Devil Trigger to maximum You'll never have her fire (Bronze) - Kill 100 enemies using nothing but Angel weapons You're not going to shoot me (Bronze) - Acquire Kablooey |
View: 6246 times |
Updated: 2013.03.21 |
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