God of War : Ascension - PS3

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God of War : Ascension - PS3
Name of the file: God of War : Ascension - PS3 - Author: ANO - [PS3]


There are 20 Bronze Trophies, 10 Silver Trophies, 5 Gold Trophies, and 1 Platinum Trophy.

Big Spender - Upgrade any Magic to the next level
Biting the Hand that Feeds You - Defeat Megaera and the Titan Hecatonchires
Blind Justice - Use the Eyes of Truth successfully
Blood Oath - Complete the MP Training in Olympus
Bond Broken - Complete the Game
Bros before Foes - Escape the Fury Ambush
Can't Stop, Won't Stop. BadBoy! - Perform a 1000 Hit Combo
Champion of the Gods - Unlock all Trophies
Fireproof - Complete the Screw of Archimedes without getting hit by the Fire Traps
Fully Loaded - Completely Upgrade Kratos
Gateway Gas - Breathe the toxic gases within the Oracle's Temple
Gotta Hand It To You - Defeat the infected Hand of Aegaeon
Handyman - Reconstruct the Water Wheel of Kirra
Hello, Friend - Use the Oath Stone of Orkos in Combat 10 Times
Hold Still Please - Slow 100 Enemies with the Amulet of Uroborus
Hot Lunch - Win the Buttonless MiniGame against a Manticore
If it ain't broke... - Reconstruct all of the Decayed Chests
Legendary Warrior - Complete the game on Hard Difficulty
Light as a Feather - Collect all of the Phoenix Feathers
Lubed up - Complete the slide in the Statue of Apollo without dying
Maybe you should call a Doctor? - Keep the Rage Meter Filled for 2+ Minutes
Next time use the stairs - Complete the Gauntlet of Archimedes
No Drake. You can't have these. - Collect all Artifacts in the game
Open Minded - Win the Buttonless MiniGame against a Juggernaut
Prison Break - Free Kratos from his imprisonment
Quaid!!! - Defeat Pollux
Round and Round - Solve the Rolling Crusher Puzzle
Snakes on a Train - Ride the snake back to the Tower of Delphi
Swinger - Ring out an enemy with the Club
Tag Teamed - Hit 100 Enemies with the Oath Stone of Orkos
Tell Me How You Really Feel - Kill 25 Enemies using the Rage of the Gods
That's Gonna Leave a Mark - Spill 500 buckets of blood on Kratos
The Eyes have It - Collect all of the Gorgon Eyes
Tools of the Trade - Use All 5 World Weapons in Combat
Unleashed - Throw, Slam and Ram a grappled enemy
You Bastards! - Treat the Martyr of Hecatonchires poorly

View: 8673 times
Updated: 2013.03.21

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