Call Of Duty : Ghosts - PS4

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Call Of Duty : Ghosts - PS4
Name of the file: Call Of Duty : Ghosts - PS4 - Author: ANO - [PS4]

Extinction mode

- Start the single player Campaign mode under the Regular or higher difficulty level. Complete the "Ghost Stories", "Brave New World", "No Man's Land", and "Struck Down" missions to unlock the "Extinction Mode" option at the main menu.

- Alternately, start Multiplayer Career mode and reach level 5.

Extinction mode: Exploding stuffed alien dolls
Start Chapter 1, "Point Of Contact" and collect a sniper rifle. Find the "Gil's Lodge Motel" neon sign. Use the sniper rifle and shoot the letters "L", "O", and "L" (in order) in the word "Lodge" on that sign. The message "LOL" will appear in the center of the screen to confirm correct entry. For a short period of time, any alien shot will explode into golden alien stuffed dolls.

Complete the following tasks to unlock PlayStation trophy rewards.

Federated (Platinum): Earn all available Trophies for Call of Duty Ghosts.
Ghost Stories (Bronze): Escape. (Complete "Ghost Stories" on any difficulty).
Spatial Awareness (Bronze): Kill your first enemy in the Call of Duty Ghosts campaign.
Brave New World (Bronze): Rendez-vous in Fort Santa Monica. (Complete "Brave New World" on any difficulty).
Liberty Wall (Bronze): Take down both attack helicopters. (Video)
No Man's Land (Bronze): Make it to San Diego. (Complete "No Man's Land" on any difficulty).
Blimey O'Riley (Bronze): Pounce on 10 enemies whilst controlling Riley. (Video)
Struck Down (Bronze): Find Ajax. (Complete "Struck Down" on any difficulty).
Waste not (Bronze): Every shot with the remote sniper hits a person or vehicle. (Video)
Homecoming (Bronze): Defend LA. (Complete "Homecoming" on any difficulty).
Go Ugly Early (Bronze): A-10 strafe 50 enemies. (Video)
Legends Never Die (Bronze): Hunt down Almagro. (Complete "Legends Never Die" on any difficulty).
It Came from Below! (Bronze): Kill 6 enemies with the knife while underwater in "Legends Never Die". (Video)
Federation Day (Bronze): Gather intel on Rorke. (Complete "Federation Day" on any difficulty).
Sleeping Beauty (Bronze): Kill the sleeping guy in face down rappel section. (Video)
Carbon Faceprint (Bronze): Catch Photocopier with your face. (Video)
Birds of Prey (Bronze): Capture Rorke (Complete "Birds of Prey" on any difficulty).
Burn Baby Burn (Bronze): Destroy 80 Fuel containers. (Video)
The Hunted (Bronze): Make it out alive (Complete "The Hunted" on any difficulty).
Jungle Ghosts (Bronze): Finish the mission without breaking stealth. (Video)
Clockwork (Bronze): Hack the system (Complete "Clockwork" on any difficulty).
Deep Freeze (Bronze): Drop 8 vehicles into ice holes. (Video)
Atlas Falls (Bronze): Distract the Federation Fleet. (Complete "Atlas Falls" on any difficulty).
Grindin' (Bronze): Completing the console section on first attempt. (Video)
Piece of cake (Gold): Storm the common room and kill everyone without taking damage on veteran. (Video)
Into the Deep (Bronze): Destroy the enemy ship (Complete "Into The Deep" on any difficulty).
David & Goliath (Bronze): Take down the LCS on the first go.
End of the Line (Bronze): Storm the factory (Complete "End of the Line" on any difficulty).
Cog in the machine (Bronze): Kill 5 enemies without being detected before infiltrating Black Zone. (Video)
Sin City (Bronze): Plan your next move (Complete "Sin City" on any difficulty).
Jack-pot (Bronze): Destroy 21 slot machines. (Video)
All or Nothing (Bronze): Gather the troops (Complete "All or Nothing" on any difficulty).
End of your rope (Bronze): Cut a grappling hook rope with enemy on it. (Video)
Severed Ties (Bronze): Destroy the Federation's satellite array (Complete "Severed Ties" on any difficulty).
Fly-by-wire (Bronze): Take out helicopters with remote missile 3/3. (Video)
LOKI (Bronze): Commandeer the enemy space station. (Complete "Loki" on any difficulty).
They look like ants (Bronze): Destroy all enemy ground targets and kill no allies with the rods. (Video)
The Ghost Killer (Gold): Confront Rorke (Complete "The Ghost Killer" on any difficulty).
Tickets please (Bronze): Shoot the grapple guys off the side of the train. (Video)
Audiophile (Bronze): Collect all 18 Rorke files. (Video)
Safeguard (Bronze): Complete round 20 in safeguard.
You've earned it (Gold): Earn the mask. Finish the campaign on Veteran.

Additionally there are nine secret trophies.

No Man Left (Bronze): Escape with all four players.
Sprinter (Bronze): Reach the exfil chopper with 1 minute and 30 seconds or more remaining on the clock.
Made it Out Alive (Bronze): Escape 1st time.
Completionist (Bronze): Complete all challenges and escape.
Cabin Fever (Bronze): Made it to the cabin.
City Dweller (Bronze): Made it to the city.
Any Means necessary (Bronze): Get 50 kills with the electric fence and fire traps in a single game.
Trash Picker (Bronze): Scavenge 40 items in a single game.
Throttled Escape (Gold): Escape using a relic.

View: 6837 times
Updated: 2013.12.10

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