Dead Nation: Apocalypse Edition - PS4

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Dead Nation: Apocalypse Edition - PS4
Name of the file: Dead Nation: Apocalypse Edition - PS4 - Author: ANO - [PS4]

Morbid difficulty
Successfully complete the game under the Grim difficulty setting.

Undead difficulty

Successfully complete the game under the Morbid difficulty setting.


Complete the following tasks to unlock PlayStation trophy rewards.

Romero Would Be Proud (Platinum): Collect All Trophies.
Mediocrity (Silver): Complete Campaign Mode On 'Normal'.
Tough Enough (Silver): Complete Campaign Mode On 'Grim'.
Morbid Curiosity (Gold): Complete Campaign Mode On 'Morbid'.
Double the Action (Silver): Complete Campaign Mode In Co-Op Mode.
And So It Begins... (Bronze): Complete Mission 1 (Any Difficulty Level).
A Trip Downtown (Bronze): Complete Mission 2 (Any Difficulty Level).
Walk in the Park (Bronze): Complete Mission 3 (Any Difficulty Level).
On top of the World (Bronze): Complete Mission 4 (Any Difficulty Level).
Out of the City (Bronze): Complete Mission 5 (Any Difficulty Level).
Hospital Bill Through the Roof (Bronze): Complete Mission 6 (Any Difficulty Level).
Gravedigger (Bronze): Complete Mission 7 (Any Difficulty Level).
Train to Nowhere (Bronze): Complete Mission 8 (Any Difficulty Level).
Sleeping with the Fishes (Bronze): Complete Mission 9 (Any Difficulty Level).
Took the Highway (Bronze): Complete Mission 10 (Any Difficulty Level).
Teamwork (Bronze): Complete A Mission In Co-Op Mode (Any Difficulty Level).
Very Dead (Silver): Complete A Mission On 'Undead'.
Survivor (Bronze): Complete A Mission Without Dying .
Skilled (Silver): Complete A Mission Without Receiving Any Damage.
Zombie Killer (Bronze): Kill 1 000 Zombies.
Zombie Hunter (Silver): Kill 10 000 Zombies.
Genocidiary (Gold): Kill 53 597 Zombies.
Aim For The Head (Bronze): Perform 500 Headshots.
Up Close & Personal (Bronze): Perform 500 Melee Kills.
Blown To Bits (Bronze): Blow Up 1 000 Zombies.
Pyromaniac (Bronze): Burn 1 000 Zombies.
Car Killer (Bronze): Destroy 500 Vehicles.
Upgrader (Bronze): Fully Upgrade A Single Stat Of Any Weapon In Campaign Mode.
Weapons Specialist (Silver): Fully Upgrade All Stats Of Any Weapon In Campaign Mode.
Suit Up (Bronze): Collect An Armor Piece.
Top Gear (Silver): Collect All Armor Pieces.
Contributor (Bronze): Help Your Country To Clear The Virus Infection.
Looter (Bronze): Collect All The Loot In Any Mission.
King Of Looters (Silver): Collect All The Loot In Every Mission.
Memento Collector (Gold): Find all mementos in single player campaign in a single playthrough.
Still In the Game (Bronze): Survive to Round 5.
Never Give Up (Gold): Survive to Round 10.
Keep It Up (Bronze): Complete a Round with a Kills-per-minute rate of 100 or more.
Combo Master (Silver): Get the Apocalypse Combo Kill Bonus (150 Kills).
Dynamic Duo (Bronze): Complete a Round in Co-Op Without Either Player Taking Damage.
Found 'Em (Bronze): Find all the Egogate emblems.

View: 3901 times
Updated: 2014.05.06

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