Name of the file: The Lego Movie Videogame - PS4 - Author: ANO - [PS4] |
Cheat codes Pause game play, select the "Extras" option, then "Enter Code". Enter one of the following codes to activate the corresponding cheat function. Effect Code ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Emmet (Pajamas) HJ4C21 Emmet (Lizard) UOOAQY Emmet (Clown) FNHLTK Emmet (Old West) NIHX2B Vitruvious (Young) BC2XJ5 Green Ninja OSSVNI Cleopatra P4YX22 Lady Liberty A76DN7 Abraham Lincolin F3VG47 Shakespear 31S3I5 Swamp Creature BID12F Lord Vampyre KGJ4DU Panda Guy NG73OM Yeti V4P96P Mrs. Scratchen-post UP7HJQ Larry the Barista K7TDXJ Gallant Guard FXP9AN Prospector FHNCD1 Robo Swat (Laser) GFH2F8 Special content Locate the floating "kit" surrounded by studs next to the police station in Bricksberg. Walk up to it and enter one of the following codes to unlock the corresponding content. Effect Code ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Blacktron Fan and Musical Pants (Rescue Reinforcements) 6LKMNDHR or HVLLRX6R Angry Kitty and Construction Pants (Emmet’s Construct-o-Mech) 6LK78NN9 or HVLH63VL Johnny Thunder and Super Secret Pants (Super Secret Police Dropship) 6LK3FRL6 or HVL4TQT4 Robo Pilot and Astro pants (Benny’s Spaceship, Spaceship, SPACESHIP!) 6LK3RRY4 or HVL4TB94 The Bonus Room Successfully complete the game to unlock The Bonus Room at the hub. This area has the last ten gold bricks. Complete the objectives in The Bonus Room to earn them. Note: One of the gold bricks has a special requirement to be earned. You must collect one million studs in The Bonus Room without the use of multipliers Character prices The following characters can be purchased for the corresponding amount of studs. Astro Kitty: 200,000 studs. Biznis Kitty: 150,000 studs. Bruce Wayne: 50,000 studs. Calamity Drone: 500,000 studs. Calimity Drone: 500,000 studs. Cardio Carrie: 10,000 studs. Caveman: 100,000 studs. Cleopatra: 150,000 studs. Demolition Guy: 50,000 studs. Deputron: 150,000 studs. Dr. McScrubs: 10,000 studs. El Macho Wrestler: 100,000 studs. Emmet (Clown): 50,000 studs. Emmet (Lego Piece): 50,000 studs. Emmet (Pyjamas): 50,000 studs. Emmet (Shower): 50,000 studs. Emmet (Surgeon): 50,000 studs. Emmet (Trash Can): 50,000 studs. Emmet (Woodsman): 50,000 studs. Executive Ellen: 10,000 studs. FemBot: 150,000 studs. Frank the Foreman: 25,000 studs. Gallant Guard: 50,000 studs. Garbageman Grant: 10,000 studs. Good Cop (Scribble Face): 300,000 studs. Gordon Zola: 10,000 studs. Green Ninja: 250,000 studs. Hank Haystacks: 25,000 studs. Hot Tub Harry: 50,000 studs. Ice Cream Jo: 10,000 studs. Ice Cream Mike: 10,000 studs. Kabob Bob: 10,000 studs. Lady Liberty: 150,000 studs. Lord Business (Minifigure): 1,000,000 studs. Lord Vampyre: 100,000 studs. Ma Cop: 25,000 studs. Magician: 100,000 studs. MetalBeard (Minifigure): 250,000 studs. Michelangelo: 100,000 studs. Mummy: 100,000 studs. Native: 100,000 studs. Pa Cop: 25,000 studs. Panda Guy: 150,000 studs. Plumber Joe: 10,000 studs. President Business: 1,000,000 studs. Prospector: 25,000 studs. Robo (Construction): 75,000 studs. Robo (Demolition): 100,000 studs. Robo Cowboy: 125,000 studs. Robo Fed: 25,000 studs. Robo Skeleton: 150,000 studs. Robo SWAT (Armour): 125,000 studs. Robo SWAT (Laser): 50,000 studs. Robo SWAT (Rocket): 125,000 studs. Robo SWAT: 50,000 studs. Shakespear: 100,000 studs. Sharon Shoehorn: 10,000 studs. Sheriff-Not-A-Robot: 500,000 studs. Sir Stack-a-Brick: 50,000 studs. Taco Tuesday Guy: 10,000 studs. Test Dummy: 100,000 studs. Tomahawk: 150,000 studs. Velma Staplebot: 50,000 studs. Vitruvius (Ghost): 750,000 studs. Where Are My Pant? Guy: 10,000 studs. Wildstyle (Space): 75,000 studs. Wiley Fusebot: 125,000 studs. Witch: 150,000 studs. Wyldstyle (Hood): 50,000 studs. Yeti: 100,000 studs. Trophies Complete the following tasks to unlock PlayStation trophy rewards. The Piece of Resistance (Platinum): Unlock All Trophies. Cover Your Butt! (Bronze): Complete Prologue - The Prophecy. Lets Get Craaazzzyyyy (Bronze): Complete Level 1 - Bricksburg Construction. Darn Darn Darn Darny Darn! (Bronze): Complete Level 2 - Escape From Bricksburg. Are You A DJ? (Bronze): Complete Level 3 - Flatbush Gulch. Freeze, Turkeys! (Bronze): Complete Level 4 - Flatbush Rooftops. Rest In Pieces (Bronze): Complete Level 5 - Escape From Flatbush. No Frowny Faces (Bronze): Complete Level 6 – Welcome to Cloud Cuckoo Land. Every Man For Himself! (Bronze): Complete Level 7 - Attack On Cloud Cuckoo Land. You Can't Build 'Em All At Once (Bronze): Complete Level 8 - Escape From Cloud Cuckoo Land. Why Are My Pants Cold and Wet? (Bronze): Complete Level 9 - The Depths. This Bedoubled Land Couch (Bronze): Complete Level 10 - Infiltrate The Octan Tower. See You Later Alligator (Bronze): Complete Level 11 - Put The Thing On The Thing. Found Your Pants, Series Is Over (Bronze): Complete Level 12 - Broadcast News. I Am A Master Builder! (Bronze): Complete Level 13 - Back From Reality. Release Every Micro Manager! (Bronze): Complete Level 14 - Bricksburg Under Attack. You Can Still Change Everything (Bronze): Complete Level 15 - The Final Showdown. Honey, Where Are My Pants? (Silver): Collect all pairs of Pants (Single Player). You Are The Special (Silver): Achieve The Special in every level (Single Player). Welcome To Bricksburg (Silver): Collect all of the Red Bricks (Single Player). Build Things Only You Can Build (Bronze): Collect all Golden Manuals. Including, But Not Limited To (Bronze): Purchase all Master Builders. The Special People In Your Life (Gold): Purchase all Characters (Single Player). Always Read The Instructions! (Bronze): Complete all Instruction Builds in Story Mode. Midas Touch (Bronze): Complete all Golden Instruction Builds. Business Business Business (Gold): Earn 1,000,000,000 studs. Everything Is Awesome! (Gold): Achieve 100% completion. Really hard? This be Impossible! (Bronze): Destroy 50 enemies as MetalBeard. The Opposite Of Happiness (Bronze): Defeat 20 enemies as Rage Unikitty. Ah! The Kragle! (Bronze): Kragelize 10 people with the Kragle gun. Building Bad (Bronze): Attempt a Master Build-It with a Non-Master Builder Pow Pow! Bullet Bullet! Gun! (Bronze): Defeat 30 enemies as Emmet Cowboy. Ayayaya! (Bronze): Defeat 20 enemies as Sheriff Not-A-Robot. I Could Sing This Song For Hours (Silver): Score 21 awesome dance moves in the Construction Site dance mini game. No Way, This Is My Jam. (Silver): Score 21 awesome dance moves in the Kragelizer dance mini game. Firestarter (Bronze): Make a Fire. First Try! (Bronze): Complete an Instruction Build without losing any studs. I Am The Computer (Bronze): Collect all studs in any hacking mini-game Wear Clothes… Check! (Bronze): Customise your character. A House Divided (Bronze): Play as Abraham Lincoln and Lady Liberty. SPACESHIP SPACESHIP! (Bronze): Complete all Master Builds in Server Room as Benny. I Super Hate You Right Now (Bronze): Play as Superman and Green Lantern. It's Just Business (Bronze): Use Lord Business Legs Machine. The Prophecy, I Made It Up! (Bronze): Switch from Vitruvius into Ghost Vitruvius. END OF THE LINE! (Bronze): Shoot Emmet with Robo Skeleton. Glues Your Daddy? (Bronze): Use the Kragle Gun to shoot Ma and Pa Bad Cop in the Relic Room. To The Invisible Jet! (Bronze): Find and destroy the Invisible Jet. Grrrg! (Bronze): Smash a chair as Bad Cop. Too Bad! (Bronze): Switch from Good Cop (Scribble Face) to Bad Cop. |
View: 9183 times |
Updated: 2014.05.06 |
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