Wolfenstein : The New Order - PS4

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Wolfenstein : The New Order - PS4
Name of the file: Wolfenstein : The New Order - PS4 - Author: ANO - [PS4]

Wolfenstein 3D level
In Chapter 4, meet Anya in the secret base. After the helicopter theft, go upstairs and search for a room with an old mattress on the floor near the window. Use the bed to play a level of Wolfenstein 3D

Complete the following tasks to unlock PlayStation trophy rewards.

Wolfenstein master (Platinum): Collect all trophies.
Liberation (Gold): Complete game on any difficulty.
Super hero (Silver): Complete game on I AM DEATH INCARNATE! (or ÜBER).
Über hero (Silver): Complete game on ÜBER.
All that glitters (Bronze): Collect 25 gold items.
Heart of gold (Silver): Collect all gold items.
The lives of others (Bronze): Collect all letters.
Secrets revealed I (Silver): Solve the first Enigma code.
Secrets revealed II (Silver): Solve the second Enigma code.
Secrets revealed III (Silver): Solve the third Enigma code.
Secrets revealed IV (Silver): Solve the fourth Enigma code.
Scout I (Bronze): Unlock stealth perk 1.
Knife throwing (Bronze): Unlock stealth perk 2.
Knife sheath + (Bronze): Unlock stealth perk 3.
Knife sheath ++ (Bronze): Unlock stealth perk 4.
Silent shot (Bronze): Unlock stealth perk 5.
Vampire (Bronze): Unlock stealth perk 6.
Scout II (Bronze): Unlock stealth perk 7.
Assassin (Silver): Unlock stealth perk 8.
Deadeye (Bronze): Unlock tactical perk 1.
Quick draw (Bronze): Unlock tactical perk 2.
Quick regeneration (Bronze): Unlock tactical perk 3.
Gun magazine + (Bronze): Unlock tactical perk 4.
Shotgun magazine + (Bronze): Unlock tactical perk 5.
AR magazine + (Bronze): Unlock tactical perk 6.
Marksman magazine + (Bronze): Unlock tactical perk 7.
Quick reload (Silver): Unlock tactical perk 8.
Double reload (Bronze): Unlock assault perk 1.
Endurance I (Bronze): Unlock assault perk 2.
Scavenger (Bronze): Unlock assault perk 3.
Bullet feeder (Bronze): Unlock assault perk 4.
Endurance II (Bronze): Unlock assault perk 5.
Autopanzer (Bronze): Unlock assault perk 6.
LKW battery + (Bronze): Unlock assault perk 7.
Dual-wield expert (Silver): Unlock assault perk 8.
Throwback (Bronze): Unlock demolition perk 1.
Grenade pouch + (Bronze): Unlock demolition perk 2.
Grenade pouch ++ (Bronze): Unlock demolition perk 3.
Bullseye (Bronze): Unlock demolition perk 4.
Rocket magazine + (Bronze): Unlock demolition perk 5.
Vaporize (Bronze): Unlock demolition perk 6.
Sentinel (Bronze): Unlock demolition perk 7.
Hardened (Silver): Unlock demolition perk 8.

Additionally there are eight secret trophies.

Secret trophy (Bronze): Unknown.
Secret trophy (Silver): Unknown.
Secret trophy (Silver): Unknown.
Secret trophy (Bronze): Unknown.
Secret trophy (Bronze): Unknown.
Secret trophy (Bronze): Unknown.
Secret trophy (Silver): Unknown.
Secret trophy (Silver): Unknown.

View: 3913 times
Updated: 2014.10.03

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