Name of the file: Destiny - PS4 - Author: ANO - [PS4] |
Bonuses Login to your Bungie account and redeem the following codes at their redemption page to unlock the corresponding bonus. Effect Code ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Grimoire cards Cabal 69X-DJN-74V Duke MK.44 69P-KRM-JJA Gjallorhorn HC3-H44-DKC Hive 473-MXR-3X9 Hive: Ogre 69R-CKD-X7L Hunter 3DA-P4X-F6A Moon JMR-LFN-4A3 Old Russia HDX-ALM-V4K Red Death 69R-VL7-J6A Rixis, Archon Slayer TCN-HCD-TGY The Fallen 69R-F99-AXG The Towers 69P-VCH-337 Titan MVD-4N3-NKH Valley of the Kings: Mars 69R-DDD-FCP Venus 6A7-7NP-3X7 Vex Minotaur 6A9-DTG-YGN Warlock YKA-RJG-MH9 Emblems Binding Focus FJ9-LAM-67F Illusion of Light JD7-4CM-HJG Ab Aeterno JDT-NLC-JKM Field of Light JNX-DMH-XLA Lone Focus, Jagged Edge 7CP-94V-LFP Note of Conquest X4C-FGX-MX3 Sign of the Finite 7F9-767-F74 Shaders Double Banshee 7MM-VPD-MHP Oracle 99 RXC-9XJ-4MH Unlockables Badges Complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding badge. A Friend Indeed: Resurrect five fallen players. A New Steed: Obtain and equip a new personal vehicle. Ask Questions Later: Earn a first-strike kill in PvP. Bane of the Dead: Kill 25 Hive with precision shots in one mission without dying. Bane of the Emperor: Kill 25 Cabal with precision shots in one mission without dying. Bane of the Kell: Kill 25 Fallen with precision shots in one mission without dying. Bane of the Machines: Kill 25 Vex with precision shots in one mission without dying. Blink of an Eye: Kill five enemies in three seconds. Change of Heart: Reverse a decision you made in an upgrade grid. Decryptologist: Decrypt 25 Engrams. Dragon Slayer: Kill a champion of the Dark. Epic Raider: Complete a Raid on hard difficulty. Excessive Force: Register 25 kills in PvP with heavy weapons. Finders Keepers: Assist in capturing 50 capture points in Control. Flawless Striker: Complete a Strike without anyone in your Fireteam dying. Fully Weaponized: Fully upgrade a Legendary weapon. Ghost Hunter: Discover 50 dead ghosts. Giant Slayer: Kill 100 Titans in PvP. Hunter Killer: Kill 100 Hunters in PvP. Hunter Mastery: Fully upgrade a Hunter subclass. Inspector: Inspect another player. Lucky 7s: Attain a Grimoire score of 777. Notorious: Earn the maximum weekly Crucible score. Packing Heat: Fully upgrade an exotic weapon. Public Defender: Earn the highest tier of completion in 10 public events. Raider: Complete a Raid. Raiding Party: Complete a Raid with a full Fireteam consisting of only your clan members. Relic Hunter: Assist in capturing 20 capture points in Salvage. Rising Vanguard: Complete a Strike. Ship Rite: Rebuild a Jumpship. Strength of the Pack: Complete a Strike with a full Fireteam consisting of only your clan members. Suited for War: Have all armor and weapon slots equipped with Legendary or Exotic gear. The Life Exotic: Obtain and equip a piece of Exotic gear. Titan Mastery: Fully upgrade a Titan subclass. Triple Play: Kill a Hunter, Titan and Warlock without dying in a PvP match. Use of Weapons: Dismantle 50 pieces of armor or weapons. Valorous: Earn the maximum weekly Vanguard score. Vanguard Honor: Attain Vanguard Rank 3. Warlock Mastery: Fully upgrade a Warlock subclass. Witch Hunt: Kill 100 Warlocks in PvP. Medals The following medals can be earned through Crucible actions. Ability Angel of Light: In a single life, revive five downed alliies. Blast Shield: Block fatal damage with two seconds of casting Ward of Dawn. Cry Havoc: Kil three enemies with a single Fist of Havoc. Get It Off!: Kill an enemy by sticking them with a grenade. Gutted: Kill three enemies in a single Arc Blade charge. I See You: Kill an invisible enemy. Medic!: Quickly revive two downed allies. Overwatch: Defend an ally from enemy fire. Scorched Earth: Kill three enemies with grenades while Radiance is active. Space Magic: Kill three enemies with a single Nova Bomb. Stick Around: Kill an enemy with a throwing knife headshot. Way of the Gun: Kill three enemies with a single Golden Gun charge. Game type Disruption: In a salvage match, neutralize the enemy probe. Hat Trick: In a single life, capture 3 control zones. Lockdown: As a team, hold all 3 control zones for 60 seconds. Lone Wolf: In a team game, finish first on your team with 0 assists. Nail the Coffin: Score the winning points in a match. Objectively Correct: In a Control match, capture the most zones. On the Bright Side...: Achieve the highest score in a match despite your team's loss. Relic Hunter: Help capture 3 relic zones in a salvage match. Saboteur: In a salvage match, neutralize the most probes. Salvage Crew: As a team, salvage 3 relics in a match. The Best... Around: Achieve the highest score in a match while leading your team to victory. Multi-Kills Breaker: Rapidly kill 4 enemies. Buckshot Bruiser: Kill 3 enemies with a Shotgun without switching weapons or reloading. Clean Sweep: Rapidly kill 3 enemies near their own probe. Double Down: Rapidly kill 2 enemies. Machine Lord: Kill 3 enemies with a Machine Gun without switching weapons or reloading. Marksman: Kill 2 enemies with Sniper Rifle headshots without switching weapons or reloading. Master Blaster: Kill 3 opponents with a Fusion Rifle without switching weapons or reloading. Reaper: Rapidly kill 6 enemies. Seventh Column: Defy probability by rapidly killing 7 enemies. Slayer: Rapidly kill 5 enemies. Splash Damage: Kill 3 enemies with a Rocket without switching weapons or reloading. Triple Down: Rapidly kill 3 enemies. Special Kills Back in Action: Kill an enemy after 5 consecutive lives with no kills. Bulldozer: Run over an enemy with the Interceptor. Domination: Kill an enemy while your team holds all 3 control zones. End of the Line: Kill an enemy with a 15+ kill streak. Enforcer: Shut down an enemies kill streak. First Blood: Score the first kill in a match. Hazard Pay: Kill an enemy with an exploding object. Im-probe-able: Kill an enemy near the allied probe. Narrow Escape: Kill an enemy that nearly killed you. Never Speak of this Again: Run over an enemy with the Sparrow. Postmortem: Kill one or more enemies after you have died. Skewered: Run over an enemy with the Pike. Uprising: In a match kill the leader 3 times. Sprees At Any Cost: In a single life, kill 3 enemies while capturing a Control zone. Bullseye: In a single life, kill 3 enemies with headshots. Chariot of Fire: In a single life, kill 5 players while driving the Interceptor. Dead Man's Hand: In a single life, kill 5 enemies with Hand Cannon headshots. Defender: In a single life, score 5 zone defense kills. Enemy of my Enemy: In a single life, catch 3 enemies in crossfire. Fallen Angels: In a single life, kill 5 enemies while driving the Pike. Gunner: In a single life, kill 5 players with the turret. Mark of the Unbroken: Complete a match with a minimum of 15 kills without dying or being downed. Merciless: In a single life, kill 5 enemies. Reign of Terror: In a single life, kill 15 enemies. Relentless: In a single life, kill 10 enemies. Strength of the Wolf: As a team, kill 10 enemies with no one on your team dying. Unsung Hero: In a single life, assist your allies on 3 kills. Victory Alone at the Top: Win a Rumble match. Clutch: Win a match after trailing with 2 seconds remaining. Comeback: With a match after trailing by 500 in 30 seconds remaining or when the enemy was nearing victory. Decisive Victory: In a match that reaches the score limit, double the opposing team's score. Heartbreaker: Win a Rumble match in overtime. Shut Out: As a team, hold your opponents to zero relics salvaged. Sum of All Tears: Win a Rumble match with a score greater than the sum of your enemies. Victory: Win a match. Won't be Beat: Win a Rumble match after trailing by 500 in 30 seconds remaining or when the enemy was nearing victory. Zero Hour: Win a match in overtime. Gold chest rewards Collect all gold chests in the indicated location to get the corresponding rewards. Old Russia: S-22 Nomad (Hunter), S-22 Cavalier (Titan), or S-22 Seeker (Warlock) speeders. Easy Glimmer Note: This requires a level 4 or similar low level character. Start the "The Warmind" mission and progress to the end where your Ghost is ready to interface with the Warmind. Before completing objective, use an Ether Seed to boost your Glimmer percentage. Destroy the waves of Hive enemies that spawn until the large final Boss appears. Intentionally allow one of the enemies in the final wave kill you. Note: Try to save a different Hive enemy so that you can kill the Boss to earn better rewards. After spawning at the checkpoint, repeat the process until your Ether Seed effect expires. You should be able to earn about 1,000 Glimmer per ten minute run. Note: This requires a level 14 or greater level character. Start the "Shrine of Oryx" mission on the moon under the hard or higher difficulty setting. Find the large room with a pit to your left. This area is past two combat rooms and two large tube hallways. The ghost will say "There's the Shrine! Find a way through!" to indicate you are in the correct area. There should be seven to nine Hallowed Acolytes enemies in the room. They have yellow health bars and drop 45 Glimmer each. Defeat them, then jump into the pit on the left to intentionally die to repeat the process. Note: There is a checkpoint just before this room; follow the ramp up and defeat the first group of yellow type enemies, then jump down to defeat a second group. By ignoring the Ogre and Dregs and focusing on Hallowed Acolytes it is possible to earn about 4,000 glimmer every ten minutes. Trophies Complete the following tasks to unlock PlayStation trophy rewards. Guardian Lord (Platinum): Obtain all trophies in Destiny. Change of Heart (Bronze): Reverse a decision you made in an upgrade grid. Ship Rite (Bronze): Rebuild a Jumpship. Bane of the Emperor (Bronze): Kill 25 Cabal with precision shots in 1 mission without dying. Decryptologist (Bronze): Decrypt 25 Engrams. Use of Weapons (Bronze): Dismantle 50 pieces of armor or weapons. The Life Exotic (Silver): Obtain and equip a piece of Exotic gear. A New Steed (Bronze): Obtain and equip a new personal vehicle. Suited for War (Silver): Have all armor and weapon slots equipped with Legendary or Exotic gear. Bane of the Kell (Bronze): Kill 25 Fallen with precision shots in 1 mission without dying. Lucky 7s (Bronze): Attain a Grimoire score of 777. Bane of the Dead (Bronze): Kill 25 Hive with precision shots in 1 mission without dying. Inspector (Bronze): Inspect another player. Blink of an Eye (Bronze): Kill 5 enemies in 3 seconds. (Video) Valorous (Silver): Earn the maximum weekly Vanguard score. Notorious (Silver): Earn the maximum weekly Crucible score. Public Defender (Bronze): Earn the highest tier of completion in 10 public events. Finders Keepers (Bronze): Assist in capturing 50 capture points in Control. Relic Hunter (Bronze): Assist in capturing 20 capture points in Salvage. Hunter Killer (Bronze): Kill 100 Hunters in PvP. Giant Slayer (Bronze): Kill 100 Titans in PvP. Witch Hunt (Bronze): Kill 100 Warlocks in PvP. Ask Questions Later (Bronze): Earn a first strike kill in PvP. Excessive Force (Bronze): Register 25 kills in PvP with heavy weapons. Triple Play (Silver): Kill a Hunter, Titan, and Warlock without dying in a PvP match. Raider (Silver): Complete a Raid. Raiding Party (Silver): Complete a Raid with a full fireteam consisting of only your clan members. Epic Raider (Gold): Complete a Raid on hard difficulty. Flawless Raider (Gold): Complete a Raid without anyone in your fireteam dying. Vanguard Honor (Bronze): Attain Vanguard Rank 3. A Friend Indeed (Bronze): Resurrect 5 fallen players. Rising Vanguard (Bronze): Complete a Strike. Strength of the Pack (Silver): Complete a Strike with a full fireteam consisting of only your clan members. Flawless Striker (Bronze): Complete a Strike without anyone in your fireteam dying. Ghost Hunter (Bronze): Discover 50 dead ghosts. (Video) Dragon Slayer (Bronze): Kill a champion of the Dark. Hunter Mastery (Silver): Fully upgrade a Hunter Subclass. Titan Mastery (Silver): Fully upgrade a Titan Subclass. Warlock Mastery (Silver): Fully upgrade a Warlock Subclass. Packing Heat (Silver): Fully upgrade an Exotic weapon. Fully Weaponized (Silver): Fully upgrade a Legendary weapon. Bane of the Machines (Bronze): Kill 25 Vex with precision shots in 1 mission without dying. |
View: 5664 times |
Updated: 2014.10.23 |
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