Name of the file: Just Cause 3 - PS4 - Author: ANO - [PS4] |
Ancient Tomb Locations: The easiest way to spot the Ancient Tombs in the Insula Striate region is while high in the air. They appear as large mounds covered with light blue flowers. Find the door to each of the Ancient Tombs and pay your respects to collect it. You will find a Urga-Supka-210 handheld mortar, which will become available for rebel drops once you've found and paid respects at ALL 23 Ancient Tombs. 1. Litore Torto at N40 50.48, E5 45.10 2. Grande Pastura at N40 51.54, E5 44.60 3. Grande Pastura at N40 50.67, E5 41.79 4. Grande Pastura at N40 49.94, E5 41.84 5. Grande Pastura at N40 49.65, E5 42.93 6. Val De Mar at N40 47.10, E5 41.19 7. Val De Mar at N40 46.79, E5 40.78 8. Maestrale at N40 47.20, E5 39.02 9. Maestrale at N40 47.14, E5 38.06 10. Maestrale at N40 47.18, E5 36.89 11. Maestrale at N40 47.71, E5 35.08 12. Maestrale at N40 48.52, E5 36.04 13. Maestrale at N40 48.79, E5 35.44 14. Maestrale at N40 48.82, E5 34.57 15. Maestrale at N40 49.47, E5 34.26 16. Maestrale at N40 49.07, E5 33.08 17. Libeccio at N40 45.89, E5 32.75 18. Libeccio at N40 45.98, E5 33.68 19. Libeccio at N40 46.37, E5 36.94 20. Maestrale at N40 45.75, E5 38.74 21. Prospere at N40 44.605, E5 40.03 22. Litore Torto at N40 46.91, E5 45.68 23. Costa Sud at N40 46.46, E5 46.69 Rebel Shrine Locations: When you have found ALL 49 Rebel Shrines and paid your respects you will unlock Fast Travelling. The Rebel Shrines can be found at the following locations. Insula Dracon 1. Cauda at N40 40.95, E5 35.36 2. Trio at N40 41.96, E5 35.86 3. Trio at N40 42.78, E5 35.71 4. Capite West at N40 43.29, E5 34.87 5. Capite West at N40 43.76, E5 34.52 6. Capite Est at N40 43.62, E5 35.98 7. Massos at N40 42.86, E5 36.74 8. Masson at N40 42.75, E5 37.40 9. Petra at N40 41.83, E5 37.05 10. Petra at N40 41.52, E5 36.54 Insula Forte 1. Soros at N40 37.14, E5 39.54 2. Soros at N40 37.60, E5 40.47 3. Sirocco Sud at N40 38.61, E5 41.13 4. Lacos at N40 40.08, E5 43.05 5. Baia at N40 40.24, E5 44.05 6. Lacos at N40 40.31, E5 43.51 7. Lacos at N40 40.63, E5 43.22 8. Lacos at N40 40.75, E5 42.48 9. Lavanda at N40 41.62, E5 42.85 10. Lavanda at N40 41.76, E5 42.14 11. Lavanda at N40 42.14, E5 42.25 12. Feno at N40 42.60, E5 41.40 13. Feno at N40 42.58, E5 42.92 14. Plagia at N40 42.80, E5 43.90 15. Plagia at N40 42.46, E5 43.93 16. Plagia at N40 42.00, E5 44.75 17. Baia at N40 41.31, E5 44.60 18. Lacos at N40 41.04, E5 43.89 Insula Striate 1. Costa Sud at N40 44.25, E5 46.00 2. Costa Sud at N40 43.44, E5 44.67 3. Costa Sud at N40 43.69, E5 44.33 4. Prima at N40 44.48, E5 43.57 5. Prima at N40 44.46, E5 42.72 6. Val De Mar at N40 45.99, E5 42.13 7. Costa Sud at N40 45.92, E5 44.17 8. Umbra at N40 46.50, E5 44.73 9. Umbra at N40 46.54, E5 44.81 10. Costa Sud at N40 45.93, E5 45.76 11. Prima at N40 44.54, E5 39.73 12. Libeccio at N40 45.80, E5 37.92 13. Libeccio at N40 46.79, E5 34.91 14. Rocca Blau at N40 47.80, E5 33.19 15. Maestrale at N40 49.12, E5 33.17 16. Maestrale at N40 48.99, E5 35.60 17. Val De Mar at N40 47.43, E5 39.53 18. Maestrale at N40 46.49, E5 39.37 19. Montana at N40 49.15, E5 42.59 20. Litore Torto at N40 49.12, E5 45.02 21. Litore Torto at N40 50.20, E5 45.55 Vintage Part Locations: When you have found ALL 49 Vintage Part you will unlock Noir mode. Vintage Parts can be found at the following locations. Insula Dracon 1. Capite Est at N40 44.25, E5 35.43 2. Capite West at N40 44.14, E5 35.16 3. Capite West at N40 43.40, E5 34.32 4. Trio at N40 42.37, E5 34.83 5. Trio at N40 42.35, E5 35.31 6. Trio at N40 42.20, E5 35.61 7. Cauda at N40 41.10, E5 34.96 8. Cauda at N40 40.55, E5 34.53 9. Petra at N40 41.15, E5 35.15 10. Petra at N40 40.98, E5 36.53 11. Petra at N40 41.91, E5 37.07 12. Massos at N40 42.43, E5 37.50 13. Massos at N40 43.04, E5 36.82 14. Capite Est at N40 44.24, E5 36.83 Insula Fonte 1. Plagia at N40 42.85, E5 43.69 2. Feno at N40 42.56, E5 42.45 3. Feno at N40 42.27, E5 43.20 4. Plagia at N40 42.18, E5 43.98 5. Aspera at N40 41.75, E5 44.08 6. Lavanda at N40 41.84, E5 42.59 7. Lavanda at N40 42.10, E5 41.31 8. Lavanda at N40 41.96, E5 41.45 9. Lavanda at N40 41.25, E5 42.94 10. Lacos at N40 40.75, E5 42.17 11. Lacos at N40 40.64, E5 43.98 12. Sirocco Nord at N40 39.40, E5 42.15 13. Sirocco Nord at N40 39.24, E5 43.40 14. Sirocco Sud at N40 38.52, E5 42.65 15. Sirocco Sud at N40 38.04, E5 41.39 16. Soros at N40 37.35, E5 40.08 17. Soros at N40 37.03, E5 38.31 18. Soros at N40 37.12, E5 38.98 Insula Striate 1. Maestrale at N40 48.55, E5 36.22 2. Maestrale at N40 48.50, E5 32.74 3. Libeccio at N40 46.37, E5 33.79 4. Libeccio at N40 46.65, E5 35.61 5. Libeccio at N40 45.18, E5 36.48 6. Prima at N40 44.03, E5 42.11 7. Costa Sud at N40 43.63, E5 44.98 8. Val de Mar at N40 45.48, E5 43.59 9. Costa Sud at N40 45.64, E5 45.89 10. Litore Torto at N40 46.94, E5 44.73 11. Val De Mar at N40 46.52, E5 42.25 12. Val De Mar at N40 47.32, E5 41.98 13. Grande Pastura at N40 48.62, E5 39.73 14. Grande Pastura at N40 49.17, E5 40.67 15. Grande Pastura at N40 50.72, E5 38.67 16. Grande Pastura at N40 50.80, E5 41.34 17. Grande Pastura at N40 51.40, E5 43.10 18. Grande Pastura at N40 50.34, E5 44.35 19. Litore Torto at N40 48.72, E5 46.69 20. Litore Torto at N40 47.97, E5 46.67 21. Montana at N40 48.27, E5 43.62 22. Montana at N40 48.32, E5 43.23 Unlock Handheld Mortar Weapon: Find and activate ALL the Ancient Tomb locations to get the Handheld Mortar. Unlock Noir Mode: This feature will become available when you have found ALL the Vintage Parts. Noir mode changes the graphics filter to black and white. Fast Travel: When you have found ALL the Rebel Shrine locations in the main story Fast Travel will become unlocked. Once you reach the mission 'Friends Like These' you will be able to use fast travel to get to shrines, settlements and challenges on the map. Using fast travel requires 1 flare each time. You can unlock infinite fast travels for a certain area by discovering ALL the shrines in it. Unlock Unique Weapons: When you complete the following tasks you will obtain the corresponding weapon. Capstone Hydra: Capture Cava Grenade in Prsopere at coordinates N40 45.651, E5 40.622. CS Negotiator: Capture Le Gelera in Sud Sirocco at coordinates N40 36.937, E5 44.278. CS-110 Archangel: Capture Espia Alta in Capite Est. At coordinates N40 46.800, E5 33.312. CS-44 Peacebringer: Find 14 parts in Insula Dracon. Dionysus PLDS-H: Progress through the storyline. Fire Leech: Capture Cava Geminos Nord in Rocca Blauda at coordinates N40 48.026, E5 33.954. M-488: Progress through the storyline. The Thunderbird: Progress through the storyline. you-24 Shotgun Bully: Find 18 parts in Insula Fonte. UPU-210: Capture Espia Bassa in Petra at coordinates N40 42.031, E5 36.760. Urga STUPKA-210 (Handheld Mortar): Find 23 Ancient Tombs in Insula Striate. USV-45 Sokol: Capture Vigilator Nord in Plague at coordinates N40 42.477, E5 45.037. UVK-13: Capture Vigilator in Sud Sirocco at coordinates N40 38.428, E5 41.598. Unlock Unique Vehicles: When you complete the following tasks you will obtain the corresponding vehicle. Assault Chopper: Complete the game. Bavarium Tank: Found inside a military base near a small lake in Monta on Insula Striate at coordinates N40 46.925, E5 43.347. Bomber Jet: Found at coordinates N40 49.621, E5 32.301 in Insula Striate. Cart Urga 570: Capture Cava Geminos Est. In Rocca Blauda at coordinates N40 47.538, E5 34.628. Cavouk you-15: Capture Cava Grande Secunda in Prospere at coordinates N40 45.245, E5 39.81. CS Baltdjur: Capture Cima Leon Silos in Lacos at coordinates N40 41.357, E5 43.561. Custom Geschwind: Comple ALL 13 Daredevil Jumps in Insula Forte. Custom Kletter 300: Complete ALL 10 Daredevil Jumps in Insula Dracon. Fighter Jet: Found at coordinates at N40 44.510, E5 44.631 in Costa Sud, Insula Striate. Incendario Monster Truck: Complete ALL 7 Daredevil Jumps in Insula Striate. Navajo Assault Chopper: Found at coordinates N40 41.145, E5 37.401 in Puncta Sud. Stri Facocero: Capture Porto Le Gratia in Lavanda at coordinates N40 41.232, E5 42.278. Urga Hound-7 V-8: Capture Le Tutor in Nord Sirocco at coordinates N40 39.952, E5 41.759. Urga STURM 63-A: Capture Cava Geminos in Sud Rocca Blauda at coordinates N40 47.289, E5 33.590. Di Ravello Tape Locations Search the following locations to find ALL 71 Di Ravello tapes. Insula Dracon 1. Capite Est at coordinates N40 44.25, E5 35.49 2. Capite Est at coordinates N40 44.13, E5 36.80 3. Massos at coordinates N40 43.39, E5 37.05 4. Capite Est at coordinates N40 43.60, E5 35.84 5. Capite West at coordinates N40 42.93, E5 35.18 6. Trio at coordinates N40 42.69, E5 35.07 7. Trio at coordinates N40 41.93, E5 35.03 8. Trio at coordinates N40 41.77, E5 35.14 9. Trio at coordinates N40 41.87, E5 35.79 10. Petra at coordinates N40 41.80, E5 36.47 11. Petra at coordinates N40 41.84, E5 36.97 12. Massos at coordinates N40 42.19, E5 37.60 Insula Fonte 1. Sirocco Sud at coordinates N40 38.40, E5 42.37 2. Sirocco Sud at coordinates N40 38.65, E5 42.65 3. Sirocco Nord at coordinates N40 38.95, E5 42.66 4. Sirocco Nord at coordinates N40 39.29, E5 42.87 5. Lacos at coordinates N40 40.07, E5 43.71 6. Lacos at coordinates N40 40.16, E5 42.76 7. Lacos at coordinates N40 40.69, E5 43.53 8. Lacos at coordinates N40 40.95, E5 44.18 9. Baia at coordinates N40 40.76, E5 45.20 10. Plagia at coordinates N40 41.58, E5 44.68 11. Plagia at coordinates N40 42.36, E5 44.37 12. Plagia at coordinates N40 42.47, E5 44.20 13. Plagia at coordinates N40 42.51, E5 43.95 14. Plagia at coordinates N40 42.25, E5 43.78 15. Feno at coordinates N40 42.37, E5 42.86 16. Feno at coordinates N40 42.73, E5 43.29 17. Feno at coordinates N40 42.88, E5 43.00 18. Feno at coordinates N40 42.42, E5 42.03 19. Lavanda at coordinates N40 41.95, E5 41.59 20. Lavanda at coordinates N40 41.84, E5 42.34 Insula Striate 1. Montana at coordinates N40 48.09, E5 43.36 2. Litore Torto at coordinates N40 49.26, E5 46.25 3. Litore Torto at coordinates N40 50.31, E5 44.98 4. Grande Pastura at coordinates N40 50.93, E5 41.21 5. Grande Pastura at coordinates N40 49.97, E5 40.11 6. Grande Pastura at coordinates N40 48.52, E5 40.75 7. Val De Mar at coordinates N40 47.51, E5 39.93 8. Val De Mar at coordinates N40 45.98, E5 42.16 9. Val De Mar at coordinates N40 44.91, E5 42.22 10. Maestrale at coordinates N40 45.38, E5 39.07 11. Maestrale at coordinates N40 46.18, E5 39.16 12. Maestrale at coordinates N40 46.99, E5 38.30 13. Maestrale at coordinates N40 47.54, E5 37.78 14. Maestrale at coordinates N40 47.40, E5 36.05 15. Maestrale at coordinates N40 48.22, E5 35.34 16. Maestrale at coordinates N40 48.57, E5 34.83 17. Maestrale at coordinates N40 48.30, E5 32.87 18. Libeccio at coordinates N40 45.18, E5 33.39 19. Libeccio at coordinates N40 44.98, E5 35.24 20. Libeccio at coordinates N40 44.88, E5 35.36 21. Libeccio at coordinates N40 45.83, E5 35.42 22. Libeccio at coordinates N40 45.72, E5 37.15 23. Libeccio at coordinates N40 45.25, E5 37.87 24. Regno at coordinates N40 44.41, E5 37.82 25. Regno at coordinates N40 44.07, E5 38.17 26. Regno at coordinates N40 44.35, E5 38.45 27. Regno at coordinates N40 44.22, E5 38.68 28. Regno at coordinates N40 44.21, E5 39.30 29. Prima at coordinates N40 43.94, E5 39.99 30. Prima at coordinates N40 43.71, E5 40.15 31. Prima at coordinates N40 43.94, E5 40.66 32. Prima at coordinates N40 43.76, E5 41.60 33. Prima at coordinates N40 43.91, E5 41.65 34. Prima at coordinates N40 43.82, E5 43.38 35. Prima at coordinates N40 43.77, E5 43.50 36. Costa Sud at coordinates N40 44.54, E5 44.18 37. Costa Sud at coordinates N40 44.15, E5 45.36 38. Costa Sud at coordinates N40 44.25, E5 45.59 39. Costa Sud at coordinates N40 45.23, E5 46.21 |
View: 3430 times |
Updated: 2016.03.03 |
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