Dragon Ball FighterZ - PS4

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Dragon Ball FighterZ - PS4
Name of the file: Dragon Ball FighterZ - PS4 - Author: ANO - [PS4]

Unlock Special Character Events:
When you play as the indicated character and perform the specified move you will trigger the corresponding event.

Krillin Android 18 Team:
Use Android 18 and Krillin and perform a Level 3 Super with Android 18 to trigger this special event, where Android 18 and Krillin will perform Android 18's super together.

Volleyball Spike Attack:
Use Gotenks and Piccolo and perform a Level 3 Super to trigger this special event, where Piccolo will hit up a volleyball for Gotenks to spike at the opponent.

Beerus Removes Himself:
Use Beerus and Goku Black and perform a Level 3 Super to trigger this special event, where Beerus will decide to remove himself from existence.

Easy Final Boss Fight:
The final boss can be defeated easily if you repeatedly press Square and only perform light attacks. Make sure while you do this you do not use any directional buttons. This does not require any skill and more often than not you will defeat the CPU. Note: It may take several attempts.

Unlock Goku:
Either earn 500,000 Zeni across ALL game modes, or alternately complete 'Hyperbolic Time Chamber Course' in Arcade mode with an 'A' or 'S' rank on the Hard difficulty setting. The Hard difficulty becomes unlocked after completing the normal version of that course. To get 'A' ranks you must quickly win and have ALL your characters survive the match. Also, complete the match with a Meteor attack to get bonus points and score 'S' ranks.

Unlock Vegeta:
Either earn 300,000 Zeni across ALL game modes, or alternately complete 'Gravity Spaceship Course' in Arcade mode with an 'A' or 'S' rank on the Hard difficulty setting. The Hard difficulty becomes unlocked after completing the normal version of that course. To get 'A' ranks you must win quickly and have ALL your characters survive the match. Also, complete the match with a Meteor attack to get bonus points and score 'S' ranks.

Unlock Android 21:
When you complete the story (3 arcs, with 9 chapters in each arc) you will unlock Android 21 as a playable character.

Unlock Hard Mode:
When you complete the game you will unlock Hard mode where you fight higher level enemies and earn better skill rewards.

View: 3885 times
Updated: 2018.02.07

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