Name of the file: Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus - PS4 - Author: ANO - [PS4] |
Secret "Riverside" mission: Successfully complete all single Ubercommander assassination missions and collect all Death Cards (except the last one) to unlock the secret "Riverside" mission on the war room map. There is no other map like this in the game. The final area of the mission also has a good view of the Statue Of Liberty ruins. Easy weapon upgrades: Once you unlock the "Uberkommandant" mission on Eva's Hammer, select a district on the map and collect the weapon upgrade kit. Then, return to Eva's Hammer to collect it again. You can keep collecting the weapon upgrade from the same mission since it resets each time. Repeat this as many times as desired. Note: This glitch was performed on an unpatched version of the game. It may eventually get patched. To avoid not being able to use this exploit, either do not install new patches before using this exploit or delete the patches. You can avoid patches being installed by disconnecting from the internet until you are ready for the game to install new patches. Easy Enigma Codes and Max Perks: Enigma Codes are items you can collect from dead commanders (targets that appear in stealth sections of the game). To unlock Ubercommander assassination missions, you must collect and use them in the Enigma Machine. To quickly get Enigma Codes, select the "Manhattan, Penthouse District" assassination mission at the war map (unlock it if it is not already unlocked). Set the difficulty to the lowest setting under the "Gameplay" option at the options menu. Successfully complete the mission once. Each time you play the mission afterwards, you will find two commanders, allowing you to get two Enigma Codes each time you do this. On the lowest difficulty, you do not have to worry about damage. Drop down and kill the first commander, then drop into the ruined area below and kill the second one. After looting the second commander, open the map and exit it. Ignore the enemies, as you do not need to kill anyone else. Just sprint straight to the commanders, kill them, loot them, and exit. Repeat this as many times as desired to get an unlimited amount of Enigma Codes. This method is also great for maxing out all your perks to reach 100% completion. Lower the difficulty, complete some stealth or combat kills, then exit and repeat. You can raise the difficulty later with no penalty. Play Wolfstone 3D game: Go to Club Kreissau in the Eva's Hammer hub to play the Wolfstone 3D game. You can access this area whenever you return between missions, and you will get a different level to play on each visit. In the game, you play as a Nazi agent that fights anarchist rebels. You will get the "Retro" trophy for playing the game. Fergus' Arm location: If you chose to save Fergus Reid, you will have to find his arm after a party during the story. To find Fergus' Arm, walk around Eva's Hammer and talk to people until you can narrow the arm's location down to the hangar. Walk up to the top floor and look for two boxes that block the way to a vent. Use your energy weapon to shoot holes into the boxes, then follow the vent until you find Fergus' Arm. Return to Fergus Reid and give him back his arm to complete the quest. Stuck on Venus with Constrictor Harness solution: If you chose the Constrictor Harness come to Venus, it is likely that you will get stuck during "Enter The Oberkommando" on the 10th floor. The last part on Venus requires the use of one of the contraptions in the game. Battle Walker and Ram Shackles are very obvious, but if you only have the constrictor harness, it can get a bit confusing because the crouching solution is a bit off. The solution is to just crawl through the narrow spaces, either left or right from the breakable door. This can easily be missed due to the faulty crawling detection in this area. You have look a bit to the side in order to trigger the constrictor harness crawl. If you crouch and look straight ahead, you just walk against the wall. Easy "First Loser" trophy: The Killhouse is found on the top floor of the shooting range in "Eva's Hammer" (hub area). You can do this after completing the story, as it is not accessible from the start. To view the target time, check the board at the entrance of the shooting range (should be 0:48, but it can differ). Pull the sparking lever (upstairs in the shooting range) to start the Killhouse. It is an obstacle course with training targets. Shoot all the training targets and complete the course as quickly as possible. Hit the screen at the end to lock in your time. If you miss a target, you get a time penalty. It is easiest to use a shotgun, but any weapon will work. There is an unlimited supply of ammo in the shooting range (pistol ammo is downstairs, all other ammo upstairs). You can restock before each try. Easy "Kick It" trophy: During the Aerostat Audition in the "Venus" chapter, when Hitler lies on the ground, you have to stand up and walk past him. Press Melee to kick him as you walk by and get the "Kick It" trophy. Easy "Make A Point" trophy: The shooting range is found in "Eva's Hammer" (hub area). You visit this area between missions. The first opportunity for this is during the "A Reunion" chapter. It can still be done after completing the story. To view the required score, check the board at the entrance of the shooting range. You must beat the high score. The score changes over the course of the game (anywhere from 375-450 points). Go to the shooting range downstairs. You can see targets at different distances going from side to side. Simply hit each target once. It does not matter if you get a headshot or destroy the target, just hit it anywhere with one bullet. The further away the target is, the more points you get. To beat the high score, hit every single target. Aim at the middle of the range and let the targets slide into your line of sight so you just need to aim at one point and fire a bullet when a target slides in. The Sturmgewehr (assault rifle) works well, as it is the most accurate. There is an unlimited supply of ammo in the shooting range (pistol ammo is downstairs, all other ammo upstairs). You can restock before each try. Easy "Taste Of Your Own Medicine" trophy: This is only possible in "Ausmerzer" chapter, at the end of the game (final boss fight). Just before using the elevator to the top of the ship, there is an Ubergewehr weapon. Grab it and use the elevator. On top of the ship, you must defeat waves of armored enemies, then the final bosses appear (two Zerstorer). They are huge robots that shoot rockets and glowing balls of energy at you. Kill one of them with the Ubergewehr that you just grabbed to get the "Taste Of Your Own Medicine" trophy. The Ubergewehr is a weapon that shoots the same balls of energy that the Ausmerzer bosses use. Trophies: Successfully complete one of the following tasks to get a trophy: The New Colossus (Platinum): Obtain all trophies. Across the Board (Gold): Complete the Killboard. Max all perks (Gold): Max all Perks. Complete Package (Silver): Acquire all Contraptions and Contraption upgrades. First Loser (Silver): Achieve the second best time in the Killhouse. Ghost (Silver): Finish a District without triggering an alarm. Gun Nut (Silver): Fully upgrade all weapons. Hard Headed (Silver): Collect 1000 helmets. Make a Point (Silver): Achieve the highest score in the Shooting Range. Max a Perk (Silver): Max a perk. Revolution (Silver): Beat the game. Sidetracked (Silver): Complete all side missions. Specialist (Silver): Fully upgrade a weapon. Art Aficionado (Bronze): Found all concept art. Audiophile (Bronze): Find all records. Bring 'em on! (Bronze): Beat the game on "Bring 'em on!" difficulty or higher. Bull Rush (Bronze): Ramshackles tackle a charging Supersoldat. Call me Terror-Billy! (Bronze): Beat the game on "Call me Terror-Billy!" difficulty or higher. Coming Back for More (Bronze): Visit every District. Crippled but Able (Bronze): Perform a takedown while in the wheelchair. Déjà Vu (Bronze): Make the choice. Do or die! (Bronze): Beat the game on "Do or die!" difficulty or higher. Golden Boy (Bronze): Find all gold. Hail Mary (Bronze): Throw a hatchet and kill an enemy from 30m. I am death incarnate! (Bronze): Beat the game on "I am death incarnate!" difficulty or higher. Meet the Cast (Bronze): Find all starcards. Mein leben (Bronze): Beat the game on "Mein leben" difficulty. Plus Package (Bronze): Upgrade a Contraption. Puzzler (Bronze): Decipher an Übercommander's location using the Enigma Machine. Retro (Bronze): Play Wolfstone 3D. Sightseeing (Bronze): Visit a District. Snakebite (Bronze): Perform a Constrictor Harness takedown. Starting a Collection (Bronze): Find at least one of each collectible item. Terror-Billy (Bronze): Collect all Übercommander death cards. The Sky is the Limit (Bronze): Perform a Battle Walker takedown. They did Nazi that Coming (Bronze): Stealth kill 10 enemies in a row. Tinkerer (Bronze): Upgrade a weapon. Toy Collector (Bronze): Find all of Max's toys. Additionally, there are 12 secret trophies: Carrying the Torch (Bronze): Use the power armor. Enemy Within (Bronze): Stop the Nazi signal from Section F. Amazing Grace (Bronze): Recruit Grace's group. It's Fricking Space Aliens! (Bronze): Find Area 52. R.I.P. (Bronze): Kill dad. All the Gains! (Bronze): Get a new body. Venus (Bronze): Travel to outer space. The Ausmerzer (Bronze): Capture the Ausmerzer. Kick It (Bronze): Kill Hitler during the Aerostat Audition. I'm Machine Enough (Bronze): Beat the Panzerhund ride without killing anyone on "Bring 'em On!" difficulty or higher. Taste of Your own Medicine (Bronze): Destroy a Zerstörer with an Übergewehr. Keep Playing (Bronze): Wait for the game to resume after the credits. |
View: 3553 times |
Updated: 2019.11.13 |
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