Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number - PS4

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Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number - PS4
Name of the file: Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number - PS4 - Author: ANO - [PS4]

Easy "ASSASSIN'S CRED" Achievement
Complete the floor with the silencer you begin with. If you miss a shot, restart the level because you will not have enough bullets. Make sure to use the lock-on function to make this easier.

Easy "COMBO GOD" Achievement
Play Act 3 Scene 12 "Death Wish". You can get this combo at the very start of the level, where you are playing as Mark (the bear). After you enter the initial elevator, run into the door you start off facing. Fire straight ahead to kill the two men inside. Turn back, go to the doorway on the right and shoot the two men patrolling in the hall beyond. Take out the dog and man with a gun that run at you from down the hall. Quickly open the first door (to the room where the dog came from, to the left of the next hallway) and shoot the two men who are standing guard. Move to the other side of the next hallway and shoot the two men standing guard through the windows. You will probably need to reload now. Move up the next hallway and use Mark's ability to spread his arms to shoot the men on either side (through the windows). You should have a 17x or 18x combo by now. If you have run out of ammo, quickly grab a weapon. Take down the men charging at you as they enter the hallway to get a 20x combo. Note: This may require a few attempts. The timing of your reload is very important. You must stay alive until the combo times out to earn ""COMBO GOD".

While playing as the Writer, do not finish a downed enemy. Note: You will also have to unlock the Bonus Chapter of the Writer, named "The Abyss" by earning "STARE INTO THE ABYSS". The level is difficult and features a lot of thugs with guns and rifles. You must punch people and hide until you have a bat or pipe.

Easy "FOLLOW THE SCRIPT" Achievement
During the introductory mission Pilot Act "Midnight Animal", do exactly what director says. You will earn "FOLLOW THE SCRIPT" at the end.

Easy "GOT YOUR BACK" Achievement
Kill an enemy lying on the floor as Alex and Ash while simultaneously shooting two people. Consider doing this on the second floor of Act 2: Scene 8: Execution. Kill the henchmen to the left, then shoot the door to lure a few enemies. Time it so you can finish off one enemy and have enough time to kill the other two.

Easy "NUCLEAR WASTE" Achievement
During Act 1 Scene 2 "Homicide", shoot five boxes with nuclear waste.

Easy "STARE INTO THE ABYSS" Achievement
Play Act 4 Scene 15, "Withdrawal" and complete the third floor without dying. Return to your car, and a short cinematic will play. In the following scene, you will be seated at a desk with a floppy disk. Interact with the disk to pick it up and complete the scene. During the next scene, you will be standing in front of a table of evidence. Take the floppy disk from the table.

Play Act 4 Scene 13, "Subway" and do not skip the introduction. Interact with the phone found on the small table next to the door you appeared from when the scene begins. You will have a message from someone that asks to meet you at a bar. Complete the level and a bonus scene will begin. Talk to Biker, the man at the bar.

Various Trophies
Complete the following tasks to unlock PlayStation 4 trophy rewards.

Trophy How to unlock
1-800-CLEARED (Gold) Finish the game.
1-800-GETHELP (Gold) Finish the game on hard mode.
1-800-GODDAMN (Gold) Get A+ on all levels on normal.
A BOX FULL OF SHARP OBJECTS (Silver) Use every weapon in the game at least once.
ASSASSIN'S CRED (Silver) Clear the 1st floor of NO MERCY with the silencer.
COMBO BEGINNER (Bronze) Perform a 5x combo.
COMBO GOD (Gold) Perform a 20x combo.
COMBO INTERMEDIATE (Bronze) Perform a 10x combo.
COMBO MASTER (Silver) Perform a 15x combo.
DEAD SILENT (Silver) Finish SUBWAY without the Gang Leader seeing you.
DON'T LET ANGER GET THE BEST OF YOU (Gold) Clear all of the Writer's levels without killing.
EXTRA! EXTRA! READ ALL ABOUT IT! (Silver) Get the big picture.
FAMILY BUSINESS (Bronze) Clear a level with each of the Son's techniques.
FANATIC (Bronze) Clear a level with each Fan.
FANTASTIC! (Bronze) Unlock all the Fans.
FOLLOW THE SCRIPT (Bronze) Do as the Director says!
GENOCIDE (Silver) Kill 50,000 enemies.
GOT YOUR BACK (Bronze) Shoot two enemies during a chainsaw finish.
I'M COMING IN AND I'M UNARMED! (Silver) Finish HOMICIDE without using guns.
KARMA (Bronze) Die 1000 times.
NUCLEAR WASTE (Silver) They won't reach the Nuclear Throne.
PERCUSSIVE MAINTENANCE (Bronze) Destroy 100 electronic devices.
SNAKE CHARMER (Bronze) Unlock all snake masks.
SNAKES ON A HEAD (Bronze) Clear a level with each snake mask.
THE BAR OF BROKEN HEROES (Bronze) Meet up with the Biker.
THESE ARE MY RIFLES, THESE ARE MY GUNS... (Bronze) Unlock all weapons for the Soldier.
TROPHY ADDICT (Platinum) Unlock all Trophies.
WHAT YOU LEAVE FOR YOUR SONS (Bronze) Unlock all of the Son's techniques.

View: 10954 times
Updated: 2020.12.20

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