Name of the file: Star Wars : Battlefront 2 - PSP - Author: ANO - [PSP] |
Unlimited Ammunition Pause game play in single player mode then press Up, Down, Left, Down(2), Left, Down(2), Left, Down(3), Left, Right. A sound will confirm correct code entry. Repeat the code to disable its effect. Your ammunition will decrease, but will refill instantly after reloading. Invincibility Pause game play in single player mode then press Up(3), Left, Down(3), Left, Up(3), Left, Right. A sound will confirm correct code entry. This code cannot be disabled until the PSP is powered off. Low Resolution Soldiers Pause game play in single player mode then press Down(3), Up(2), Left, Down(5), Left, Up(3), Left. A sound will confirm correct code entry. Repeat the code to disable its effect. Party-time Jedi/wampa Hit Effects Pause game play in single player mode then press Up, Down, Left, Down, Left, Right. A sound will confirm correct code entry. Repeat the code to disable its effect. Slow Motion Sounds Pause game play in single player mode then press Up(3), Left, Up, Down, Up(2), Left, Down(3), Left, Up, Down(2), Left, Right. A sound will confirm correct code entry. This code cannot be disabled until the PSP is powered off. Disable Hud Pause game play in single player or multi-player mode then press Up(4), Left, Up(2), Down, Left, Down, Up(2), Left, Right. A sound will confirm correct code entry. Repeat the code to disable its effect. All hero classes Select Instant Action mode, then choose Mos Eisley as your level and Assault as the game type. When you begin the game you can pick between heroes and villains and fight as any of the "Hero" type character classes with no time limit. Break the ground with Mace Windi Jump and press Fire. You should go down and break the ground, sending anyone around you flying. Easier completion of Tantive IV mission In the mission on Tantive IV (blockade runner), the first and last objective are very difficult. At the start, once the door explodes and opens, use your thermal detonators. Get to the CP and keep dodging bullets and firing while standing near the CP until it is turned to your faction. This may take a few attempts, but it will work. Use Darth Vader after you have captured it. Use a regular Stormtrooper to take care of Leia. She should be around where you started the level. Use your grenades to soften her up, then your rifle to finish her off. Easy slicing points Sneak aboard the Rebel capital ship and wait by the Y-Wing until someone gets in it. Then, use your torch to slice into it. You can cause it to explode if in the air, getting points in the process. Repeat this as many times as desired. Easy tank kills Place proximity mines on the tanks (Vanguard, Heavy Trooper, Shock Trooper) and any other kind of vehicle, except for the assault vehicles such as the AT-TE. A more difficult way is to use a sniper technique. Fire from a safe location. Target the vehicle, wait until the reticule turns red, then fire. Another useful bombardment unit is any that carry a recon droid. Their self-destruct mechanism makes them a formidable bombardment unit. Hero character locations The hero characters can be found at the following locations: Aayla Secura: Felucia: Fungi Forest, Jabba's Palace Anakin Skywalker: Mustafar: Refinery Boba Fett: Kashyyyk: Beachhead, Utapau: Sinkhole, Mygeeto: War-Torn City, Felucia: Fungi Forest, Yavin 4: Temple, Jabba's Palace Chewbacca: Kashyyyk: Beachhead, Felucia: Fungi Forest, Yavin 4: Temple Count Dooku: Geonosis: Dust Plains Darth Maul: Coruscant: Jedi Temple, Mustafar: Refinery, Jabba's Palace Darth Vader: Tantive IV: Interior, Coruscant: Jedi Temple, Dagobah, Naboo: Theed, Hoth: Echo Base, Endor Emperor: Polis Massa: Medical Facility, Naboo: Theed, Death Star: Interior General Grievous: Tantive IV: Interior, Utapau: Sinkhole, Polis Massa: Medical Facility, Dagobah, Mygeeto: War-Torn City Han Solo: Utapau: Sinkhole, Polis Massa: Medical Facility, Endor Jango Fett: Kashyyyk: Beachhead, Felucia: Fungi Forest, Yavin 4: Temple Ki-Adi-Mundi: Mygeeto: War-Torn City Luke Skywalker: Coruscant: Jedi Temple, Mygeeto: War-Torn City, Jabba's Palace, Death Star: Interior, Hoth: Echo Base Mace Windu: Geonosis: Dust Plains, Coruscant: Jedi Temple, Yavin 4: Temple, Death Star Interior Obi-Wan: Utapau: Sinkhole, Mustafar: Refinery, Naboo: Naboo: Naboo: Theed Princess Leia: Tantive IV: Interior, Naboo: Naboo: Theed Yoda: Kashyyyk: Beachhead, Tantive IV: Interior, Polis Massa: Medical Facility, Dagobah Infinite hero or villain Select Instant Action mode, choose your levels, then go to the options menu before you start. Select "Hero", then change the options to Best Player, Time Limit 1 second, and the time for hero to become available to "Always". You can start the game selecting the hero, and when you die you can pick them again immediately. Additionally, select Instant Action mode, choose your levels, but do not launch. Go to the options and choose the "Hero" selection. Change the options to the following: Best Player, 4 Points, and the time for the hero to become available to 4 seconds. Your hero or villain can still die and the meter runs out, but you only need to kill four people for four points to unlock the hero or villain again. Also, if you get the points when you are playing as the hero or villain, when you die while playing as the hero or villain they still count as the points; you can pick to play as them immediately. Jango Fett comment Select the Kamino map and set the hero counter to whatever desired, then wait until you can play as Jango Fett. A Clone will exclaim "Its Jango Fett! And he's brought his head!", referring to the scene in Star Wars: Episode 2 - Attack Of The Clones, when he was decapitated during the assault on Geonosis. Legendary rank bonus weapons Reach the Legendary rank in the indicated class to unlock the corresponding weapon: Frenzy: Elite Assault Rifle Regulator: Flechette Shotgun Demolition: Guidable Rockets Marksman: Particle Beam Rifle Gunslinger: Precision Blaster Technician: Vehicle Regen Low Resolution Soldiers Pause game play in single player mode then press Down(3), Up(2), Left, Down(5), Left, Up(3), Left. A sound will confirm correct code entry. Repeat the code to disable its effect. Medals and bonuses Complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding medal and bonus: Demolition: Guidable Rockets: Get four critical hits vs. vehicles in one life Endurance: Energy Recuperation: Get 8 points Frenzy: Elite Assault Rifle: Get twelve kills with a blaster rifle in one life Guardian: Shielding: Get 16 points Gunslinger: Precision Pistol: Get 6 kills with a pistol in one life Marksman: Particle Beam Rifle: Get 6 headshots with the sniper rifle in one life Regulator: Flechette Shotgun: Get eight kills with a shotgun in one life Technician: Vehicle Regen: Slice into a vehicle War Hero: Damage Increase: Get 24 points Party-time Jedi/wampa Hit Effects Pause game play in single player mode then press Up, Down, Left, Down, Left, Right. A sound will confirm correct code entry. Repeat the code to disable its effect. Rank list Earn the indicated number of medals in combat to advance to the next rank: Veteran: 6 medals Elite: 30 medals Legendary: 60 medals Ranks and bonuses Complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding bonus for that rank: Captain: Control 3 units: Have a total of 100 to 299 medals General: Control 4 units: Get over 300 total medals Private: Control 1 unit: Have less than 20 total medals Sergeant: Control 2 units: Have between 20 and 99 total medals Regenerate health and ammunition If there is an ammunition or medical droid on the other side of a thin wall (i.e. in space if you go into another hangar and the main room has thin separator walls between the doors and the droids), it can heal you through the wall. No one on the other side can shoot you unless they use a bomb, grenade, rocket, etc., which rarely happens. Repairing shields You can always repair your shields. Just use the torch, but do not get too close to the glass or it will not work. This takes awhile, but is helpful. Also on ground battles you can use the torch to slice (hijack) enemy vehicles. Ship list Bombers Republic: V Wing Empire: TIE Bomber CIS: Confederacy Strick Bomber Rebel: Y-Wing Scouts/Interceptors Republic: Jedi Interceptor Empire: TIE Interceptor CIS: Droid Tri- Fighter Rebel: A-Wing Starfighters Republic: ARC 170 Empire: TIE Fighter CIS: Vulture Droid Star FIGHTER Rebel: X-Wing Transports Republic: LAAT Gunship Empire: Imperial Shuttle CIS: Droid Gunship Rebel: Alliance Assault Craft Slow enemies from getting to their ships Get into a heavy transport (for example, a LAAT Gunship or Droid Gunship). Make sure no one else is in it except you, then fly over to the enemy hangar. Land and get into one of the scout fighters in that hangar (for example, a Jedi Starfighter or Tri-Fighter). Quickly fly back to your capital ship. To do this even more quickly, do the boost, and if the enemy frigates are not destroyed yet, fly out of the hangar, go down a good ways, then level your ship out again. When you have reached your hangar, land and see if your other transport is there. If it is, get in. Make sure no one is in it but you. Repeat the process described again. If it is not there, either just waste time and wait, or get into a X-Wing or ARC-170. There will now be two of your transports in the enemy ship, and they will spawn many of your men. By doing this, you have bought yourself lots of time to disable the enemy ship. It is important to make sure no one but you is in the ship because if someone else is in there they will not get out when you land; and if you get out, they will take off and crash. Slow Motion Sounds Pause game play in single player mode then press Up(3), Left, Up, Down, Up(2), Left, Down(3), Left, Up, Down(2), Left, Right. A sound will confirm correct code entry. This code cannot be disabled until the PSP is powered off. |
View: 6617 times |
Updated: 2006.02.19 |
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