Major League Baseball 2006 - PSP

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Major League Baseball 2006 - PSP
Name of the file: Major League Baseball 2006 - PSP - Author: ANO - [PSP]

Cheat mode
Enter "Derek Jeter" as a case-sensitive code to unlock all jerseys, stadiums, teams, arcade games, and cheats that can be purchased. This code unlocks six of the first seven skybox cheats.

Bouncy ball
Enter "Crazy Hops" as a case-sensitive code.

Crazy pitches
Enter "Unhittable" as a case-sensitive code.

Rocket arms
Enter "Gotcha" as a case-sensitive code.

Super wall climbs
Enter "Last Chance" as a case-sensitive code.

Topps 2K6 All-stars
Enter "Dream Team" as a case-sensitive code to unlock the Topps 2K6 All-stars.

View: 5734 times
Updated: 2006.07.08

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