Smash Court Tennis 3 - PSP

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Smash Court Tennis 3 - PSP
Name of the file: Smash Court Tennis 3 - PSP - Author: ANO - [PSP]

Galaga Tennis Racket
Win the U.S. National Open Grand Slam on the second year running and Hard mode of Galaga Tennis unlocked to unlock the Galaga Tennis Racket for purchase at the Pro Tour Shop for 18,000 points.

Outfit #5 for any player
Complete arcade mode with that character to unlock his 5th outfit.

Pac-Man Tennis Racket
Successfully complete one year of Pro Tour mode with two Grand Slam Titles (Lyon and Australian Open) won and Hard mode of Pac-Man Tennis unlocked to unlock the Pac-Man Tennis Racket for purchase at the Pro Tour Shop for 18,000 points.

Very Hard Mode for all different Training
Beating any opponent using any character in the respective Hard Mode version.

Very Hard Mode for Arcade
Complete arcade mode with any character on Hard Mode.

Very Hard Mode for Mini-Games
Beating any opponent using any character in Hard Mode.

View: 6959 times
Updated: 2007.08.23

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