Syphon Filter - PSP

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Syphon Filter - PSP
Name of the file: Syphon Filter - PSP - Author: ANO - [PSP]

All weapons and infinite ammo
Press Start, highlight Weapons and press Right + L2 + R2 + Square + Circle + X.

Hard Mode
At the New Game title screen press Left + L1 + R2 + Select + Square + Circle + X.

Movie Theater Mode
After jumping out of the saloon window, there is an alley ahead and to the left. Go down it, and you'll be in a cul-de-sac blocked off by burning cars (on the far side of the cars, some terrorists are shooting it out with some CBDC agents on the roof). You will see a movie theater across the street from the alley. Go up to the door, pause the game, and go to the Map. Press L2 + R1 + X + RIGHT. Gabe will say, ''Got it!'' Exit the menu and resume the game, and you will find Gabe inside the theater. Go around past the concession stand and enter the red-curtained door to the auditorium. The FMV movies will begin to play in succession. Warning: Some of the movies include spoilers.

One-Shot Kill
Pause the game, highlight Silenced 9mm and press Left + Select + Square + X + L1 + R2.

Stage Select
Press Start, choose Options, then highlight Select Mission and press Left + L1 + R1 + Select + Square + X.

Super ammunition
Start the game and hit pause. Then, highlight the map menu and press: right, R1, R2, X.

Weak Enemies
Pause the game, highlight Map and press Right + L1 + R1 + X.

View: 6204 times
Updated: 2007.08.23

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