MLB 08 : The Show - PSP

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MLB 08 : The Show - PSP
Name of the file: MLB 08 : The Show - PSP - Author: ANO - [PSP]

Enter the following codes for the desired effect.
* LEFT, RIGHT, UP, LEFT, RIGHT, UP, RIGHT, DOWN (Main Menu) - Unlock Classic free agents at the Player Movement Menu
* RIGHT, UP, RIGHT, DOWN, DOWN, LEFT, UP, DOWN (Main Menu) - Unlock Sliver Era and Golden Era Teams
* RIGHT, DOWN, UP, LEFT, RIGHT, LEFT, DOWN, UP (Pause Menu) - Big Ball
* RIGHT, LEFT, DOWN, UP, LEFT, UP, DOWN, LEFT (Pause Menu) - Big Head Mode
* LEFT, RIGHT, DOWN, UP, RIGHT, LEFT ,DOWN, LEFT (Pause Menu) - Small Head Mode

View: 15343 times
Updated: 2010.06.07

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