Simpsons Wrestling

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Simpsons Wrestling
Name of the file: Simpsons Wrestling - Author: ANO - [PSX]

Credit Gags and Programmers Message
Enter any of these codes codes at the Press Start Screen

Credit Gags:circle,L1,circle,L1,circle,R1,circle,R1

This code shows a funnier version of the credits sequence which is activated by choosing Credits at the Main Menu and the Credits Only show up as an option once you beat all three circuits

Programmers Message:square,circle,L1,R1

Press start while playing a match and when you pause the game,at the top of the menu will show the programmers message on the completion date of the game

Bonus wrestlers
Successfully complete the game in all three modes to unlock an option that allows you to play as Itchy & Scratchy for one level, Kang for another level, and Smithers for another level.

Bonus Match Up
At the Press Start screen, press Circle, Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right.

Ape Mode
Pause the game and then enter the following code....
Circle - L1 - Circle - R1 - Circle - L2 - Circle - R2

New Arena
Pause the game and then enter the following code....
Circle - R2 - R1 - Circle - R2 - R1
Then begin a new match, and you should be in a new arena

Wrestle as Bumblebee Man
Play through new challenger circuit mode and you will eventually fight Bumblebee Man. Defeat him and save the game to unlock him at the character selection screen.

Wrestle as Moe
Play through new challenger circuit mode and you will eventually fight Moe. Defeat him and save the game to unlock him at the character selection screen.

Character moves:
sNote: all throws are L1+

Occupation: A Bum
Hobbies: Drinking, beer, beer, drinking, drinking, more beer

Basic Attacks:
Duff Swipe Triangle
Duff Lob Square

Special Attack:
Toxic Belch Circle

Aerial Attacks:
Stomp Square
Forward Roll Triangle
Belly Flop Circle

Irish Whip Square
Face Chop Triangle
Overhead toss Circle

Quick tips:
Barney's toxic belch only harms your opponent, so try to lure them into the cloud to fight. Using his taunt renders your opponent dazed, so get in there and use them throw!


Occupation: Kwik E-Mart Owner
Hobbies: Working, tending to his roof top garden
Dislikes: Meat (he's a vegatarian)

Basic attacks:
Quick Jab Square
Super Squishee Triangle

Special Attacks:
Kick-Jab Flurry Circle

Aerial Attacks:
Stomp Square
Flying Kick Triangle
Somersault Drop Circle

Spinning Whip Square
Overhead Spin Triangle
Side Slam Circle

Quick Tips:
Apu is not a strong character, although he has an excellent special. He does have a good combo move, but its hard to actually get a chance to use it, so try attacking from the rear or the side.


Occupation: T.V Clown
Hobbies: Smoking, Drinking
Dislikes: Sideshow Bob

Basic Attacks:
Quick Punch Square
Custard Pie Triangle

Special Attack:
Mallet Smash Circle

Aerial Attacks:
Stomp Square
Spinning Stomp Triangle
Somersault Drop Circle

Spinning Whip Square
Knee Drop Triangle
Spinning Slam Circle

Quick Tips:
The mallet smash is tricky to control, but if you get multiple hits you'll do a fair amount of damage. Krusty's aerial attacks are powerful and hard to avoid, so utilise them to their full potential.


Occupation: School Groundkeeper
Hobbies: Ripping off his shirt, eating haggis, taping couples in cars.
Dislikes: Silk wearin' Croquet playin' buttercups, Principal Skinner.

Basic Attacks:
Rake Poke Square
Spin Kick Triangle

Special Attack:
Trap Drop Circle

Aerial Attacks:
Stomp Square
Rake Pogo Triangle
Head Dive Circle

Whip Square
Rake Slam Triangle
Overhead Throw Circle

Quick Tips:
Willies one of the toughest characters in the game. Use his throws as much as you can, as these will wear your opponent down. Also make use of the trap drop to litter the ring with hazards.


Occupation: Plant Worker
Hobbies: Eating, drinking Duff, bowling
Dislikes: Mr. Burns, Ned Flanders

Basic Attacks:
Quick Jab Square
Bowling Ball Triangle

Special Attacks:
Food Munch Circle

Aerial Attacks:
Stomp Square
Forward Roll Triangle
Belly Flop Circle

Irish Whip Square
Face Chop Triangle
Overhead Toss Circle

Quick Tips:
Despite his loveable nature, Homer isn't the most capable wrestler in the game. He lacks speed, with his most powerful attacks being his throws. With this in mind, stick to grappling, rather than the punch throwing.


Occupation: Schoolgirl
Hobbies: Playing her Sax, reading, playing with her Malibu Stacey dolls
Dislikes: War, meat, not having a pony, Bart

Basic Attacks:
Quick Punch: Square
Sax blast: Triangle

Arm Chew Circle

Aerial attacks:
Stomp Square
Forward roll Triangle
Butt drop Circle

Spinning whip Square
Sax smash Triangle
Face kick Circle

Quick tips:
She's small, but little Lisa can certainly hold her own. Lisa's quick around around the ring, which you can use to your advantage. Her arm chew is a very good move, so keep tapping circle to inflict more damage.


Game Shark Codes

North American Version

Unlock All Characters (GS 2.2 or Higher Needed) 50000404 0000
800741E8 0001
Unlock All Circuits 80072BF0 0001
80072BF2 0001

European and Australian (PAL) Version

Unlock All Characters 8002852E 2400
Infinite Health P1 8002EFC8 0DEC
8002EFCA 2699
8002EFD0 0004
8002EFD2 1724
Infinite Health P1 & One-Hit Kill P2 8002EFC8 0DEC
8002EFCA 2699
8002EFD0 0004
8002EFD2 1724
8002EFE2 AC60
P1's Wins Count For P2 8001D09A 2400
Infinite Health P2 8002EFC8 0DEC
8002EFCA 2699
8002EFD0 0004
8002EFD2 1324
Infinite Health P2 & One-Hit Kill P1 8002EFC8 0DEC
8002EFCA 2699
8002EFD0 0004
8002EFD2 1324
8002EFE2 AC60
P2's Wins Count For P1 8001D09A 1000
Infinite Health P1 & P2 8002EFE2 2400
One-Hit Kill P1 & P2 8002EFE2 AC60
Always Max Power P1 & P2 80037EEA 2400
80034756 2400
Hit Anywhere P1 & P2 8001F966 2400

View: 8097 times
Updated: 2004.02.25

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