Name of the file: Tenchu 2 : Birth Of The Stealth Assassins - Author: ANO - [PSX] |
Level select At the level selection screen, hold Select + Square + Circle and press Right(3), Up, Left, Down, R2. Note: More levels will become available if Tatsumaru has already been unlocked as a selectable character. For the European/Australian PAL version, highlight a blank mission ("-"), then hold Square and press Right, Left, Down. Release Square and hold Circle. Then, press Left, Right, Up. Hold Square + Circle (without releasing Circle) and press Up, Down. Restore health Pause the game, then hold Square and press Left, Right, Up, Down. Note: A perfect score cannot be achieved with the use of this code, as your character will be counted as spotted once in the final score when this code is used. For the European/Australian PAL version, pause the game, then hold Circle and press Left, Right, Up, Down. Instant kills in story mode (PAL version) Pause the game in story mode and press R1, L1, R1, L2. Then, hold Triangle and press Down(3), Up. When Triangle is released the game will restart, your health will go down slightly (98%), however you can now kill enemies instantly, even if you are spotted. All Ninja items At the item selection screen, press Square(3), Circle, Square, Circle(2), Left, Up, Down, Right, R2(2). For the European/Australian PAL version, press R2, L2, R2, L2 at the item selection screen. Then, hold Select and press Right, Left, Circle, Square, Down, Up(2). Increase items by one At the item selection screen, hold R1 + Square and press Right, Down, Left, Up. For the European/Australian PAL version, hold R1 + Circle and press Right, Down, Left, L1 at the item selection screen. Full map While playing a game, hold Select to display the map, then press Circle(5). For the European/Australian PAL version, press Select during a game to display the map, then hold Select + R1 and press Circle(5). Play as Tatsumaru At the level selection screen, hold Circle + Square and press R1, R2, L2, L1, Up, Down, Left, Right, Select to unlock Tatsumaru in the mission editor. Alternatively, successfully complete the game with both Rikimaru and Ayame. For the European/Australian PAL version, highlight another character, such as Ayame, then hold Circle + Square and press Right, Up, Left. While continuing to hold Circle + Square, also hold Down and press L1, L2. Continue to hold Circle + Square, release Down, and press Select. All missions in mission editor Enter the custom mission screen in the mission editor, then hold R2 + Circle and press Up, Down(2), Right, Left(2). Game levels in mission editor Enter the mission settings screen in the mission editor, then hold Circle and press Up(2), Down(2), Left, Right. Custom game levels in mission editor Enter the mission editor and highlight the "Edit Mission" option. Then, hold Circle and press Up(2), Down(2), Left, Right. If you entered the code correctly, you will hear a sound, and a CD icon will appear between "Edit Mission" and the memory card icon. For the European/Australian PAL version, enter the mission editor and highlight the "Edit Mission" option. Then, hold Square and press Up(2), Down(2), Left, Right. Office tileset in mission editor Enter the mission editor and select the "Edit Mission" option, then highlight the "New Mission" selection. Hold L2 and press Circle, Square, Left, Right, Circle, Square. If you entered the code correctly, you will hear a sound. Tenchu, Inc./Office in mission editor Enter the mission editor and highlight the "Create New Mission" option. Then, hold R2 and press Left, Square, Left, Square, Right(2), Circle. Press X and "Office" will be unlocked. Tenchu, Inc. will also be unlocked in "Custom Missions". European castle in mission editor Successfully complete the game with all three characters. More options in mission editor Simply advance in the game to get more options in the mission editor. As your character reaches new levels with new tilesets, the same tileset will then be available in the editor. Hints High jump If you are in certain levels (Quarantine Village, Laborers), you do not need a grappling hook to get on to the roof of a house. Run up to the wall, face it, and jump. Your character will jump twice the normal height of the usual jump and land on top of the roof without hanging on the side. Easy kills Hit an enemy who is not aware of your presence in the head with a blow gun dart to automatically kill them. Automatic stealth kill You do not need to pull out your weapons to perform a stealth kill. Run to the enemy and press Attack. Your weapons will instantaneously be drawn out, and you will perform the stealth kill. Stealth kills You can get the different stealth kills by being in the correct position in relation to the enemy. Easy stealth kills Sneak up from behind. Sneak up from behind and crouch. Jump on enemy, while pressing Attack in mid-air. Moderate stealth kills Sneak from the side. Hard stealth kills Sneak from front (or wait for them to turn around into you). Note: This must be timed perfectly. -------------------------------------------------------------------- U.S. version codes: Level select: At the level select screen, hold Select + Square + Circle and press Right, Right, Right, Up, Left, Down, R2. Unlock All Ninja Items: At item selection screen, press Square, Square, Square, Circle, Square, Circle, Circle, Left, Up, Down, Right, R2, R2. Increase Item Inventory by 1: At item selection screen, hold R1 and Square and press Right, Down, Left, Up. Show Entire Map: During the game, hold select to view the map and press Circle, Circle, Circle, Circle, Circle. Regain health: Pause the game, hold Square and press Left, Right, Up, Down. Play as Tatsumaru: The hard way: Beat the game with both Rikimaru and Ayame. The easy way: At the level select screen, hold Square + Circle and press R1, R2, L2, L1, Up, Down, Left, Right, Select. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mission Editor codes: More options: The farther you reach in the game, the more options you get in the mission editor. You can use the same tilesets in the mission editor from the current mission you are playing. Unlock All missions: At the Custom Mission screen, hold R2 and Circle and press Up, Down, Down, Right, Left, Left. Copy Missions from CD (U.S. Version): At the Mission Settings menu, hold Circle and press Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right. Copy Missions from CD (PAL version): At the Mission Settings menu, hold Square and press Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right. Office tileset: At Edit Mission screen, choose New Mission, hold L2 and press Circle, Square, Left, Right, Circle, Square. Tenchu, Inc. custom mission: Highlight Create New Mission. Hold R2 and press Left, Square, Left, Square, Right, Right, Circle. Press X. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PAL verison codes: Level select: At the level selection screen, highlight a blank mission, hold Square and press Right, Left, Down. Release Square and hold Circle. Then, press Left, Right, Up. Dont release Circle, press and hold Square as well and press Up, Down. Direct kills [story mode]: Pause and press R1, L1, R1, L2. Then, hold Triangle and press Down, Down, Down, Up. The game will restart. Unlock All Ninja Items: At the item selection screen, press R2, L2, R2, L2. Then, hold Select and press Right, Left, Circle, Square, Down, Up, Up. Increase Item Inventory by 1: At the item selection screen, hold R1 + Circle and press Right, Down, Left, L1. Show Entire Map: During the game, hold select to view the map and hold Select + R1 and press Circle, Circle, Circle, Circle, Circle. Regain health: Pause the game, hold Circle and press Left, Right, Up, Down Play as Tatsumaru: The hard way: Beat the game with both Rikimaru and Ayame. The easy way: Highlight a character, hold Circle + Square and press Right, Up, Left. Dont release Circle + Square, press and hold Down as well and press L1, L2. Keep holding Circle + Square, release Down, then press Select. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Game Shark Codes Invisible to Normal Enemies [Note] E008CDC8 0000 3008CDC8 0002 Press L1 + R1 to Carry All Items D00CE97A F3FF 8013F158 F001 D00CE97A F3FF 8013F15A F0F0 D00CE97A F3FF 8013F15C F0F0 D00CE97A F3FF 8013F15E F0F0 D00CE97A F3FF 8013F160 F0F0 D00CE97A F3FF 8013F162 F0F0 D00CE97A F3FF 8013F164 F0F0 D00CE97A F3FF 8013F166 F0F0 D00CE97A F3FF 8013F168 F0F0 D00CE97A F3FF 8013F16A F0F0 Ayame Codes Press Select For Healing Potion D00CE97A FFFE 80010036 F0FF Press Select For Ninja Rebirth D00CE97A FFFE 8001004A FFF0 Press Select For Blinding Dust D00CE97A FFFE 80010044 F0F0 Press Select For Air Bottle/Antidote D00CE97A FFFE 80010038 F0F0 Press Select For Throwing Stars/Caltrops D00CE97A FFFE 8001003A F0F0 Press Select For Grenade/Mine D00CE97A FFFE 8001003C F0F0 Press Select For Blow Gun/Exploding Arrow D00CE97A FFFE 8001003E F0F0 Press Select For Smoke Bomb/Poison Rice D00CE97A FFFE 80010040 F0F0 Press Select For Colored Rice/Ninja Camoflage D00CE97A FFFE 80010042 F0F0 Press Select For Leaves of Stealth/Dragon's Breath D00CE97A FFFE 80010046 FFF0 Press Select For Sleeping Gas/Ninja Armor D00CE97A FFFE 80010048 F0F0 Rikimaru Codes Press Select For Healing Potion D00CE97A FFFE 80010018 F0FF Press Select For Ninja Rebirth D00CE97A FFFE 8001002C FFF0 Press Select For Blinding Dust D00CE97A FFFE 80010026 F0F0 Press Select For Air Bottle/Antidote D00CE97A FFFE 8001001A F0F0 Press Select For Throwing Stars/Caltrops D00CE97A FFFE 8001001C F0F0 Press Select For Grenade/Mine D00CE97A FFFE 8001001E F0F0 Press Select For Blow Gun/Exploding Arrow D00CE97A FFFE 80010020 F0F0 Press Select For Smoke Bomb/Poison Rice D00CE97A FFFE 80010022 F0F0 Press Select For Colored Rice/Ninja Camoflage D00CE97A FFFE 80010024 F0F0 Press Select For Leaves of Stealth/Dragon's Breath D00CE97A FFFE 80010028 FFF0 Press Select For Sleeping Gas/Ninja Armor D00CE97A FFFE 8001002A F0F0 Note: You cannot use items when this code is enabled. |
View: 9763 times |
Updated: 2004.02.25 |
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