Tenchu : Stealth Assassins

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Tenchu : Stealth Assassins
Name of the file: Tenchu : Stealth Assassins - Author: ANO - [PSX]

Debug mode:
Press Start to pause game play. Hold L1 + R2 and press Up, Triangle, Down, X, Left, Square, Right, Circle. Release L1 + R2 and slowly press L1, R1, L2, R2. Wait a moment, then press Start followed by L2 + R2. A debug menu that allows invincibility, bonus weapons, enemy summoning, enemy AI toggles, FMV sequence skip, and other effects will appear.

Frame by frame
Enable any debug option, pause game play, and tap Select to move through the game frame by frame.
Two player mode
To set the game in two player mode, use the "Enemy" option to select any opponent. Select the "Pad-2" option to enable a second player. Keep moving away from the newly created player until a question mark appears near the health bar. Run back towards the newly created player. Both controllers may now be used to play the game in two player mode. Note: If either player leaves the screen, the second player will be canceled.

Restore health:
Press Start to pause game play, then press Left(2), Down(2), Square(2), Triangle, Square. The sound of a shout will confirm correct code entry. For the Japanese version, press Start to pause game play and press Up(2), Down(2), Left, Right, Left, Right, Square, Triangle. For the European/Australian PAL version press Start to pause game play, then press Square(2), Triangle(2), Right(2), Up, Left.

Carry up to 99 items:
Hold L1 and press Left(2), Down(2), Square(2), Triangle, Square at the item selection screen. The sound of a shout will confirm correct code entry. For the Japanese version, hold L1 and press Up(2), Down(2), Left, Right, Left, Right, Square, Triangle at the item selection screen. For the European/Australian PAL version, hold R2 and press Square(2), Triangle(2), Right(2), Up, Down at the item selection screen.

Increased item inventory:
Hold L2 and press Left(2), Down(2), Square(2), Triangle, X at the item selection screen. The sound of a shout will confirm correct code entry. One more of each item will be available every time this code is enabled. For the Japanese version, hold L2 and press Up(2), Down(2), Left, Right, Left, Right, Square, Triangle at the item selection screen. For the European/Australian PAL version, hold L2 and press Square(2), Triangle(2), Right(2), Up, Right at the item selection screen.

All weapons:
Hold L1 + R1 and press X, Triangle, Square, Triangle, Square, Circle at the item selection screen. Then, release L1 and press L1 again.

More types of items:
Hold R1 and press Left(2), Down(2), Square(2), Triangle, Circle at the item selection screen. The sound of a shout will confirm correct code entry. For the Japanese version, hold R1 and press Up(2), Down(2), Left, Right, Left, Right, Square, Triangle at the item selection screen. For the European/Australian PAL version, hold R1 and press Square(2), Triangle(2), Right(2), Up, Left at the item selection screen.

Level select:
Select a character, then hold R2 and press Left(2), Down(2), Square(2), Triangle, Square at the next screen (mission select). The sound of a shout will confirm correct code entry. For the Japanese version, select a character, then hold R2, and press Up(2), Down(2), Left, Right, Left, Right, Square, Triangle at that screen. For the European/Australian PAL version, hold R1 and Square(2), Triangle(2), Right(2), Up, Right at that screen.

Full map:
Hold Select during game play to display the map, then press Circle(5). Note: In the PAL version, press Select during game play to display the map, then hold Select +R1 and press Circle(5)

Layout select:
Select a character, then hold R1 and press Left(2), Down(2), Square(2), Triangle, X at the next screen (mission select). The sound of a shout will confirm correct code entry. For the European/Australian PAL version, hold R1 and press Square(2), Triangle(2), Right(2), Up, Right at that screen.

Enable Japanese voices:
Select a character, then hold L1 and press Left(2), Down(2), Square(2), Triangle, Circle at the next screen (mission select). The sound of a shout will confirm correct code entry. Note: Japanese voice effects will start after the first level; the narrative will remain in English. For the European/Australian PAL version, hold L1 and press Square(2), Triangle(2), Right(2), Up, Down at that screen.

Alternate Ayame costume:
Press Left(2), Down(2), Square(2), Triangle, Circle at the item selection screen as Ayame. The armor icon will automatically be selected. Begin game play as Ayame and select her third costume. For the European/Australian PAL version, press Square(2), Triangle(2), Right(2), Up, Right at that screen.

Alternate costumes:
Select either Rickimaru or Ayame, then successfully complete any level without being spotted or killing innocent people. Levels 1, 2, or 5 may be good choices to accomplish this. If done correctly a "Grandmaster" screen will appear after the level is completed. To use the alternate costumes, start the next level. When the item screen appears, look to the far right . If the object that appeared on the "Grandmaster" screen is available, select it to give Rikimaru or Ayame a new set of clothes.

Play as Onikage:
Enable the "Debug mode" code, access the debug screen, select "Charge Item", then "Kawarimi", then select "Full" (this item is the "Resurrection Leaf". Ayame or Rikymaru will have this item. If they are attacked by an enemy type will not be killed, and the game will not end. You will be able to play as Onikage in the levels which he appears (3,6,9 and 10). Enter the debug screen again, choose "Layout Enemy", then "Add", then choose "Ninja", and "Pad 1". Enter the debug screen again, select "Layout Enemy", then "Go". Walk in any direction far enough to let the normal play screen reappear Onikage. Enter the debug screen again, select "Layout Enemy", then "Select Camera Owner", then select the last number that appears on the second page of the "Camera Owner Screen" (except on level 10, where "23" should be selected because Onikage is not the final boss of this level). You will now be able to play as Onikage and see him as if you were playing with Rikymaru or Ayame. You can also add any item to Onikage, except the "Grappling Hook". However, you can use the item "The World" instead, which will move Onikage to the location at which you are aiming. This code can also be use for Lord Meyo (number 24 on level 10 only) or any other enemy that you know the "camera owner" number. Note: You must get the number of the enemy that you want to use correctly or the camera will go to another location in the level and you will have to redisplay the enemy that you were using and the get items again.

Two player mode:
Enable the "Debug mode" code. Choose to the "Add enemy" option. Set the enemy you selected to controller two, then kill him. Walk a short distance away. Go to debug mode, choose "Player" then "Restart event". Walk a little farther, then turn back. You now have two players in the game.

Hint: Defeating Onikage:
Select two to four grenades and two smoke bombs at the item screen. When fighting Onikage in level 6, throw one grenade and repeat until all of them are used. Throw one of the smoke bombs, do a three hit combo, throw the last smoke bomb, then do another three hit combo.

Use the following steps to easily defeat Onikage on level 10. When you encounter him midway through level 10, turn and run back the way you came from. Make sure he follows you through the large open courtyard and back to the stream. Stand right on the edge of the water and wait for Onikage to attack. He will leap at you and you must avoid him -- Press Down to block, so that he falls into the water. He is now defeated and you can save your strength for the final fight with Lord Meyo.

Hint: Moonsault move:
Press Up, Down, quickly followed by X.

Hint: Roll on floor:
Press Circle, Forward(2) to roll on the floor.

Hint: Flip Hit and Roll Slash moves:
Press Up, Down, Square to perform a Flip Hit with Ayame or a Roll Slash with Rikimaru.

Hint: Arm and head breaking move:
Attacking your opponent by the side while holding Square.

Hint: Front flip for Rickimaru or Ayame:
Quickly press Up(2), X while running. Rickimaru or Ayame will perform a front flip in the air.

Hint: Front back flip:
Press Down/Forward, then jump. This is a good move for tricking Bosses and enemies.

Hint: Uppercut:
Hold Circle + Square.

Hint: Silent quick dash:
Press Forward(2) to dash quickly and quietly towards an enemy. Note: You may also attack during the dash.

Hint: Quick training mode and grand master:
As soon as you have control of your character, jump over the block and go to the closest corner. Hold R1 + L1 to hide and look at the first man. When he is facing in the opposite direction of your character, run and kill him. Save stars when you do not need to use them. Quickly switch to the hook and aim (with Triangle) at the edge of the first cliff. Quietly do the same thing at the right corner edge of the second cliff. Now, holding on to the edge, scoot as far to the right as you can (you may be able to see through the wall). Make sure to know when to kill the second man. The third man is tricky. Move to the corner at the end Inside the hallway so you cannot be seen. Use L1 to look (while holding R1) at this man's route. Squat down and jump into where he is located; behind him and quickly kill him. Quietly climb using hook to corner. Look around when the man is closest and turn around kill him. Squat to the edge about a half-foot away from it -- just as long as you can see the man below. When he turns from the light, jump down and kill him. Immediately go back and (you may have to climb back up) so as not to be seen. If you are, just wait until the meter is blue. Sneak behind the archer and kill him. Run to the shadowy part of the first big step, jump up, hang on the second one, and wait till the last man has turned away. Quickly jump up, kill him, and run into the "river room" to receive praise.

Hint: Grandmaster on level 2 (Deliver the Secret Message):
Note: this trick requires two items, the chameleon scroll from level 8 and the lightfoot scroll from level 1. You will need two of each of them. At the item selection screen, choose two of each of the aforementioned items, then begin game play. Get as close to the main road as you can without being seen. Use one of your chameleon scrolls. Move into the center of the road and face the direction you need to go (probably to your left). Be careful, because dogs can see past the chameleon spell. Activate the lightfoot scroll, and when its power ends, keep running until you reach the cart. Even though your chameleon scroll has not worn off yet, use your other one. Then use your other lightfoot scroll. This should take you to the middle of the bridge at the end of the level. Keep running to the end, and you will have gotten Grandmaster with 400 points, all of them for not being seen. Note: A variant of this strategy will also work with level 7 (Destroy the Foreign Pirate).

Hint: Grandmaster on level 3:
Start out in the forest, then turn left until you reach a forest wall. Find the cave and kill the man inside. Killing silently is preferred, as you need to get 400 points and above to get the scroll. There should be a health potion located here. Continue and kill all the men you meet on the way. If you encounter wolves, wait for them to run toward you. When they reach the range of your sword, slice them. After passing all the caves you should reach the last cave. Be careful here, as most of the enemies are tricky. Using caution, kill all the men, silently if possible, and watch out for the pitfalls. You will reach a bridge that is made of rock. Take care, as the bridge is the most dangerous location. When you reach the middle of the bridge, you should see two doors. Jump to the one on the right. Be very careful -- if you miss you are history. The best way to jump over is to double flip. You will now be in the Boss area. There are three men in this area. One is in the lane you are going to walk to. One of the other two is guarding a health potion. Kill him and get the potion. Find a lane that has two candles together. Go up a short distance and attract the bear. Kill the bear by chopping him three times and back flip when he is trying to attack. After the bear is dead, approach and kill the main Boss. Watch his attacks. Evade the first attack -- it is deadly. If you get hit, go down, use the health potion, then repeat the same technique of killing the bear. If you are lucky, you should get the scroll. It will increase your power and strength.

Hint: Grandmaster on level 9 (Reclaim the Castle):
At the start of the level, turn to the right and rope up to the top of the wall. Turn left and run the length of the wall, heading towards the castle. Watch out for the guard on the bridge to your left. Kill him/her (depending on the layout) if you like, but be absolutely certain that you are not seen. From the wall, rope up to the outside of the tower. There should be three levels. The first two will be no problem to scale with the rope. To get to the top level, you will need to back up as far as possible on the level below it, and then rope straight up. You may need to turn yourself a bit to make the rope stick, but with a little practice this should be no problem. Once on the top level, you can fight Onikage. You will end up with 405 points (400 for not being seen + 5 for defeating Onikage), which is enough for Grandmaster. Your prize is the dog bone,which summons an attack dog.

Hint: Quicker way to the summit on level 8:
There is a quicker way to get to the summit on level 8 (Cure the Princess). As you are about to enter the second cave (that leads to the summit), stop at the mouth on that ledge. Turn towards the cliff face on your right (so that the mouth of the cave is to your left). Back up as far as you can without falling off the ledge. Activate your ninja rope and aim it as far up the cliff in front of you as possible and release it. If you are successful, this will take you up right next to the summit, making you move just a little bit to complete the level.

Hint: Using the chameleon spells:
Pick the chameleon spell at the inventory screen. Since the game will only increase these extra items when they are below three, select the spell at least three times. An effective way to reach grandmaster ranking is to have 99 chameleon spells and to use them every time someone is killed to avoid being detected.

Hint: Decapitating enemies:
Use a chameleon spell and walk directly up to the target. Jump in front of the target and slash him with the death blow (Square). Most of the time, this will result in a decapitation.

Hint: Debug mode weapons:
The following is a list of the weapons that can be obtained in debug mode. Note: The American version retains Japanese names for the weapons.

Japanese name English translation
Shuriken Standard Shuriken
Smoke Standard Smoke Bomb
Makibisi Standard Caltrops
Fire Standard Grenade
Jirai Standard Mine
Kusuri Standard Health Potion
Kaginawa Standard Ninja Rope
Gun Gun (quite deadly)
Yumi Arrows (also quite deadly)
Kaen Fire (useless ?)
Dokudango Standard Poison Rice
Rikimarukochan Shadow Decoy
Gosikimai Standard Colored Rice
Happou Super Shuriken
Ninken Attack Dog
Nemurigusuri Sleeping Potion
Kaengeki Fire Breathing Scroll
Kawarimi Resurrection Leaf
Goshinfuda Protection Amulet
Manebue Animal Call
Hensin Chameleon Scroll
Shinsoku Lightfoot Scroll
Lightning Bolt Lightning Bolt (what Lord Mei-oh uses on level 10)
The World Teleportation

Glitch: Missing legs:
Enter the water, go into debug mode, and reset to the beginning of the level. Your legs will be missing. To get your legs back, go in the water again and go out as usual, or blow yourself up.

View: 9628 times
Updated: 2004.02.25

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