The Smurfs

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The Smurfs
Name of the file: The Smurfs - Author: ANO - [PSX]

Level Select:
Select "New Game" and then "It's no picnic" difficulty. Press X and on the next screen, after the video, enter L1, Up, Up, Down, Up, Left, Left, Up, R2.

The Smurfs has a built-in tutorial, so there's not really much left to the imagination. Play through the first 7 levels and the next 12 should be a breeze. Because the game is linear, make sure you collect as many candies, cakes, and crescent moons as possible for extra lives and a date with Smurfette. Remember to keep switching over to the Baby Smurf screen to see how he's doing.

View: 6496 times
Updated: 2004.02.25

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