Twisted Metal 2

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Twisted Metal 2
Name of the file: Twisted Metal 2 - Author: ANO - [PSX]

Play as Sweet Tooth:
Press Up, L1, Triangle, Right at the vehicle selection screen. The sound of an explosion will confirm correct code entry. The stage password will not be accessible with this code.

This code is actually visible in the game. Begin game play in New York City and go by the pool. There are red lights that spell out the code on the side that has the portal (not in the glass). Go off the edge to see it.

Play as Minion:
Press L1, Up, Down, Left at the vehicle selection screen. The stage password will not be accessible with this code.

Homing napalm:
Accumulate at least two napalms. Fire a napalm, keep the button held, and press Up, Down(2), Left(3), Right(2). Extra napalms will appear in your inventory to confirm correct code entry. Any napalms collected will act as homing napalms when fired and track their intended target.

God mode:
Hold L1 + R1 + L2 + R2 and quickly press Up, Down, Left, Right(2), Left, Down, Up during game play for eternal life (invincibility) and unlimited weapons. A sound and text message will confirm correct code entry.

Unlimited weapons:
Hold R2 + L2 and quickly press Up, Down, Left, Right(2), Left, Down, Up. during game play. A sound and text message will confirm correct code entry.

Shoot'em, lose'em:
Hold R2 + L2 and quickly press Up, Down, Left, Right(2), Left, Down, Up. during game play. Wait a few seconds, then repeat the code again. A sound and text message will confirm correct code entry. Note: This code disables unlimited ammunition.

Mega guns:
Hold R2 and quickly press Up, Down, Left, Right(2), Left, Down, Up during game play in two player co-operative tournament mode. A sound and text message will confirm correct code entry.

Power hit:
Select Axel as a character. Hold R1 and quickly press Up, Down, Left, Right(2), Left, Down, Up during game play. Run into one of the other vehicles to do massive damage.

Stronger shock wave:
Select Axel as a character. Hold R2 and quickly press Up, Down, Left, Right(2), Left, Down, Up during game play. Run into one of the other vehicles to do massive damage.

Random vehicle:
Press R1 at the vehicle selection screen.

Rooftop extra track:
Press Down, Left, R1, Down at the two player challenge match track select screen. A loud noise will confirm correct code entry.

Jet Moto Suicide Swamp extra track:
Press Up, Down, Right, R1 at the two player challenge match track select screen A loud noise will confirm correct code entry.

Cyburbia track:
Press Down, Up, L1, R1 at the two player challenge match track select screen. A loud noise will confirm correct code entry.

Trade weapons for health:
Press Down, Up, Right, Left, Up(2), Down(2) during game play. All weapons will be converted to health.

Weapon list:
Press Select + Down to select weapons from a list instead of a group of icons. A loud noise will confirm correct code entry.

Rear view mirror:
Press Select + Right during game play.

Disable radar:
Press Select + Left during game play.

Select view:
Hold Up and press Select during game play in one player mode to switch to a helicopter and an overhead view. In two player mode, this will select how the screen is split.

Bonus audio:
Play track two of the game disc in an audio CD player to hear music from the game.

Custom game music:
Press Start during game play. Replace the game disc with an audio CD of your choice. Wait for the PlayStation to load the CD. Resume game play to hear the music from the CD. Note that this will randomly select a song and the game disc must be replaced before changing levels.

Hint: Antarctica:
When in Antarctica, enable the "God mode" code. Go to any part of the island, drop and detonate two to four Remote Bombs. This will speed up the process of that part of the island falling off.

Glitch: Invisibility:
Use the invincibility attack when you complete any level (after killing all your enemies). If done correctly, you will be invisible for the rest of the game. Note: This requires precise timing.

Glitch: Wrong code secret:
In the Paris level is a Mona Lisa painting in the tower with the teleporter pad. if you burn down the painting, a code will appear (Up, Down, L1, R1). This code is an error by Single Trac, the developers of the game. It was intended to be the code to unlock the Cyburbia hidden level (Down, Up, L1, R1), but they made a mistake and switched directions. The incorrect code will not unlock a hidden FMV sequence, as popularly rumored.

Special attacks:
Freeze ball Left, Right, Up
Napalm Right, Left, Up
Jump Up(2), Left
Shield Up(2), Right
Rear Attack Left, Right, Down
Mines Right, Left, Down
Invisibility (three seconds) Right, Down, Left, Up
Minion Attack Up, Down, Up(2), Fire
Rear Freeze Left, Right, Down, Left, Right, Up
Rear Napalm Left, Right, Down, Right, Left, Up

Note: Minion's Attack can be used by any vehicle.

Level Password
Moscow X, Triangle, X, X, _, _
Paris Circle, Triangle, Square, _, Triangle, _
Amazonia Triangle, Triangle, Square, Circle, Circle, _
New York _, Triangle, Square, Square, X, _
Antarctica X, X, Triangle, Square, Triangle, Circle
Holland Circle, X, Circle, Triangle, Circle, Circle
Hong Kong Triangle, X, Circle, X, X, Circle
Dark Tooth Triangle, Square, Triangle, Square, _, Square

Moscow Triangle, X, Circle, _, _, _
Paris X, Triangle, Circle, Square, Square, Circle
Amazonia _, X, Circle, Circle, Triangle, Circle
New York Circle, Triangle, X, Circle, _, Square
Antarctica X, Square, Square, Circle, _, Triangle
Holland Triangle, Triangle, X, Square, Circle, Triangle
Hong Kong Circle, Square, Square, Circle, X, Triangle
Dark Tooth X, _, X, Square, Square, _

Moscow _, Triangle, X, X, X, _, Square
Paris _, X, Triangle, Square, X, Triangle
Amazonia Triangle, _, _, _, X, Circle
New York Triangle, Triangle, X, Triangle, X, X
Antarctica Triangle, X, Triangle, Circle, X, Square
Holland Triangle, Square, Square, X, Square, _
Hong Kong Circle, Triangle, Circle, Square, Square, Triangle
Dark Tooth Circle, Circle, Circle, _, Triangle, X

Mr. Grimm
Moscow Triangle, Triangle, X, X, Circle, _
Paris Circle, X, Triangle, Circle, Triangle, X
Amazonia X, Circle, Circle, Triangle, Triangle, Triangle
New York Triangle, _, _, Circle, X, Circle
Antarctica Circle, Triangle, X, Triangle, X, _
Holland X, X, Triangle, _, Circle, X
Hong Kong _, X, Circle, Triangle, Square, Square
Dark Tooth _, Square, Triangle, Circle, Circle, Triangle

Mr. Slam
Moscow X, X, Triangle, Square, X, _
Paris X, _, _, Circle, X, Square
Amazonia Circle, Triangle, Square, _, Square, X
New York Triangle, X, Circle, Square, _, Circle
Antarctica Triangle, _, Triangle, Circle, Triangle, Triangle
Holland _, Circle, _, _, Circle, _
Honk Kong Square, _, _, Triangle, _, Triangle
Dark Tooth Square, _, Square, Triangle, Circle, X

Outlaw 2
Moscow _, X, Circle, _, Triangle, _
Paris Triangle, Triangle, X, Circle, Triangle, _
Amazonia Triangle, Square, Square, Square, Triangle, _
New York Circle, X, Triangle, Triangle, Triangle, _
Antarctica X, Triangle, Circle, X, Triangle, _
Holland X, Square, Square, _, Triangle
Hong Kong _, Triangle, X, Square, X, X
Dark Tooth _, Circle, X, _, Triangle, _

Road Kill
Moscow Circle, X, Triangle, Square, Square, _
Paris Triangle, _, Triangle, _, _, Circle
Amazonia X, X, Triangle, Circle, Square, Triangle
New York Circle, _, _, X, _, X
Antarctica _, Triangle, Square, X, Circle, _
Holland X, _, _, Triangle, _, Square
Hong Kong Triangle, Triangle, Square, Triangle, Circle, Triangle
Dark Tooth Triangle, Circle, X, Triangle, Square, X,

Moscow Square, _, _, Triangle, Triangle, _
Paris X, Triangle, X, Square, Circle, Triangle
Amazonia X, X, Circle, _, Triangle, X
New York X, _, _, X, Circle, Square
Antarctica Circle, X, Circle, Circle, X, Circle
Holland Circle, Triangle, Square, Triangle, Square, _
Hong Kong Circle, _, Triangle, _, Square, X
Dark Tooth Circle, Triangle, _, Triangle, Circle, _

Moscow Circle, Triangle, X, X, Triangle, _
Paris _, Triangle, Square, Circle, Circle, X
Amazonia Circle, X, Triangle, Square, Triangle, X
New York _, X, Circle, X, X, Triangle
Antarctica X, _, _, _, Circle, Triangle
Holland Triangle, _, _, Square, X, Square
Hong Kong X, Triangle, X, Triangle, Circle, Square
Dark Tooth X, Circle, Circle, Circle, _, Triangle

Moscow Circle, _, _, Triangle, X, _
Paris X, Square, Square, Circle, Circle, Triangle
Amazonia Triangle, X, Circle, _, Square, _
New York X, X, Triangle, Triangle, X, Triangle
Antarctica Triangle, Triangle, Square, _, _, _
Holland X, Triangle, X, _, Square, Triangle
Hong Kong Triangle, _, _, Square, Triangle, _
Dark Tooth Triangle, _, Square, Square, X, Circle

Moscow X, _, _, Triangle, Circle, _
Paris Triangle, X, Circle, Circle, X, Triangle
Amazonia _, Triangle, Square, X, Square, Circle
New York X, Triangle, X, Circle, X, _
Antarctica Circle, _, _, X, Square, Triangle
Holland _, X, X, _, _, Circle
Hong Kong X, X, Triangle, X, Square, _
Dark Tooth X, Square, _, Square, Triangle, Circle

Moscow Triangle, _, _, Triangle, Square, _
Paris Triangle, Square, Square, Square, X, Square
Amazonia Circle, Square, Square, Circle, X, X
New York X, Square, Square, _, X, Circle
Antarctica _, X, Circle, Triangle, _, Square
Holland Triangle, X, Triangle, Square, _, X
Hong Kong Circle, X, Triangle, Circle, _, Circle
Dark Tooth Circle, Square, Space, Circle, Circle, Square

Note: "_" indicates a space.

View: 20295 times
Updated: 2004.02.25

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