Ultimate Fighting Championship : Throwdown

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Ultimate Fighting Championship : Throwdown
Name of the file: Ultimate Fighting Championship : Throwdown - Author: ANO - [PSX]

Big John McCarthy:
Successfully complete all challenges and unlock all hidden moves as Mario Yamasaki. Then, highlight Mario Yamasaki and hold L1 at the character selection screen.

Bruce Buffer:
Win the Gold belt in UFC mode with a default character.

Dana White:
Successfully complete all challenges and unlock all hidden moves as Lorenzo Fertita. Then, highlight Lorenzo Fertita and hold L1 at the character selection screen.

Lorenzo Fertitta:
Win the Gold belt in UFC mode with a created character.

Mario Yamasaki:
Win the Gold belt with a default lightweight character. Alternately, get to the game over screen fifty times.

Ring Card girl 1:
View the complete between-round highlights and card girls walk around octagon 100 times.

Ring Card girl 2:
Successfully complete all challenges and unlock all hidden moves as Ring Card girl 1. Then, highlight Ring Card girl 1 and hold L1 at the character selection screen.

Kung-Fu fighting style:
Successfully complete career mode with a kick boxer.

Karate fighting style:
Successfully complete career mode with a created Sumo fighter.

Nin-Jitsu fighting style:
Successfully complete career mode with a karate fighter.

Silver belt:
Complete UFC mode with a default or created character to win the Silver belt.

Gold belt:
Win the Silver belt with a character, then enter UFC mode. Select the Free Weight option, then select the character with the Silver belt. Complete UFC mode again to win the Gold belt.

View: 7617 times
Updated: 2004.02.25

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