Unreal Tournament

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Unreal Tournament
Name of the file: Unreal Tournament - Author: ANO - [PSX]

Save the game and return to the main menu. Select the "Resume Game" option, then highlight the previously saved game and press Up, Down(2), Up, Left, Up, Right, Down.

Fatboy Mutator
At the title screen, press Circle(3), Up, Down(2), Up, Circle(3). Select multi-player mode and choose the Fatboy Mutator. Get killed to have the new Mutator get thinner. Get a kill to have the Mutator get bigger.

Bonus levels
Successfully complete the game on the inhuman difficulty setting to unlock 7 death match and 4 capture the flag levels. No additional two player levels will be unlocked.

Firewire multi-player mode
Note: This trick requires a four port Firewire PC hub. Use Firewire cables to connect the iLink port of one to three more PlayStation 2 consoles to the hub. Pause the game in two player multi-player mode and press Left, Circle, Left, Right, Square, Right. Have all players press Start at the waiting screen.

USB multi-player mode
Note: This trick requires a USB keyboard and USB mouse. Change the controller configuration to set the keyboard to player three and the mouse to player four. The game can now by played with four players.

Unlimited Health:
At main menu press Up, Down, Up, Down, Up, Down, Up, Down, X. Watch for a shaking screen. This will confirm that you did it right. Now start a new game and beat the first level and save. Now load your game, when you start you should have unlimited health

Gatling Gun from Wolfenstein:
Bring yourself to the title screen and hold down Select and press Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, Square, Triangle, Square, Triangle, Start. You will start with the nice weapon.

God mode:
Pause the game and press Square, Circle, Left, Right, Circle, Square.

Max ammo:
Pause the game and press Left, Right, Circle, Circle, Circle, Right, Left.

All Weapons
Pause gameplay and press Left, Circle, Right, Square, Right, Left

All characters
Pause the game and press Left(2), Circle(2), Right, Left, Circle.

Level skip:
Pause the game and press Up, Down, Left, Right, Right, Left, Circle.

Level Select:
Save your game and go back to the main menu. Once you are at the resume game screen, highlight your saved game and press Up, Down, Down, Up, Left, Up, Right, Down.

Unlock Fatboy Mutator:
Go to the title screen and press Circle, Circle, Circle, Up, Down, Down, Up, Circle, Circle, Circle.

Unlock Stealth Mutator:
Go to the title screen and press Square, Square, Circle, Circle, Square, Square, Circle, Circle.

Unlock Big Head Mutator:
Go to the title screen and press Left, Right, Left, Right, Left, Right, Circle, Circle, Circle.

999 Redeemers
Enable the "Invincibility" code when in the Face's Of World level for capture the flag. Get the Redeemer from the middle of either castle. They are found on the left hyper link. Then enable the "Maximum ammunition" code to get 999 Redeemers. Fall out of space and you will not die. Just press R2 to shoot the controllable rocket.

View: 7483 times
Updated: 2004.02.25

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